看板 LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
雖然板上大部分的人都不需要這東西 不過我覺得這對新手來說還蠻重要的 這東西追究他的細分方向會沒完沒了 看個大概讓心裡有個底就好 This list is made for people who are already playing draft mode inhouses, but are sometimes confused on what heros counter what heros. This list is intended to help players learn how to play as a strong unit, and adjust from having a "carry solo Q" mentality. *Note that some heros are mentioned under a few different roles* MAIN TANKS Offensive-Tanks: Amumu, Malphite, Shen, Blitzcrank Defensive-Tanks: Alistar, Gragas Anti-Caster Tanks: Cho'Goth OFF-TANKS AoE Off Tanks: Nassus, Rammus, Mordekaiser, Cho'goth Single Target Off Tanks: Poppy, Singed, Dr. Mundo, Sion, Blitzcrank, Taric CASTERS Inital Area of Effect Casters: Fiddlesticks, Nunu, Pantheon, Katarina, Ryze, Gangplank, Annie, Ezreal Secondary Area of Effect Casters: Twitch, Katarina, Morgana, Karthus, Anivia, Annie, Corki, Kennen Anti-Caster Specialists: Veigar, Kassadin RANGED DPS Power-Carries: Ashe, Trist Circumstantial Carries: Corki, Twitch, Twisted Fate Scouts/Laning Phase Specialists: Teemo, Niadlee, Twisted Fate MELEE DPS Intial DPS: Jax, Tryndamere, Garen, Master Yi, Warwick, Udyr, Secondary DPS (clean-up): Gangplank, Akali, Garen, Shaco, Nidalee, Katarina, Evelynn Laning Phase Gankers: Evelynn, Shaco SUPPORT HEROS Supporters of Physical Dps: Ezrael, Sivir, Kayle, Janna, Zilean, Morgana, Taric Supporters of Casters: Morgana, Kayle, Zilean, Soraka Pure Healer Support: Soraka Early Baron Heros: Mundo, Poppy, Nassus, Amumu, Warwick, Sivir, Janna, Ezrael Strong Jungle Heros: Warwick, Udyr, Maphite,Rammus, Amumu, Shaco, Master Yi, Main Tanks- In a team fight, these are the guys that will lead the entire group. All players should position themselves so that they can use their ultimates at a moments notice to help the tanks. Offensive tanks are the ideal "pack leaders". Defensive tanks are more useful when trying to counter the other champions while protecting allied champions. An example of this would be Alistar headbutting a fiddlesticks away. Anti Caster tanks specialize in shutting down heavy caster teams, while still being able to lead a group. Off-Tanks: Off-tanks are not quite the pack leader, but they support the main tanks. They usually lack the CC needed to aid allies. However, they bring powerful dps to a team fight, and are not afraid to take damage like the squishies of the team. These tanks help position allied squishies, because they are able to stand inbetween enemy heros and allied heros. Casters: Casters are a main source of aoe damage. Inital AOE casters take priority in intiating a fight, after a tank has aquired a target. They are to co-op with the tank in order to deal massive amounts of aoe damage. An example would be as fiddle begins to ult, a main tank will see this and then begin his CCing, such as an amumu ult or a shen taunt. Secondary AOE casters usually come in after the initial AOE casters. They have valuable damage, but are best used after the intial AOE casters make their move. An example of this would be Kennen. Because his AoE damage is a tiny bit weaker than a fiddles ult, and he is weak to CC, he should go in after intial AOE. Secondary aoe somtimes prove secondary stuns as well, such as a kennen or morgana ministun. Ranged DPS: These guys are basiclly auto attackers. While some offer valuable CC, most of them revolve around bursting down targets one by one. Power Carries tend to have the strongest auto attacks, while others offer circumstantial power, such as secondary aoe damage, or scouting abilities. Melee Dps: The intial dps are the ones who can go in first. Usually they are able to survive longer than other melee dps. For example, tryndamere can ult mid battle, and yi can cast meditate if he gets in trouble. Secondary Melee DPS, usually fall too fast to be a front line dps, so they are usually assigned to "clean-up"duty. Evelynn and Shaco are what i call laning phase gankers, because they rely on ganking during the laning phase, before team fights begin. Support: These champions are pretty hard to define, because they have roles that vary so greatly. However, they should be in the "middle" of the group, so they can support whoever needs it most, be it tank or an ashe in the back of the group. I listed Junglers under support because they give the team the advantage of having two solo lanes. I listed Early baron under support, because they help to make baron a possibility before level 10. -- ╭─────────────────╮ │ An unknown error has occurred │ │ ┌──────┐ ┌────┐ │ │ │Show Details│ │ Close │ │ │ └──────┘ └────┘ │ └─────────────────┘ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
i14d14 :先承認你是來秀簽名黨的 05/27 10:42
bowplayer :這簽名檔.....wwwwwwwww 05/27 10:58
Dolacone :先承認你們只看簽名檔吧XD 05/27 11:06
qwzx8888 :Pantheon被分在Inital Area of Effect Casters!? XD 05/27 11:15
wulouise :pan真的只放在caster耶XDD 05/27 11:25
Dolacone :聽說戳戳看mr 05/27 11:31
Istari :簽名檔XD 原來initial是只在坦克後第二個攻擊的我一 05/27 11:34
Istari :直以為是第一個攻擊 害我想說Ez這麼薄要怎麼initial 05/27 11:34
MoneyMonkey :ashe與其說是DPS, 不如說是牽制、騷擾、輔助 05/27 11:35
MoneyMonkey :爆發力實在不足啊。 05/27 11:36
kafka0 :我也覺得Ashe和tristana兩個角色差很多... 05/27 11:38
slam :原來ashe R起手沒有爆發力? 0.0 05/27 11:50
wulouise :五秒一發跟一秒五發的差別 05/27 12:16
Xavy :為什麼物理support有morg? 05/27 12:25
Tyrannus :樓下sigma ^_^ 05/27 12:26
wulouise :morg物理不知道要怎麼走..大概靠盾吧XD 05/27 12:51
bowplayer :為什麼副坦沒有火甲Morgana...(拖走) 05/27 12:56
superxk :Ashe 打人根本不痛 說是控場角還差不多 05/27 12:57
yinbunbun :ashe的R通常是暈來給隊友殺的 :P 05/27 12:58
superxk :對阿 偽DPS 05/27 13:01
Dolacone :ashe is fine 05/27 13:02
barton :ashe打人不痛?樓上都是遇到noob ashe嗎 05/27 13:03
barton :teleport,WR同時發射,Q點下去,5秒收工 05/27 13:04
Xavy :這是對手noob吧 . 05/27 13:07
yaqw :自己玩法有問題 還嫌ashe打人不痛 你要不要檢查檢查? 05/27 13:28
kimoboy :ASHE肥起來真的很痛...我的ASHE拿過26殺~~~XD 05/27 13:29
kimoboy :RYZE關我+彈球~球還沒彈完我就先射爆他了~XD 05/27 13:30
kemono :哪個角色肥起來打人不痛 XD 05/27 13:30
Xavy :soraka吧 我想 05/27 13:34
SaZib :我看過IE + 冰錘的Soraka 05/27 13:35
kemono :肥起來就是靠Build跟等級去壓了…吧 05/27 13:45
u3mow2000 :ashe其實真的很痛 還沒貼上去之前就被他先手好幾箭 05/27 13:45
MoneyMonkey :Tris、wick、Teemo、Yi、Jax...... 跟這些比起來, 05/27 14:04
MoneyMonkey :Ashe真的不是很痛。 05/27 14:04
Dolacone :ashe強多了 05/27 14:04
MoneyMonkey :強跟傷害高是不同的,進一步說,Ashe比Jax強嗎 ? 05/27 14:06
yaqw :岳飛打張飛 打個屁洨 05/27 14:07
MoneyMonkey :比warwick強嗎? 比Twisted Fate強嗎? 比Alistar強嗎? 05/27 14:07
Dolacone :恩,傷害比較高,整體也比較強 05/27 14:08
MoneyMonkey :啊.....呃..... 你指的傷害是撐線跳恰恰的傷害,還是 05/27 14:09
MoneyMonkey :會戰未發生前的削血 ? 05/27 14:09
Dolacone :會戰前、中、後 推塔前、中、後 都是 05/27 14:10
Dolacone :撐線前、中、後 也是 05/27 14:11
MoneyMonkey :你是認真的 !? Ashe沒有爆發力沒有脫逃技沒有接近技 05/27 14:12
MoneyMonkey :裝備相近的情況下是要贏哪隻 ? 05/27 14:13
Dolacone :同等裝備打那幾隻都沒難度啊 05/27 14:14
MoneyMonkey :對不起,我不說了,我口氣跟禮貌都太糟。 05/27 14:15
hawk7130 :駕駛員問題 ashe可以kite到天荒地老沒問題 05/27 14:15
Dolacone :又該說,ASHE的機體能力,只有賺到同等,還算有點弱 05/27 14:15
Istari :不知道soraka走傷害裝會有多痛XD 05/27 14:15
barton :隊友的心比較痛XD 05/27 14:24
barton :另外除了也很肥的TF外,ww跟牛對ashe根本不是問題 05/27 14:27
Dolacone :TF射程比ashe短 抽牌的時候用W kite 05/27 14:29
Dolacone :沒牌就開始硬射 發生失誤就R 05/27 14:29
barton :其實買了Banshee後都不是問題,ww更只能吃屎 05/27 14:29
lazarus1121 :ASHE除了壓線不強 但暈和緩在會戰頗重要的 05/27 14:29
barton :TF我只怕他傳送偷殺,面對面的確不是問題 05/27 14:30
barton :不過remark後R可能在接近戰會失去效果,有待觀察 05/27 14:31
yzpdal :LAZA的壓線定義是什麼,掃兵嗎? 05/27 14:32
lazarus1121 :生存能力 05/27 14:33
superxk :真是對不住~我遇到的都是Noob Ashe 自己的裝也會檢討 05/27 14:37
superxk :那可否請析一下Ashe的天生技能傷害強在哪裡? 05/27 14:38
superxk : 分 05/27 14:38
barton :最直接的當然是寶貴的人生第一發XD 05/27 14:40
yaqw :壓人 補尾刀都很好用阿 05/27 14:43
yaqw :小兵快死拿去補刀 其他時候就晃晃 有機會就偷射對方 05/27 14:44
psboy :Ash的地圖兵器很好用啊 偷打中了就是賺到 05/27 14:48
superxk :W招嗎? 恩那還有別招打人會痛嗎? 05/27 14:57
barton :你的問題該是在出裝吧?試試看第二把裝備出BF 05/27 15:00
barton :沒事多用W掃小兵,你會感受到ashe多好賺錢 05/27 15:01
yzpdal :公式:射一下 散射 再射一下 05/27 15:08
yzpdal :他要退 你前進射一下 他要進 你往後再射一下 05/27 15:08
yzpdal :為什麼不NERF ASHE的射程 我真的不懂-_-... 05/27 15:09
psboy :ash光是可以邊退邊w就玩死你了 _A_ 05/27 15:10
yzpdal :寶貴第一發一樣套公式 中線對面半條不見 05/27 15:10
barton :追ashe就像逆風而上,追到又該跑了,這時風向又變了 05/27 15:14
MoneyMonkey :所以說,官方在調弱Jax之前,應該先調弱Ashe ? 05/27 15:36
psboy :ash可能會假裝打臉實際又給糖吃 畢竟是招牌看板娘 xD 05/27 15:38
barton :不需要調弱吧,有這麼多人覺得他弱可見這角色強度ok 05/27 15:42
MoneyMonkey :我說真的,如果不是0 ping, 風箏沒那麼簡單, 05/27 15:43
yaqw :測試伺服器好像改成降低散射的數目 但是給偵測能力 05/27 15:43
barton :降箭數影響應該還好,近距離R有沒有用比較讓人關心 05/27 15:45
MoneyMonkey :追不到,那就別追,繞背、Flash、Exhaust、逼戰,都 05/27 15:46
MoneyMonkey :是近身的方法。 05/27 15:46
barton :給隻老鷹會戰更好玩了,老鷹如果會下蛋就更好XD 05/27 15:46
sigma3210 :那些近身手段跟0 ping有甚麼關聯啊? 05/27 15:49
Dolacone :當你不想追,就是他追死你,你轉頭ASHE還在你射程外 05/27 15:49
Dolacone :我ping130做這些沒難度 05/27 15:50
Xavy :用嘴說都不準 你們去開一場練習 裝滿pk吧(捏鼻 05/27 15:53
superxk :講半天又是回到技巧面 實在有點矛盾 05/27 15:57
ideos :板上有許多ashe強者 歡迎覺得ashe不強的電電他們 05/27 15:58
ideos :讓他們從假裝新手 變成真的新手 XD 05/27 15:59
Dolacone :這遊戲不需要技巧嗎= =? 05/27 16:00
Dolacone :真的該電電那幾個假裝新手的 05/27 16:01
hawk7130 :不講技巧要講啥? 05/27 16:01
leepeter121 :應該說ashe上手難度低 錢也堆很快 所以算中上的dder 05/27 16:02
ideos :這遊戲的確要技巧啊 機體強如Jax 也是會遇到noob 05/27 16:07
ideos :駕駛 跳進敵陣中 享受呂布般的英勇 然後瞬間被打趴 05/27 16:07
wulouise :ashe真的不痛 隊友ashe起手last whisper我都想哭了 05/27 16:09
wulouise :沒攻速沒關係 沒AD的ashe就只是個會動的exaust 05/27 16:09
ric917 :會動的exaust還滿威的呀 哈 05/27 16:10
tay2510 :好奇想問,exaust是啥? 05/27 16:13
wulouise :手殘..exhaust 05/27 16:14
tay2510 :XD 還以為是新梗 05/27 16:16
Dolacone :exaust = exhaust少了一點東西,所以弱一點 05/27 16:25
wulouise :要少應該不是少H XD 05/27 16:30
yangtsur :咦...我ash都起手LW說,攻不會太弱啊,ult下去都可以扣 05/27 16:54
yangtsur :人50-70%的血.然後等一分鐘後再ult一次他就死了. 05/27 16:54
yangtsur :我是起手meki pendent+2紅水.存錢先買到Harmony,LW和 05/27 16:55
yangtsur :基本鞋,再買BF sword.. 05/27 16:56
SaZib :Ashe出Frozen Heart跟AP裝 然後說他攻擊弱 05/27 17:22
SaZib :你不覺得這很好笑嗎 05/27 17:22
wulouise :CDR+AP 一發流 05/27 17:22
wulouise :但是前期ashe不塞攻擊 出LW不如一把bf..Y 05/27 17:23
Dolacone :強者的怒火 05/27 17:23
wulouise :ashe is fine , nerf sazib!(咦) 05/27 17:24
Dolacone :RIOT:SaZib is fine, we'll give him a bird 05/27 17:25
Xavy :咦..忘了誰跟我說ASHE招都不吃AP.. 05/27 17:26
Dolacone :大冰箭有吃AP 05/27 17:27
kemono :大冰箭不是看AP嗎 05/27 17:28
wulouise :吃1 不算差 只是ult多得是1.5+的XD 05/27 17:29
Istari :X的 janna每招吃ap都超級少 05/27 18:19
wulouise :ult請把秒數*ap ratio.. 05/27 18:21
psboy :Janna是support不是dder.... _A_ 05/27 18:21
wulouise :janna小招都有將近0.8的ap ratio耶..這叫低沒人高了 05/27 18:22
carzy :既然是dps...那為什麼要批評Ashe的"爆發力"?...XD 05/27 18:48
MrChiang :我覺得trist比ashe強耶...每次玩ashe都被trist殺爆 05/27 19:06
MrChiang :每次都怕他跳過來...WEQ連段+ignite真的頗噁心... 05/27 19:08
mike70428 :砲娘初期的連段很噁心 XD 05/27 20:31
mike70428 :直接評比機體,我覺得隊伍裡面沒有突入技的角色 05/27 20:32
mike70428 :近戰大部分遇到ashe都要吃屎 05/27 20:32
slam :Ashe中路剛上六是有能力用R塔下硬殺低... 05/27 23:35
slam :說沒爆發力實在很難相信:$ 05/27 23:35
dante0711 :這遊戲不像dota dps角幾乎都有爆擊技能 頂多給個加速 05/28 03:28
dante0711 :所以光是很好賺這點就夠ashe 當power dps了.. 05/28 03:29
dante0711 :拿jax比..ashe叫"ranged" dps 05/28 03:29
MoneyMonkey :Tristina, 射程600, Q技加攻速最高有70% 05/28 10:55
dante0711 :trist射程不是這樣。 05/28 11:02
dante0711 :拿同歸類的比嗎..gragas跟alistar比好軟阿~~~ 05/28 11:03
dante0711 :抱歉昨晚沒睡 不知道自己在說什麼 請monkey大忽略 05/28 11:14
eternalwrath:Tristana Q 技最高是 90%吧 XD 05/28 13:35
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taiwanstrike: 真的不懂在噓啥= = 03/18 02:43
ss9104 : 87 04/27 09:51
※samhou6 於 10/22/2022 08:23:18 將推薦值歸零