看板 Liu 關於我們 聯絡資訊
when i type 纍, QQQS, it tell me no this word but when i use 嘸蝦米查碼程式, it tell me, it real decoded QQQS why? however i use qsv, it can be input and liu6.0 1.it can't use CapsLock to switch Chinese/Engli 2.It can't input chinese in vista (dos) will they be implemented in the future?(because 5.7b has these function!) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
solaris10:仔細看一下查碼程式 http://liu.twbbs.org/_DUT 11/27 15:48
solaris10:試用版那一欄沒有 QQQS 這種打法,只有 QSV 11/27 15:49
haomin:tks. for solaris10 When i switch to retail ed. It'ok 11/28 00:04
haomin:but my retail ed. had performance issue(see NO.2819) 11/28 00:08
haomin:so, i must use a trial edition instead of retail ed. 11/28 00:09
boshiamyprog:不好意思 6.0目前沒有DOS輸入和大寫鍵切換 ^^b 11/28 07:08