看板 MISIA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.wowow.co.jp/movie/cv/interview/vol206_en.html 意外中看到的~ WOWOW訪問 Edison Chen 陳冠希 其中一段剛好提到東京吸引他之處時,陳冠希說他喜歡 MISIA、M-flo等人的音樂~ 還滿妙的 話說回來聽 MISIA 的歌本身就是一件很潮的表現啦 ;) 以下是訪問節錄: + So, what were the things that you're so attracted by Tokyo? E: Uh...I think in the beginning it would have to be the fashion, in the beginning. Um...I came to Japan and I would hold those magazines you know and it had map, and I would walk around looking for stores. I mean it was fun for me. I don't understand why, but it was fun for me. I would go to the neighborhood store and then I had to line up to get into the store. I was like "This is strange, but I'll line up anyways". And then I started kind of getting into the entertainment culture, I started listen to some music, you know. I like MISIA a lot, you know. I like M-flo, you know, just stuff like that, I started watching TV, watching movies like director Miike's movies, I watch Yousuke's movies, I watch Tanaka Rena's movies and I kind of got deeper into it. And then as opened a fashion store in Hong Kong, which I carry a lot of Japanese labels so I had to keep coming to Tokyo for other than entertainment business for my clothing business. So, every time I came here, I would meet new people, I would learn new things and I would kind of grow fonder of Japan. I mean on top op that I think personally I think Japanese girls are the best in the world so, maybe that's another reason why I like Tokyo and Japan.(laughs) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: CrystalDays 來自: (05/16 03:16)
mikelue:蠻~~詭異的,不過每個人都可以喜歡 Misia 啦 05/16 09:17
WatanabeKen:詭異+1 05/16 18:14
Dorisjiang:米希亞是用來讚嘆的:p 05/22 22:33