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球季要開始了,還有兩個大案子也在上演中, 臺灣這裡注意的卻不多,就是火箭人和棒子爺 關於類固醇的偽證案。 火箭人的私人訓練員咬死他的前任老闆, 棒子爺的訓練員完全相反,寧願去坐牢, 也不肯出賣棒子爺。 昨天的一場作證則有點桃色,和棒子爺交往了9年的前女友出庭作證, 證詞還是對棒子爺很不利,特別的是詳細敘述了 類固醇對他的性生活的影響:蛋蛋變小、勃起困難..... 棒子爺的辯護律師把Kimberly Bell描繪成只想撈錢的女人, 要不擇手段地利用棒子爺的剩餘價值,出書、上電台接受訪問, 甚至於替花花公子拍裸照。 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/29/sports/baseball/29 bonds.html?ref=baseball&pagewanted=print March 28, 2011 Ex-Girlfriend Details How Bonds Changed By JULIET MACUR SAN FRANCISCO — Kimberly Bell — who was Barry Bonds’s girlfriend for nine years, spanning his two marriages — walked into the courtroom on Monday to testify at his perjury trial, and nearly everyone there turned to gawk at her. Everyone except Bonds. As Bell took the witness stand, Bonds’s eyes were fixed on the defense table in Courtroom 10 of the Phillip Burton Federal Building. He knew what was coming. For more than a decade, baseball and its fans have had to confront certain aspects of the sport’s steroids scandal: the unfair advantage gained by players who were using the drugs; the skepticism that baseball’s drug-testing policy was meaningfully set up to catch anyone; the tainted careers that have left likely Hall of Famers consigned to ignominy instead. But on Monday, the public was introduced to what prosecutors insist is another side of the scandal: the physical toll of taking steroids, in effect what the athletes who used them were willing to do to their own bodies in pursuit of an advantage, real or imagined. It was not pretty. “He developed acne on his upper shoulders and back; his hair was falling out quickly, and he ended shaving it all off,” Bell testified of Bonds as the jury sat to her left, rapt. Then her voice grew so faint it was barely audible. “He changed sexually, in his testicles and performance and that.” Between deep breaths and under unsparing questioning, Bell further testified: “The shape, size of his testicles were smaller, unusual, differently shaped. ” Of Bonds, baseball’s official home run king, she testified that he had to resort to using “something” to resolve his trouble maintaining an erection. For nearly six hours, Bell gave graphic and sometimes tearful testimony in United States District Court about the changes she noticed in Bonds, including a bloated face and belly. Prosecutors said all of it — the changed appearance and behavioral qualities — were documented symptoms of steroid use and thus evidence that Bonds had used them during his career, then lied about that fact under oath when questioned before a grand jury in 2003. Bonds’s lawyers, in their cross-examination, tried to paint Bell as a vindictive, attention-craving gold-digger who was upset about their breakup. She posed in Playboy for money, was writing a book about her relationship with Bonds and gave at least 20 radio interviews about the subject, the defense pointed out. Those attempts, to be sure, were aimed at blunting the power of her often explicit firsthand testimony. Bell said she spoke to Bonds once about his possible steroid use, in 1999, but never pressed him about it because he told her it was common in baseball. Besides, she said he told her, he did not inject himself every day, as some bodybuilders do. “He mentioned that other players do it and that’s how they got ahead,” Bell, who dated Bonds from 1994 to 2003, said. “That’s how they achieved.” Bell testified that she had a good reason for never bringing up the subject of steroids with him again: she was afraid of him.During their later years together, she said Bonds grew irritable and verbally abusive — “almost violent.” The government insists that change in his demeanor was brought about by steroid use. Bell testified that Bonds threatened “to cut my head off and leave me in a ditch” and said that “he would cut out my breast implants because he paid for them.” He also said he was going to burn her house down, she said. “I didn’t want to make him angry,” Bell said, growing teary. “I didn’t want him to yell at me.” Their relationship started differently, she said. Bell first met Bonds in the parking lot of the San Francisco Giants’ stadium in the summer of 1994, then chatted with him the next day at a friend’s barbecue. She took a long drive with him in his new Porsche and spent the night with him that night, beginning their long relationship. Bell said the first she heard of Bonds’s steroid use in 1999, when he talked about an elbow injury he had. “He said it was because of steroids,” she said, adding that he explained that the muscle and tendons grew faster than the joint,ꔠso his elbow simply “ blew out.” Bell said she soon discovered that those achievements came at a cost. Bonds asked her to help clear up the acne on his back and shoulders, she said. She also remembered him standing in front of a mirror at spring training in 2000 and asking if she thought the bloating and puffiness in his face and belly were noticeable to others. Yet she stayed with him. At times, he gave her money, in the thousands, and even helped her move to Arizona and put a down payment of $60,000 or maybe $80,000 on a house there shortly after he married his second wife, she said. The defense questioned Bell’s motivation for testifying against Bonds, which she first did before a federal grand jury in 2005. Bell was angry that Bonds told her to “disappear” in early 2003, said Cris Arguedas, one of Bonds’s lawyers. Arguedas said, “Sell a book that capitalizes on his fame, make a bunch of money, that was one part of your plan, wasn’t it?” The Giants’ equipment manager, Mike Murphy, also testified Monday and said that Bonds’s cap size changed from 7 ¼ to 7That chan꜊ -- There are a lot of things we don't want to know about the people we love. --- Chuck Palahniuk -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
badom:推蛋蛋變小 03/29 12:13
bezlin:交往9年了 能不變小嗎 03/29 12:20
if2:說不定是女友劣化太快 03/29 12:22
four5:法官 : 正常人交往9年都會勃起困難 檢察官有新證據嗎? 03/29 12:28
gorhow:同樣的事做多了 難免沒新鮮感嘛 03/29 12:31
ngds:Dunn說,我到WAS後只是全壘打少三隻,就說我蛋蛋變小 03/29 12:36
forgetta:得到一支棒子 也失去了一支 03/29 12:36
Vierro:純粹以看笑話的心情閱讀此文 溫馨 03/29 13:23
tigertiger:Bonds的血只夠一支棒子使用 03/29 13:27
LetsGoNY:Clemens是真的很令人失望 03/29 13:47
globekiller:上帝:你願意用床上的全壘打換球場上的全壘打嗎? 03/29 15:20
porten812:我快笑翻了 03/29 19:22