看板 MARIAH 關於我們 聯絡資訊
上面那篇的全文~ Foreigner's Mick Jones can start ordering caviar and Champagne again: Mariah Carey is releasing her own gospel-tinged version of his masterwork song, "I Want to Know What Love Is." 「我要知道愛是什麼」是瑪麗亞新專輯正式的首波主打歌!但是今夏話題性十足的 Obsessed也還是會收錄在這張專輯當中。 It's the first "real" single from her new album following the summer release of the witty "Obsessed," which is also included on "Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel." The album and the single hit the world on Sept. 29th. 昨天我聽了所有的歌曲,瑪麗亞又再次擁有一張媲美TEOM的超讚專輯!這張約莫一小時 的作品是以抒情歌曲為中心,當中有多首可以主打的好歌。拿Foreinger這首翻唱歌來 主打真是老謀深算!這首歌棒到年輕人應該還會誤以為瑪麗亞就是這首歌的原唱哩! I heard the Foreigner song yesterday along with all of "Memoirs" and let me tell you: Mariah's got a hit on her hands along the lines of "Emancipation of Mimi "The hour-long CD is ballad-centric. Written and produced with The Dream and Tricky (I know, but these are their stage names), "Memoirs" boasts a lot of singles. Starting with the Foreigner song is a canny move in these uncertain times. By the time its run is over, a new generation will think "I Want to Know What Love Is" is a Mariah Carey song. 這首歌的作者應該可以買幾台新車了!(那~~~~麼棒!!) Mick Jones, who wrote it, should start picking out some nice new cars thanks to Carey. The money should come rolling in quickly. The other songs on the album – these are the titles, although the running order is still being finalized: "Betcha," "Obsessed," "H.A.T.E.U.," "Candy Bling," "Ribbon," "Standing O's.," "Impossible," "It's a Wrap," "Inseparable," "Up Out My Face," "More than Just Friends," and "Angels Cry." Several of these are radio ready. "Angels Cry" is an honest-to-god ballad a la "Vision of Love," and should be a gigantic success. "Standing O's" also has potential, as do "H.A.T.E.U." – which stands for "having a typical emotional upset" – and "Inseparable." 昨天LA Reid用上面這個曲順播完整張專輯給一批媒體聽。這張專輯真是太棒了! 就像往常所說的「瑪麗亞凱莉總是能做出大家想聽的東西!」另外,那些稍資深的歌迷 也會有好歌可聽喔!像我就很喜歡那首充滿歡樂的It's A Wrap,還有那首翻唱歌, 他一定會紅遍大街小巷! Def Jam's L.A. Reid – who previewed the CD for the first time yesterday with a clutch of staffers – is playing with the order, to get it right. But he really can't go wrong. Carey's album, is, as they used to say, "what the kids want." Plus, it's got stuff for the slightly older crowd. I loved the doo-woppy "It's a Wrap." And the Foreigner track is so powerful, it's going to be everywhere. 最好的消息就是,沒有其他關於阿姆的歌啦!一首就夠了! Good news, too: no more songs about Eminem. One was plenty. 所以,九月底我們會有惠妮跟瑪麗亞的新專輯!他們都是高高在上的天后而且彼此之間 是那麼的不同,所以他們的歌迷有耳福了~也許我們可以看到他們在未來重返顛峰甚至 攜手合作唷! So, by the end of September we'll have new CDs from Whitney and from Mariah. They're each top notch and different from each other enough that their fans should want them both. Maybe we'll see a return to record stores (we have but a few in Manhattan now) and diva duels on radio if programmers are smart. -- 啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~ 期待死了啦!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
moo885588:我要破產了啦!!!!!!XD 好期待喔喔喔喔~~ 08/19 01:06
pures1984:好險我只愛咪一個 08/19 02:17
duckduck2:我愛抒情歌! 08/19 08:08
amo07:樓上這三個人id都很長而且一樣長耶 08/19 12:11
iamexile:好期待:) 08/20 00:18
herohoney:我怕真的都是超級情歌耶!! 這年頭 情歌已經不HOT了... 08/20 00:20
amo07:其實我也不太能想像福音的歌曲可以衝排行榜耶... 08/20 00:34
amo07:要也要像where is the love這種吧? 08/20 00:34
herohoney:我是覺得要有那種 "hot節拍" 就 我也不會講 一聽了就覺 08/20 00:51
herohoney:得會HOT起來的那種節拍 以及曲子的受歡迎程度 08/20 00:51
toofat:所以第一主打歌要帶龍貓團出征嗎? 08/20 00:58
herohoney:這種歌 說真的我們歌迷應該愛死了但市場需求應該很低XD! 08/20 00:59
amo07:有點擔心呀~不過這種歌通常也不會有樂評緣...但這次樂評幾 08/20 01:02
amo07:乎都是好評,連惡評的也都說只有這首歌值得期待... 08/20 01:02
tommy770726:不會阿!阿碧的listen不就是慢板情歌的#1嗎?HALO也很好 08/20 12:22
tommy770726:阿!我覺得重點是要洗腦還有阿咪嗓子夠威 08/20 12:22