看板 LoveLive_Sip 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今天由VOICE BRODY編集部告知, 於2017年12月22日發售的BRODY 2月號,將會刊載 斉藤朱夏的寫真以及訪談。 同時也釋出了部分寫真照片。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DQ1sgTYVAAEl6ZC.jpg
https://twitter.com/voice_brody/status/940527529177124864 -- 二年級再上BRODY,各位準備好錢錢了嗎? -- "The Swarm brought ruin to our world. Our proud people became refugees. And yet, they could not shatter our unity. For we are bound by the Khala. The sacred union of our every thought and emotion. Today we retake our homeworld. And with it, our legacy." https://youtu.be/M_XwzBMTJaM -Artanis <StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void>
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoveLive_Sip/M.1513088798.A.9E4.html
bowcar: 買 12/12 22:30
carefree0110: 在置底看到第一張怎麼會看成杏樹… 12/12 22:38
MonDaNai: 其實我剛看到時也誤以為是ㄤ醬... 12/12 22:39
woody78963: 第一章看成ㄤ醬+1 12/12 22:40
advence: 夫妻臉 12/12 22:41
cattie0709: 夫妻臉 12/12 22:43
tuanlin: 沒有杏樹卻很杏夏的一張圖(誤 12/12 22:59
sdggf2k: 夫妻臉 12/12 23:20
Yosoro: 欸嘿 12/13 00:10
kevin1996: 也太夫妻臉了 12/13 00:23
qsgjnmvb: 杏夏 12/13 01:52
thegumun761: 杏夏 12/13 04:25
pearya: 杏夏 12/13 08:42
Cyjustin: 杏夏 12/13 09:16
ctvsqoo: 杏夏 12/13 09:48
pl726: 杏夏好吃 12/13 11:47