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Former Yankees Chuck Knoblauch Doesn’t Like His Ex-Wife F*cking N*ggers, Allegedly http://bit.ly/niKhlz Published On 08 Oct 2011 By Robert Littal Sometimes with Twitter it is pretty obvious when an athlete tweets something controversial or by accident and then uses the hacked excuse to clean it up. 如果你經常逛"推特",應該不難發現一些名人(尤其是運動明星)在po出不恰當的 留言之後,往往會以"被駭客入侵"作為藉口,並將那留言刪除 In this particular case of Chuck Knoblauch it isn’t so clear. Just reading his previous tweets this sort of vile comment seems to come out of left field (no pun intended). Experience tells us that Twitter sometimes is a gateway to someone’s true feelings, so maybe this is how he feels about his ex-wife having relations with the black male population. 然而,Chuck Knoblauch的狀況似乎不是那麼單純。在讀過他先前的推特po文後, 這次如此惡劣的留言的確會讓人感到莫名其妙。不過,經驗告訴我們推特有時候 是某人真實感受的傳聲筒,所以這說不定正是他發現他前妻與黑人"發生關係"後 的真實感覺呢! Deadspin has a bit of the back story. 運動八卦網站Deadspin有提到Knoblauch先前的狀況 We’re not sure exactly what prompted the rampage that came from @chuckknoblauch, the verified Twitter account of the former Yankees and Twins second baseman, circa 1:30 a.m. ET Friday night, but it must have been bad. 我們並不明瞭是什麼事情,讓這位前雙城/洋基二壘手使用的推特帳號,在星期五 下午的留言,感覺這麼火爆,但肯定不是好事 The tweet at top—”I Hate fucking dirty whores like Cheri Olvera. Scumbag nasty nigger fucking slut!!???”—refers to a lady who is not only Knoblauch’s wife but Brian Giles’ ex-fiancée, who recently sued the former Padre for $10 million. Knoblauch testified on Olvera’s behalf in that trial because the two were then engaged. Giles later won the trial. 他推特上的新留言:「我討厭Cheri Olvera那樣的臭婊子,那卑鄙的爛女人居然 會跟死黑鬼上床!?」所指稱的對象不只是他的前妻而已,還曾經與前教士球星 Brian Giles訂婚過,但她卻在前鎮子向Giles索求一千萬美金。Knoblauch曾經在 這官司中為前妻作證,不過最後法官判Giles勝訴 I am sure the tweets will be deleted and Knoblauch will have a convenient excuse that may or may not be true. If he indeed posted the tweet himself, don’t expect him to be invited to speak at any NAACP rallies anytime soon. 我很確定那則留言會按照慣例地被刪除,而Knoblauch接下來也會做解釋(不管真相 為何)。不過,假如那則留言真的是由他親自po出,我想全美有色人種協進會(註: 著名黑人民權組織)近期應該不會邀他演講了吧! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 後記:Knoblauch後來在推特聲明那留言不是他po的,並指出"那位入侵我帳號 亂寫一通的人只不過是膽小鬼罷了" 心得:我剛查了一下,Knoblauch後來與Cheri離婚 似乎跟Knoblauch曾經被指控家暴有一定程度的關聯 而文內描述的情節甚至還可以與肥皂劇比美了! 不過事情的詳細真相為何,恐怕也只有當事人本身才知道了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
joker6:就好像ptt的朋友用他帳號亂po一樣 10/10 19:26
solarcells:這好像之前O2版的約泡事件~~~~~ 10/10 19:34
seeyou1002:後來他就忘記怎麼打老婆了 10/10 19:35
sd5566:西斯版鬍子哥約砲:我朋友用我帳號 10/10 20:00
ro1234:乾脆寫心中的惡魔跑出來PO的好了 XD 10/10 20:45
ajburnett:是喔 暴傳大概也是小鬼上身吧 10/10 21:14
lavigneA:有大大可以補充她的事蹟嗎?只知到後期好像得了傳球恐懼症 10/10 21:19
Tenka:他很妙 他主動加我的Twitter 10/10 21:57
funy98:跟Nomar比誰比較拖臺錢XD 10/11 10:11
※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 來自: (10/11 19:06)