看板 MAC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2013/02/13Apple-Updates-Processors- Prices-of-MacBook-Pro-with-Retina-Display.html CUPERTINO, California—February 13, 2013—Apple® is making the MacBook Pro® with Retina® display faster and more affordable with updated processors and lower starting prices. The 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display now starts at $1,499 for 128GB of flash, and $1,699 for a new 2.6 GHz processor and 256GB of flash. The 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display now features a faster 2.4 GHz quad-core processor, and the top-of-the-line 15-inch notebook comes with a new 2.7 GHz quad-core processor and 16GB of memory. Apple today also announced that the 13-inch MacBook Air® with 256GB of flash has a new lower price of $1,399. 台灣商店現在關閉,應該在改價格了~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mos888tw:MBA 256GB flash聽說是配爽爽的SSD 似乎比較快? 02/13 22:32
d86012005:剛買而已.. 02/13 22:35
sinstar:MBPR 13低階降6000 大家覺得這樣值得買嗎 02/13 22:37
peacedove:高階的mbp15消失了 02/13 22:50
siro0207:我一月中才買15"MBPR...... 02/13 22:51
sentto:靠 前天剛好買MBPR 13... 02/13 22:56
lavigneA:剛入手........................................... 02/13 23:03
silaqui:這樣是說Haswell版還要等很久嗎... 02/13 23:11
majimmy:http://ppt.cc/7hqZ 這有小說明 02/13 23:19
derekyji:幸好15" 256GB只有小升級CPU其它都沒變。才剛買兩週=.= 02/13 23:29
AQmike:所以13"原本的錢可以買到256GB........holy shit! 02/13 23:32
fallengunman:這樣可以繼續搭教育價嗎? 02/13 23:41
majimmy:樓上 有教育價 02/14 00:04
genelin:看起來是因為高容量SSD價格調降的關係.. 02/14 00:07
bittery:日本商店關閉中... 02/14 00:35
joeylord:http://tinyurl.com/b6k7tms lag自刪... 02/14 00:44
Ding1208:頗ㄏ 02/14 00:44
mos888tw:搞不好是256也要改東芝的 所以卡俗? 02/14 01:14
eclipse666:下次改版恐怕會是十月了....Orz 02/14 01:31
LzhSCII:幸好我的還沒出貨,爽,取消取消~ 02/14 01:39
smile450135:我今天才剛買.....天阿太誇張了!! 02/14 02:03
smile450135:頭好痛哦>______< 02/14 02:05
Killercat:....現在全部改為暫無供應了 除了低階13"以外 02/14 02:12
Killercat:不過價格有降嗎?看起來沒有 @@a? 02/14 02:12
Killercat:原來15"沒降 難怪我再想奇怪.... = = 02/14 02:13
Killercat:不過偷偷的把記憶體加高到16G了... 02/14 02:13
smile450135:我今天買了15吋8g=00=...... 02/14 03:17
smile450135:目前尚未收到電磁相容測試的核準,在未核准前暫不發售 02/14 03:23
fakl:一個禮拜內買的!可以七天鑑賞期退貨吧?? 02/14 09:19
zamon:日本的15吋MBPR價格調高了 應該是因應日幣貶值 02/14 13:06
Alcor:還好還沒領薪水 不然我應該敗下去了... 02/14 15:08
AdPiG:還好日本調高... 02/15 12:07
smile450135:我是在優仕門市買的,要退掉換新的嗎? 02/15 16:07
shivaeye:16G要頂規cpu 2.7才有..其實沒便宜到 02/16 21:35