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※ 引述《braveshsu (我是性感喬巴。)》之銘言: : ※ [本文轉錄自 WesternMusic 看板] : 作者: braveshsu (我是性感喬巴。) 看板: WesternMusic : 標題: [瘋女] 瑪麗亞凱莉又開始怪怪的了XD : 時間: Thu Jan 7 03:12:39 2010 : 這女人害我在三更半夜笑到肚子好痛!!! : 她到底怎麼了XDDDD : 這是她在Palm Springs International Film Festival : 憑著電影《Precious 珍愛人生》獲頒最佳突破女演員獎時的致詞 : 告示牌的新聞稿最後一句超賤!!! : YouTube連結: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jrou5EKY2zk
她果然到現在還是很不習慣面對鏡頭和群眾 多次的肢體與心理老師諮商讓她有陣子似乎比較沒那麼羞怯 只要回顧早期就知道 咪咪對於群眾是很害羞而沒有安全感的 這也是為什麼她首張專輯大賣並橫掃葛萊美時卻沒有馬上在世界各地做巡迴演唱會 promote專集的原因 我覺得她挺適合當個日本天后 被包裝保護地好好的XD 回歸正傳...她為什麼不乾脆選擇表露她害羞的一面就好 為什麼非要假裝很勇於交際 不過一個眾人認為身經百戰的天后 要像個新人般扮嬌羞也挺為難的 所以她是喝酒壯膽或是宿醉了? 我還寧可她拉尼克幫她壯膽... : 當然一定要幫大家回顧2001年在MTV TRL現場的冰淇淋推車事件 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KFRdWch9gw
主持人:You got J. Lo....remix Mimi: Loverboy...come on and love me...gimme more 我想小瑪對於J.Lo的偷歌事件的確是氣到冒煙XD 當主持人提到珍大屁的混音時 咪咪以一個自己寫歌而非偷歌搶歌者的姿態從後方唱著Loverboy出場 推著冰淇淋發送給現場每位歌迷朋友 想在關鍵時刻stole the show... 雖然這樣做很不得體 不過身為火象牡羊直來直往個性的她會這樣做...我不是很意外XD 不過猶如善良鄉間村姑般羞怯軟弱的她 要像欲望城市中習於尖酸刻薄攻勢的賤女人般猛烈地攻擊方式並不是她所擅長的 (老實說尼克在阿姆寫歌攻擊咪咪時的反嗆其實也很無力XD 這就是為什麼她們是soulmate) 這次咪咪的確是因此貽笑大方了 但我不認為她這樣是瘋了 但的確是氣瘋了XD 她真的是很有趣又可愛XD : 告示牌新聞連結: : http://ppt.cc/r7dd : Mariah Carey's 'Precious' Acceptance Speech: Drunk, Or Just Weird? : by Monica Herrera, N.Y. | January 06, 2010 12:46 EST : Normally the Golden Globes are the go-to awards show for head-scratching, : cocktail-enhanced acceptance speeches, but Mariah Carey provided the goods : about a week early at last night's Palm Springs International Film Festival : awards, where she won Breakthrough Actress for her turn as a social worker in : "Precious." : "I have to say...this is....and please forgive me because I'm a little bit, : um...yeah!" Carey starts out, implying that she may have had a little too : much bubbly to drink before her acceptance speech. Judging by "Precious" : director Lee Daniels' face, even he can't quite believe what he's witnessing. : "I'm very grateful," Carey finally ends before leaving the stage. "I thank : you all for listening to my little spiel, and, um, God bless you." : No, God bless you, Mariah. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dearestleo:怎麼辦...以我超淺的資歷不知道什麼是偷歌事件...>"< 01/07 14:01
dearestleo:有懶人包嗎?XDDDD 01/07 14:01
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_Real/I%27m_Real_(Murder_Remix) Despite the success of "I'm Real", there was a bit of controversy over the use of the single's sample and the structure of the song. The song contains an uncredited sample from Yellow Magic Orchestra's 1978 version of Martin Denny's 1959 song "Firecracker" (while the remix on the other hand officially interpolates the Mary Jane Girls' 1983 song "All Night Long"). There have been reports that the "Firecracker" sample was originally planned to be used for Mariah Carey's "Loverboy". According to the music publisher of "Firecracker", Carey called to license a sample of the song which had never been sampled before and within a month Lopez called to do the same. Carey felt that former husband and music executive at Sony Music (Columbia Records), Tommy Mottola, was interfering with her career by arranging for the sample to go to Lopez. Upset by the conduct of Lopez and her ex-husband, Carey featured a reference to the song on her single "Loverboy", her first single released by her then-record company, Virgin Records. The verse can be heard in Da Brat's rap section, where she sings, "Hate on me, much as you want to, you can't do what the fuck I do, bitches be, emulating me daily" over the melody of "Firecracker". Irv Gotti, who produced the remix of "I'm Real" featuring Ja Rule, openly admitted during an interview with XXL magazine that Mottola contacted him with instructions to create a song that sounded exactly like a song he had made with Carey for the Glitter soundtrack[1] entitled "If We" also featuring Ja Rule. 傑魯在XXL雜誌公開承認湯米主導要他去幫J.Lo寫一首歌 與他之前和咪咪合作且預定 成為葛力特原聲帶第一主打歌聽起來一模一樣... (因為這次的偷歌事件 所以咪咪只好臨時把第一主打換成別首歌...所以儘管 咪咪後來受訪時記者問到J. Lo 咪咪回答:I don't know her! 不明究裡的版眾也許會覺得咪咪很沒禮貌 很大牌 很囂張...但我一點也不覺得奇怪...) ※ 編輯: toofat 來自: (01/07 14:16)
taxman:查了一下文章,有人說因為血統關係讓他有點自卑~why? 01/09 00:30
taxman:遺傳到白種人基因不好嗎? 01/09 00:32
她父親(黑人+拉丁)不和她住在一起 她媽媽卻是相當白的愛爾蘭人 咪咪的童年是麥可那年代---黑人仍飽受歧視的年代 一個單親家庭的小女孩 跟著這麼白的母親 卻有著混血的容貌 可以想見外人會怎麼看待這樣一個小女孩... 即使是無心的問題問到 都是令人相當困窘的 如果她是個比較像黑人的女孩 膚色深度像惠妮、碧昂絲、艾利亞 (這些女孩的父母其實也不是純種黑人 但混血程度使她們膚色深卻都很美麗) 就不需要面對這些 因為外人會直接把她歸類成黑人 (話說...解放咪咪那張因為封面膚色比較花蝴蝶深 終於拿到葛萊美R&B女歌手~) ※ 編輯: toofat 來自: (01/09 01:05)
taxman:感謝詳解!這樣不黑不白的血統,在那個時代,很難找到種族的歸 01/09 12:04
taxman:屬吧~白人認為她是黑人,黑人覺得她是白人~ 01/09 12:05
moo885588:想聽被偷的歌XD 01/09 22:43
toofat:Jennifer Lopez;Ja Rule - I'm Real http://0rz.tw/n21Ca 01/10 01:16
toofat:Ja Rule Ft. Mariah Carey - if We http://0rz.tw/gaSkx 01/10 01:17
toofat:(但...其實loverboy似乎更好聽阿XD) 01/10 01:18