看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源:http://tinyurl.com/2b52zs Enough with the heavy metal closers! 受夠重金屬音樂了! So many closers enter the game to heavy metal, there should be umlauts over the names on their jerseys. 許多球隊終結者會伴隨著重金屬音樂進場,歌曲名稱應繡在球員球衣背後的名字上方 San Diego's Trevor Hoffman enters to AC/DC's "Hells Bells." Baltimore's Chris Ray uses Marilyn Manson's "Sweet Dream." Minnesota's Joe Nathan uses Dio's "Stand Up and Shout." White Sox closer Bobby Jenks uses P.O.D.'s "Boom." Texas' Eric Gagne uses Guns N' Roses' "Welcome to the Jungle." Toronto's B.J . Ryan uses Slipknot's "Duality." Milwaukee's Francisco Cordero uses Saliva's "Click, Click Boom," while fellow Brewer Derrick Turnbow uses "Fuel" by Metallica. Yankee Mariano Rivera and Met Billy Wagner both use "Enter Sandman" by Metallica. And Washington's Chad Cordero uses "King Nothing" by Metallica. 以下是10隊守護神&一位Setup man主題曲 教士隊Trevor Hoffman-"Hells Bells" by AC/DC 金鶯隊Chirs Ray-"Sweet Dream" by Marilyn Manson 雙城隊Joe Nathan-"Stand Up and Shout" by Dio 白襪隊Bobby Jenks-"Boom" by P.O.D 遊騎兵隊Eric Gagne-"Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N' Roses' 藍鳥隊B.J Ryan-"Duality" by Slipknot 釀酒人隊Francisco Cordero-"Click, Click Boom" by Saliva 在他上場前的Setup man,Derrick Turnbow-"Fuel" by Metallica 洋基隊Mariano Rivera & 大都會Billy Wagner-"Enter Sandman" by Metallica 國民隊Chad Cordero-"King Nothing" by Metallica It's to the point where a save situation requires a lead of three runs or less and a music-sharing deal with Metallica. 比賽進行至後半段,球隊領先三分或少於三分救援點情況出現,上面所述的歌曲會從球 場廣播系統撥放出來. I suppose this music is part of the intimidation process. But if so, Metallica didn't provide enough intimidation to help Turnbow's 6.87 ERA and eight blown saves last year. Perhaps something nice and soothing, like Glenn Miller's "Moonlight Serenade" or a little Marvin Gaye, would work better. Sure, it might not get the adrenaline pumping. But on the other hand, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" could lull the batter into a deep state of relaxation, allowing a closer to blow a strike past him. 我猜重金屬音樂可殺對方士氣,但果真如此,為何Metallica的"Fuel"並沒殺到對方,反而 導致Turnbow去年戰績為6.87防禦率 & 8次救援失敗.也許,歌曲悅耳輕柔些像 "Moonlight Serenade" by Glenn Miller或曲風帶點Marvin Gaye風味,效果會好些. 當然,此類歌曲可能沒辦法讓你腎上腺素急速加快.但另方面,Israel Kamakawiwo'ole 版本的"Somewhere Over the Rainbow"具催眠功能,打者聽了會進入很深很深的放鬆 狀態,讓守護神們速球輕鬆地超越打者揮棒速度. "But then I might fall asleep, too," Seattle closer J.J. Putz said. 水手守護神J.J. Putz卻說"我可能也會睡著" Fair point. Putz, by the way, enters the game to AC/DC's "Thunderstruck," saying that the metal music fires him up. Wagner says the same thing: "It always gives you a little extra adrenaline when you're not feeling your best." Wagner isn't a big metal fan, but "Enter Sandman" has been his theme song since his days in Houston. "I never even picked it -- it was given to me," he said. "Jeff Bagwell picked it." 不錯論點.Putz說"金屬音樂使他全身血液沸騰",順道一提Putz主題歌-"Thnderstruck" by AC/DC.Wagner表示相同看法"當你感覺今天投球狀況不好時,金屬樂提供你多一點 腎上腺素."Wanger非金屬樂迷.但"Enter Sandman"從他在太空人隊時就是他招牌歌. Wanger解釋"我從沒挑那首當主題曲,是Jeff Bagwell選的,從此那就是我的歌了" But why does the theme music always have to be metal? Must everyone have the same style? Can't anyone be original and carve out their own identity? If there's room enough for 265-pound Bobby Jenks on the mound, can't John Williams squeeze onto the playlist with AC/DC? It's bad enough the Cubs must endure their bullpen; must the rest of us suffer through a Motley Crue as well? 為何主題曲必須總是金屬樂?每個人需相同類型的歌嗎?難道不能為他們獨創首歌並 刻繪出彼此投球風格?投手丘既然有足夠位置給265磅重的Bobby Jenks投球了,難道沒 辦法把John Williams膾炙人口的配樂塞進除了AC/DC外的撥放名單中?小熊隊要忍受 那樣遭的牛棚已經很慘了,現場觀眾仍要被Motley Crue的歌荼毒嗎? I don't blame the closers. As Wagner points out, they don't always choose their own music. Often the people deciding on the music are some guys up in the sound booth, and they just copy each other. Hoffman and Rivera have heavy metal played, so every other closer gets heavy metal, too. 我沒要責怪守護神們.因為Wagner指出"他們並非挑自己喜歡的音樂".通常是音控室的 人幫他們決定的並每個球隊都延續相同風格.Hoffman & Rivera已金屬樂作代表,所以 其他人也就是金屬樂. It's enough to make you envy the batters. At least they're wearing helmets with ear flaps. 這時你會很羨幕打者的,至少他們打擊頭盔上是帶有耳罩的. Of course, not all closers rely on metal bands. Detroit's Todd Jones chose "Last One Standing," a song by Bart Millard and the popular Christian rock band Mercy Me. 當然,並非所有守護神都倚賴金屬樂團來熱血沸騰的.老虎隊的Todd Jones挑"Last One Standing" by Bart Millard & 福音搖滾樂團-Mercy Me當主題曲. "He was kidding me one day about why don't I come out to one of Mercy Me's songs" Jones explained in an e-mail. "Before their last album I would have described them as 30-year-old soccer-mom music -- in a good way. Well, they changed that when they wrote 'Last Man Standing' off their album 'Coming Up to Breathe.' It's got a double meaning. It's about how as Christians we're supposed to stand up when it's tough to stand up for what we believe in. As a closer it's tough sometimes to go out there, but you must stand up and your goal is to be the last one standing. It's OK to stumble but don't fall. And when I close games I do that and that is why it's perfect for me." "有天Jones跟我開玩笑的說為何他出場時不試試Mercy Me的歌." Jones在Email中說明選此歌的理由"他們上一張專輯前,我將他們視為三十歲家庭主 婦聽的歌.當新專輯Coming Up To Breath中的"Last Man Standing"創作出來時, 他們曲風改變了.這曲名有雙重意義.一是有關身為基督教徒們-當你面對困境時,你很 難挺身而出去突破它,此時,你更應勇敢積極去面對.另一則關於終結者這角色-有時你 上場都處在壘上有人的情況,但你要抬起頭直起身去克服它,你的目標就是比賽要在我 手上結束.有時候上演一下Jones劇場是可以的,但不可以砸鍋.歌曲本身意涵跟我本身 投球方式很像,這是我選它的原因." "Last Man Standing" rocks hard enough to work for Jones -- proving you can pump people up without relying on one narrow genre of bands. What we need to do is think way outside the box. "Last Man Standing"非重金屬音樂對Jones非常有效-它證明你不需要把歌侷限在某 一類上,同樣也可振奮人心.我們需要想些其他非重金屬類型的音樂. The fourth movement from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (aka "Ode to Joy") is the most inspiring piece of music ever written that doesn't involve Rocky Balboa. If that isn't sufficient to ready you for protecting a three-run lead, I don't know what is. But if Beethoven is a little too high-brow for guys who think the highest form of comedy is lighting their farts, there are plenty of other options. 除了Rocky Balboa的配樂外,貝多芬第九號交響曲第四樂章可以說最震撼人心的音樂. 如果這歌仍不足以守住三分的領先,我不知道哪一首可以.但假如貝多芬的音樂被有些 認為最好笑的喜劇是讓大家聽不到屁聲的人視為有點高級的音樂,我們仍有許多選擇. Randy Edelman's theme music from "Dragon" is so emotion-stirring that it is often used in the trailers for other movies. Surely it could stir up enough adrenaline for Gagne to protect a three-run lead. Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 4 in A Major Opus 90 got Dave Stoller to ride 60 miles per hour in "Breaking Away" -- perhaps it could help Rivera crack 93 mph on the gun? Cordero would feel unhittable -- even if facing Barry Bonds -- as long as the "Rocky" theme played. Jenks' chest would swell to match his stomach if R. Kelly's "The World's Greatest" played whenever he appeared. What could be more appropriate for Nathan's entrance than the Toreador March from Carmen? Unless, of course, he came in running barefoot to "Chariots of Fire" by Vangelis. Randy Edelman替Dragon的配樂可讓每個人情緒高昂,所以很多電影預告都會用它. 這配樂的確可激起Gagne足夠腎上腺素守住三分領先.Breaking Away這部電影配樂- 孟德爾頌的第四號交響曲作品90-讓Dave Stoller腳踏車騎到60 mph,也許它能幫助 Rivera投出93 mph的球速?只要洛基(Rocky)的主題曲撥放著,即使面對強棒Barry Bonds,Cordero仍是所向無敵.如果R.Kelly的"The World's Greatest"撥放著,無論何 時Jenks上場,他的胸部會膨脹到跟他的胃一樣大.哪首歌會比卡門的鬥牛士進行曲 (Toreador March)更適合Nathan呢?除非撥放的是Vangelis的"Chariots of Fire", 然後Nathan赤腳跑進場,否則鬥牛士進行曲是最配他的. Hells bells, you could score an entire league of closers, plus their lefty and righty setup men, by downloading John Williams' greatest hits -- beginning with the themes to "Star Wars" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and running all the way to "Saving Private Ryan" and the 1984 Olympic Fanfare. 除了AC/DC的Hells bells(絕命鐘聲),可嘗試John William膾炙人口的配樂-從星際大戰 (Star Wars)開始,法櫃奇兵(Raiders of the Lost Ark),搶救雷恩大兵(Saving Private Ryan)一直到1984年奧運主題曲(1984 Olympic Fanfare)-來當全部終結者及 他們個別左手及右手的Setup men的絕命鐘聲. So let's exit Sandman, say farewell to the Jungle and dethrone Queensryche. You don't need Ozzy Osbourne to snap bats in half. 所以'離開'"Enter Sandman"吧,跟"Welcome to the Jungle"說'再見'及 '推翻' Queensryche這樂團.投手不需要Ozzy Osbourne的歌來讓打者的棒子斷成兩截的. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 如有翻譯錯誤請告知 喜歡自己編輯MLB影片的人 可以參考作者的意見 文章最後一段其實酸度很高的 "Enter Sandman" 作者故意用 "exit Sandman" "Welcome to the Jungle"作者故意用 "say farewell to the Jungle" "Queen"sryche作者故意前面多加 dethrone 感謝網友Kee32來信指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wolf3d:怎麼AC/DC也被歸類為金屬了呀.... 06/04 13:43
ckcson:推一個,順道問這樣公開播放,是否需要付版稅或權利金之類? 06/04 13:44
waitla:推"Sweet Dream" by Marilyn Manson :P 06/04 13:49
blueflier:搞不好唱片公司都很希望球場能撥他們的歌...XD 06/04 13:58
Fenixbroken:Fuel那段好酸 可見他是帶著Fuel上來救火的XD 06/04 14:04
k8543:放費玉清的晚安曲不知道會怎樣? 06/04 14:24
AFEEY:樓上讓我喝水喝到噴出來XD 06/04 14:28
maikxz:督嚕督嚕搭搭搭 06/04 14:30
ajarist:這篇真酷 推文也好笑XD 06/04 14:31
tulas:晚安曲在國內放應該不錯阿,準備散場了 06/04 14:32
niauson:提著"Fuel"來救火....XD 怎麼會有人選這歌 真不吉利 06/04 14:36
Farly:感覺metal音樂被妖魔化.. 06/04 14:58
jatonaz:這作者自己愛多管閒事吧... 06/04 15:04
longreen:這篇好耶XD 06/04 15:07
GeniusMrlai:應該放"天線寶寶~再見~" 06/04 15:15
axlnslash31:AC/DC不是金屬哪是什麼 鄉村嗎= = 06/04 15:15
hiro1221:以後小曹變成終結者可以考慮一下晚安曲... 06/04 15:21
lifeisfun:翻譯裡面的Wagner寫成Wanger了 06/04 15:23
KOSHON:AC/DC不是金屬!?那Beavis & Butthead是在high假的? 06/04 15:23
youtoo:難道這是我家瓊斯兄放火的關鍵嗎? 06/04 15:44
fetoyeh:有看有推 這篇很有趣 XD 06/04 15:48
dd2222:晚安不錯喔 看國內有沒有一個CLOSER敢用 06/04 15:50
coronach:BJ Ryan那首很屌..I Push My Fingers Into My Eyes~~~ 06/04 15:50
JH7:燒肉粽...... 06/04 15:58
JH7:曹董可以用 06/04 15:58
kee32:這也可以寫?外國球評真是多元化 >_< 06/04 16:07
fetoyeh:當然可以寫啊 Baseball is Life :) 06/04 16:09
A1pha:AC/DC是科學類!! 06/04 17:14
nir:metal酷阿~ 06/04 17:28
Tzylu:推 有趣的文章 06/04 17:36
graydevils:叫小曹放霍元甲...霍霍霍霍霍霍霍霍(逃) 06/04 17:54
m3ns7or:AC/DC他們認為自己是Hard Rock而不是Heavy Metal. 06/04 19:56
iamwilly:我一直在想 Saito的進場曲會不會哪天變成hay jude.. 06/04 20:56
jayin07:Metallica勝 XD 06/04 22:00
jayin07:其實一個團有很多風格啊...我是覺得ACDC比較像重搖滾 06/04 22:03
jayin07:就跟Nirvana大家認為他是Grunge代表 但是Kurt認為他們比較 06/04 22:03
jayin07:像PUNK 06/04 22:04
jayin07:而且老實說Hell Bell比較像Hard Rock 06/04 22:04
tonyahsiang:水手隊的歌就都很有西雅圖特色 都是Nirvana 06/05 01:05
mkw:放我們這一家的主題曲拉 哈嘍你好嗎 06/05 01:17
niceta:Somewhere Over the Rainbow XDDD  其實我也聽不慣金屬:P 06/05 01:39
jayin07:Nirvana被稱做西雅圖之父 06/05 02:23
largangelin:乾脆放DragonForce的Through The Fire And Flames好了 06/05 03:13
※ 編輯: zzzy 來自: (06/05 05:54) ※ 編輯: zzzy 來自: (06/05 05:55)
kee32:Dragonforce的歌10首如1首 >_< 聽live聽到想睡...... 06/05 09:32
teapot43:不然要放少女的祈禱嗎....(出來倒垃圾囉) 06/06 14:23