看板 LoL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
New Skins in the Store Lil’ Slugger Trundle Junkyard Trundle Brolaf Blade Mistress Morgana League of Legends v1.0.0.106 Notes from the Design Team (new!) This patch is focused upon the following main issues: Area of Effect damage and disable spells being too powerful Area of Effect is taking a pretty large hit this patch, especially to the damage on Galio’s Idol of Durand, Morgana’s Soul Shackles and Vladimir’s Hemoplague. After seeing its effect on the game over a longer period of time, we’ve found something more akin to Annie’s Summon: Tibbers is a proper mix of area size, damage, and disable. We have several area-effect skills in the game that have power creeped past this and we’re looking to bring this back to acceptable levels. Twitch’s Spray and Pray is a big factor in this. We are considering bigger changes for that ability. Strong supports are able to protect powerful ranged carries too well, cancelling their fragility too easily We’re starting with a duration nerf to Morgana's Black Shield and Janna's Eye of the Storm to reward better timing of the spell reactively and to raise the skill ceiling a bit on these spells. If this proves too little, we’ll provide additional nerfs in the upcoming patch. Ranged carries, holistically, are too safe considering their damage output While we predict bigger changes will be required, our first adjustments are to lower the movement speeds of ranged carry-style champions to provide more of a tradeoff, and nerf Blessing of the Lizard Elder when used on ranged champions. We’d like to keep ranged carries “safer” than melee, but start to provide more tradeoffs to both give melee a place in the game and differentiate the roles of melee and ranged characters. Trundle, The Cursed Troll Rabid Bite: Trundle bites his opponent, dealing damage and sapping some of their attack damage. Contaminate: Trundle infects a target location with his curse, gaining attack speed, movement speed, and crowd control reduction while on it. Pillar of Filth: Trundle creates a plagued beacon at a target location, which becomes impassable terrain and slows all nearby enemy units. Agony (Ultimate): Trundle immediately steals his target’s health and a percentage of their armor and magic resistance. Over the next six seconds the amount of health, armor, and magic resistance stolen is doubled. Decompose (Passive): Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for a percentage of their maximum health. Akali Fixed a bug where Shadow Dance could sometimes deal damage even if interrupted by a knockup / knockaway Blitzcrank Overdrive no longer has a movement speed reduction when it ends Fixed a bug where Power Fist was not breaking spell shields Fixed a bug where Static Field and Power Fist did not display the hit particle when they killed a unit Base attack speed increased. This should enhance the effectiveness of the attack speed portion of Overdrive. Updated recommended items Corki Phosphorous Bomb no longer reveals stealthed units Fixed a bug where Gatling Gun could hit unseen, non-champion stealthed targets like wards Fixed a bug where Gatling Gun was dealing too much damage Fixed a tooltip typo with Missile Barrage Base movespeed reduced to 300 Galio Resolute Smite ability power ratio increased to 0.75 from 0.7 Righteous Gust ability power ratio reduced to 0.5 from 0.65 Righteous Gust movement speed bonus increased to 20/25/30/35/40% from 20/24/28/32/36% Idol of Durand Ability power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.8 Damage percent increase on hit reduced to 5% from 10% Total damage cap reduced to 140% from 180% Janna Tailwind will now persist for her allies while Janna is dead Eye of the Storm duration reduced to 5 seconds from 10 Monsoon heal per second reduced to 70/110/150 from 90/130/170 Monsoon slow reduced to 30% from 40% Kayle Kayle now counts as a ranged attacker while using Righteous Fury Kog'Maw Base movement speed reduced to 305 from 310 Malphite Seismic Shard damage reduced to 70/120/170/220/270 from 80/135/190/245/300 Miss Fortune Base movement speed reduced to 300 from 310 Double Up base damage reduced to 25/60/95/130/165 from 35/70/105/140/175 Morgana Black Shield duration reduced to 5 seconds at all levels from 4/5/6/7/8 Soul Shackles Stun duration reduced to 1.0/1.5/2.0 from 1.5/2.0/2.5 Ability power ratio reduced to .8 from .9 Cooldown increased to 120 seconds at all levels Nidalee Pounce no longer deals damage if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect Pantheon Spear Shot base damage reduced to 20/31/42/53/64 from 30/40/50/60/70 Heartseeker Strike attack damage conversion increased to 28/31/34/37/40% from 18/22/26/30/34% Grand Skyfall mana cost reduced to 150 from 150/250/350 Aegis Protection now shows a counter as you build up charges The threshold required to trigger the Aegis Protection now increases with Pantheon's level. This should result in fewer occasions where Aegis Protection is broken by minions Sona Hymn of Valor base damage reduced to 60/110/160/210/260 from 70/120/170/220/270 Hymn of Valor ability power ratio reduced to 0.5 from 0.6 Aria of Perseverance healing reduced to 30/55/80/105/130 from 40/65/90/115/140 Song of Celerity active movespeed reduced to 6/8/10/12/14% from 8/10/12/14/16% Tristana Base movespeed reduced to 300 from 310. Rocket Jump no longer deals damage and slows if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect Twitch Spray and Pray duration reduced to 6 seconds from 7. We are considering more a extensive ability tweak in the future. Base movespeed reduced to 305 from 310 Veigar Baleful Strike missile speed increased by 100 Equilibrium mana regeneration percent increased to 0.75% from 0.5%. Basic attack missile speed increased by 100 Vladimir Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood was not providing Vladimir with enough increased regeneration and healing Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood did not deal full damage if you had 4 stacks before casting Hemoplague Cooldown increased to 150/135/120 seconds from 120 Damage amplification effect changed to 14% at all ranks from 10/14/18% Base damage reduced to 150/250/350 from 200/300/400 Ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 0.75 Warwick Eternal Thirst Heal per stack increased to 6/12/18 from 5/10/15 Maximum number of stacks reduced to 3 from 4 Duration increased to 4 seconds from 3 Base attack speed reduced slightly Xin Zhao Audacious Charge no longer deals damage and slows if Xin Zhao's dash is interrupted by another movement effect Items Aegis of the Legion no longer buffs allies while the holder is dead Chalice of Harmony passive effect unique to match the tooltip Doran's Blade Damage increased to 8 from 6 Health reduced to 100 from 120 Lifesteal reduced to 3% from 4% Doran's Ring Ability power increased to 15 from 10 Health reduced to 100 from 120 Mana regeneration per 5 reduced to 4 from 5 Frozen Mallet tooltip now shows slow % for melee and ranged attackers Innervating Locket no longer buffs allies while the holder is dead Rylai's Scepter Slow duration reduced to 1.5 from 2 Updated the tooltip to reflect slow information for single target and damage-over-time slows Sword of the Divine has a new hit effect and a new activation particle Tiamat tooltip now shows splash % for melee and ranged attackers Will of the Ancients no longer buffs allies while the holder is dead Wriggle's Lantern wards now show a duration in the mana bar like sight and vision wards Masteries Fixed a bug with Rank 2 of Utility Mastery where it was not working properly General Blessing of the Lizard Elder now slows for 10/20/30% if melee and 5/10/15% if ranged Autumn Summoner's Rift Moved Nashor to the same location as the summer version of Summoner's Rift. Twisted Treeline - Grez the Lizard Lord Health per player level increased to 175 from 150 Magic resistance increased to -20 from -30 Gold granted reduced to 50 from 100 Twisted Treeline Super Minions Health increased to 1200 from 1000 Base damage increased by 30 Fixed a bug where various 'modified attacks' were not firing while taunted or silenced (examples: Twisted Fate's Pick a Card, Udyr's Bear Stance) Fixed a bug where players that never connect were not being granted +1000 magic resist Removed "hun" from the word filter Skins Reduced the size of the Monarch Kog'Maw skin by approximately 10% -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ZMTL :Janna 石頭 Sona不意外,Morg還打不夠喔.... 12/01 09:30
virus13 :剛買石頭人的說..... 12/01 09:31
ZMTL :不過石頭只被小nerf而已,接下來要看會連被nerf幾版 12/01 09:32
ao6qup3 :不= = JANNA盾時間砍半差很多耶ˊˋ 12/01 09:37
virus13 :石頭人是車輪餅傷害減弱嗎 感覺這次是大打臉... 12/01 09:41
virus13 :我指的是很多人被打臉.... 12/01 09:41
ao6qup3 :GY elementz 12/01 09:41
ZMTL :前期沒那麼壓而已,後期沒差 12/01 09:41
gully :...機器人發達了 12/01 09:46
j02850 :機器人以後殺不到了... 12/01 09:48
hogiking :幹 剛買珍那就被打臉....砍半也太囧.... 12/01 09:49
TVRspeed12 :機器人秋了 12/01 09:53
aShiningStar:league of Nerf~~!! 12/01 09:54
CokeF :janna也太慘了吧… 12/01 09:55
hogiking :不能拿珍那盾跟MORG盾比阿 同時砍半是腦包嗎~~~ 12/01 10:00
Dimitre :改這樣很難殺鐵拳機器人耶..... 12/01 10:01
TVRspeed12 :老鼠跟mf的nerf之路還沒結束 要跟ez作伴嗎 12/01 10:05
zinunix :galio改成連坦都坦不起來了嗎?......... 12/01 10:10
kafka0 :機器人buff到炸了XD 12/01 10:12
ahinetn123 :本來就覺得janna盾消失得很快了 沒想到還能更快 12/01 10:14
kafka0 :janna的盾本來可以常駐耶... 12/01 10:23
kafka0 :要像機器人這樣全面buff還真少見 urgot表示: 12/01 10:25
frankie30432:機器人一直有在改 corki做飛機比走路的慢0.0 12/01 10:33
frankie30432:把AD carry移動速度降低QQ 12/01 10:35
s78324 :我開始恨某個寫list的人 orz 12/01 10:37
RainyCity :機器人不愧六千三了 12/01 10:41
ckhc42pr :SONA T.T 12/01 10:45
ZMTL :恩,Tier 1果然是離天國最近的位置,高處不勝寒。 12/01 10:47
frankie30432:janna真的砍很大 那招還有加ATK呢... 12/01 10:48
Leavesb :janna 沒事也被打臉 qqqqqq 12/01 10:51
Leavesb :janna sona morgana 都打臉 qqqqqqqqq 12/01 10:51
frankie30432:janna E改很多次QQ 12/01 10:53
cdsjquiz :Tier 1 前中段只有Ashe沒打臉啊 XD 12/01 10:53
darkking2004:GOD,石頭人還減攻擊!?是還要不要人玩..... 12/01 11:01
someday55 :所有砲手都被nerf...再見了mf T_T 12/01 11:02
didesaphan :Galio: 臉都腫了你還想怎樣 Q_______Q# 12/01 11:07
virus13 :其實石頭人還是算壓的 只是比較正常點..Q很淫蕩的 12/01 11:08
Dolacone :石頭吃刀,我很怕接下來被砍的就是sion 12/01 11:09
vincent5236 :tris 是改W後使用FLASH就沒傷害減速嗎? 12/01 11:12
ZMTL :石頭人改這樣就不要人玩,那幾隻臉都腫的怎辦XD 12/01 11:13
frankie30432:ad carry都跳海了 12/01 11:14
kingroy :我機器人可以拿出來了.. 12/01 11:47
lovefish81 :sona全被nerf... 12/01 11:48
kingroy :幸好我把買MF的IP拿去買了irelia.. 12/01 11:50
Argos :整個官網都在吵 Riot乾脆請elementz來當員工好了 12/01 12:03
SKYspirit :Galio的Q是吃技術的法傷應該要更高一些... 12/01 12:20
untry :Sona表示:我的臉腫的和胸前一樣了. 12/01 12:23
wulouise :老實講很正常 range melee跑得跟melee一樣快實在很.. 12/01 12:45
WilliamXZ :老鼠是怎樣 被打爆了QQ 12/01 12:45
wulouise :這次對於melee跟range的on-hit effect調整很好 12/01 12:45
wulouise :尤其是萬惡紅buff.. 12/01 12:45
virus13 :我也覺得很OK耶..調整得算合理 代表更吃技巧... 12/01 12:48
enders0056 :Vlad是tier2後段也是中槍 12/01 13:14
wulouise :amumu因大招人起 因大招人nerf 現在才輪大招人被nerf 12/01 13:15
Jackalxx :為啥Ashe沒被調走速啊 囧rz 12/01 13:16
Yadsmood :他原本就是底限300了 你想要他成為第一個突破300的嗎 12/01 13:18
wulouise :os有275的! 12/01 13:22
Jackalxx :她300有W+緩,其他range走速真的有比她優勢嗎? 12/01 13:24
leepeter121 : kog: ya~~我還有305 /j 12/01 13:59
p21077 :話說什麼時候要更新? 12/01 14:01
virus13 :4點半 所以你還剩下兩小時可以玩 : ) 12/01 14:09
p21077 :太好了 我剛好要去上課了XD 12/01 14:16
colmash :corki也中了"修正一個bug"的招..不知道E會變多弱QQ 12/01 14:49
phoebi :所有的大招哥都打臉了XD 12/01 15:52
wc76 : 01/12 13:15
wc76 : 01/12 13:17
wc76 : 01/12 13:19
wc76 : 01/12 13:20
wc76 : 01/12 13:22