看板 MARIAH 關於我們 聯絡資訊
等於是31公斤!!!!!!!!!!真有妳的 謝謝Yajay大 http://youtu.be/ITYF1a5lbMU 裡面有大量的瘦咪XDDDD
(咪咪好像代言一個叫Jenny的減肥品牌XD 文尾有圖) "The first week, I lost 40 lbs. … of just water," Carey says. "It was just water, initially. When I started with the program, I lost at least 30 lbs. of weight that needed to be lost." 前40磅只是水腫 She adds, "The whole point of this is not just like: 'Oh, hey, look at me and my weight loss, I'm fantastic.' It's really health. Like I said, I learned it when I became helpless and felt so vulnerable like never before in my life." 目的不是為了展現自己多瘦、多正(明明就是 只是為了健康~ Because she had a Cesarean section, Carey says exercise wasn't an option early on. So, she says, "The diet is 90 percent of it." 90%靠節食 Remembering to eat was one of her biggest challenges because, she says, she believes if she goes too long without refueling, "You slow down your metabolism." 克制食慾是最大的挑戰(完全贊同XDDD For her, it was important "being able to just grab something. I like the soups a lot. It's 50 calories. I gotta say I like the snacks too." 湯才50大卡,偶爾也來點點心 Carey also regained her fitness by exercising with her dogs and doing workouts in the ocean. 跟狗一起在海邊運動也是方法之一 "I never weighed myself," she explains. "People will think I'm a liar but it's true. This is another cliché phrase, I'm a big boned girl … I'm tall and so I always weigh more." 我不會過度在意體重,我是大骨架的女人^.< Instead of weighing herself, she says, "I would tend to go, 'Does this size dress fit me that I wore three years ago? I'm good, let's go.' I would go by what it looked like, how I felt." 原來是用衣服size來看胖瘦嗎XDDD (助理都偷拿去改XD http://tinyurl.com/6ugf5vp 減肥代言照!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Hawaii015:借轉虎版 非常感謝^^ ※ Hawaii015:轉錄至看板 tiger Hawaii015:結果剛剛轉到 蔡小虎版了 @.@天啊~ ※ Hawaii015:轉錄至看板 Tigers -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: duke30230 來自: (11/09 12:26)
dora1390:倒數第二段完全可以理解耶 如果真的在意才不會變這樣 XD 11/09 12:39
test05test:真的太強了!!快多排幾組照片 萬一酒又喝多又毀了 11/09 12:47
test05test:好萊鎢超強修片團隊沒工作了 11/09 12:48
gn02174082:真該一年只瘦一個月然後拍滿一年份的照片和排滿一年份 11/09 13:04
gn02174082:的行程,這樣就可以大方做自己隨意吃到爽XD 11/09 13:05
IAmFreeAndU:"People will think I'm a liar... 11/09 13:37
IAmFreeAndU:YES U ARE!! (毫不遲疑) 11/09 13:37
kingdavid92:感覺就會復胖 懶豬婆的個性依舊耶 坐在月亮上等人扶XD 11/09 14:02
IAmFreeAndU:她縫的珠珠禮服都太繃了 動作太大會跟AMA2005一樣尷尬 11/09 14:27
a1b2a3g4h:Big Bond Girl XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 11/09 17:48
YaJay:http://youtu.be/ITYF1a5lbMU 11/09 20:13
IAmFreeAndU:多麼黯然的皮外套!! 我居然迷失在閃亮月亮的陷阱下!! 11/09 20:47
IAmFreeAndU:皮外套會像小姐好白 從接縫處紛紛撕裂嗎? 廣告的真意? 11/09 20:49
duke30230:真的好瘦哦 那個肚子 11/09 22:03
※ 編輯: duke30230 來自: (11/09 22:04) ※ 編輯: duke30230 來自: (11/09 22:06) ※ 編輯: duke30230 來自: (11/09 22:08)
YaJay:Butterfly時期造型! http://youtu.be/Rzs-FcurFJA 11/09 22:33
YaJay:Us Weekly最新一期封面 11/09 22:40
IAmFreeAndU:我有玩Wii fit 我看的最準啦 11/09 22:44
IAmFreeAndU:福蝶時期 Wii fit會說:標準 偏瘦 11/09 22:45
IAmFreeAndU:減重代言 Wii fit會說:標準 偏重(就是那個線要到胖了 11/09 22:45
IAmFreeAndU:羅西秀 Wii fit會說:偏重(微胖的程度這樣) 11/09 22:46
IAmFreeAndU:真的!! 你們不相我也要相信任天堂 日本機器人天下無雙 11/09 22:48
fendismiso:變瘦臉上的動作紋變得好明顯XDDD 但...真的瘦了啊啊啊 11/09 23:03
nmnscha:小克可以快點來搶黃金修圖組了... 11/11 10:02
fayemariah:看樣子回到90年代身材是不可能了XD 11/11 16:53
coronet:這身材有維持一年再來上節目也不遲 減肥容易 復胖更容易 11/11 19:30