看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Mark Prior, RHP, free agent - He will likely attempt one more comeback. He spent some of last season with the Yankees, his rebuilt arm holding up well and getting his velocity into the low 90s. But Prior, who was the Stephen Strasburg of his day, has a new problem. After many weeks of trying to figure out what was wrong with the lower half of his body, he had surgery for a sports hernia, but the problem wasn’t completely corrected. He is working out near his home in San Diego, trying to figure it out. He will likely work out for teams as early as March. http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/articles/2012/02/05/jason_varitek_facing_toughest_call_of_his_career/?page=full Mark Prior 將在嘗試一次東山再起的機會 上個賽季多半待在洋基小聯盟復健 06年以後沒有在大聯盟投過球了 才31歲 曾經大家期待將主宰聯盟的投手 ------- 再次幫大家回顧03年當時才22歲 最後階段Mark Prior的出場局數球數 七八月因為肩膀挫傷在傷兵名單躺了幾個禮拜 DATE OPP IP PIT Sep. 1 STL 8.0 131 Sep. 6 @MIL 7.0 129 Sep. 11 @WAS 5.2 110 Sep. 16 NYM 9.2 124 Sep. 21 @PIT 8.2 131 Sep. 27 PIT 7.2 133 Oct. 3 ATL 9.0 133 Oct. 8 FLA 7.0 116 Oct. 14 FLA 7.1 119 Steve Bartman事件發生日 -- 標題 [問卦] 有沒有初音的配音員的八卦
Sipaloy:只是一沱蛋白質而以...01/27 00:38
( ゚∀゚)o彡 這位不是決鬥的祖師爺嗎
Skydier:凶宅現身01/27 00:39
satou20444:凶宅祖師爺01/27 00:41
csaga:靠!決鬥的祖師爺現身了!01/27 00:44
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: beckseaton 來自: (02/07 13:06)
a502152000:Baker 02/07 13:07
GDBS: sucks 02/07 13:09
peking: 5th floor's dick 02/07 13:10
wuwinkan:關鍵字: 02/07 13:15
AvriLavigne:哀 都110球起跳的,不壞才怪 02/07 13:26
AvriLavigne:洋基要不要簽簽看阿 T_T 02/07 13:27
accjm2440:Steve Bartman事件是? 02/07 13:30
angelshadow:洋基去年簽過這張樂透了 02/07 13:32
lyl90:樓樓上請估狗Steve Bartman 02/07 13:50
DamnDre:唉...曾經被譽為有球速的maddux... 02/07 13:57
mdfh:Bartman連成長背景都被寫的清清處處 冏 02/07 14:07
birdy590:這些比賽很重要就算了 最爛的是還包含消化試合的垃圾局數 02/07 14:41
badom:牙籤: 02/07 14:52
davidex:Maddux沒球速? 02/07 15:06
jojo2147:兩者相比的話Prior是快上一些沒錯... 02/07 15:13
yeng1217:Prior當時是很快啊... 02/07 15:25
maxspeed150:Prior的極速可以上98,99的 02/07 16:23
PlayStation3:史上最好的大學投手。 02/07 16:28
nickofbsb:這樣搞手不廢才怪 02/07 16:29
asd25:Baker _____ 02/07 16:34
ddtcd:NYY不只去年簽下他 之前選秀有選他... 02/07 16:35
MichaelBourn:涌井秀章表示: 02/07 17:41
jaysuzuki:雖然我這樣問政治不正確,但這樣真的有操到就這麼毀掉一 02/07 17:46
jaysuzuki:個投手嗎? 02/07 17:46
z9440610:Baker Sucks 02/07 17:52
borriss:傷剛好場場配額就給130.. 02/07 18:05
cha122977:搞不好都還沒發育完全就投這種球數... 02/07 18:09
cha122977:很多約30左右的投手都不見得可以場場投這種球數阿 02/07 18:12
PlayStation3:不是一個,是兩個。 02/07 19:40
forgetta:Steve Bartman與Grady Little 2003兩邊聯盟冠軍賽MVP 02/07 19:47
aton602:日本一星期投一次,但MLB投一休四就操這樣 根本是變態 02/07 20:19
maxspeed150:即使一星期投一次 那種用球數還是不正常 02/07 20:22
aton602:Wood至少還能投短局的,但Prior真人讓人想訐麵包師傅 02/07 20:22
xkamome:好久沒看到9.2這種局數了... 02/07 20:44
yeng1217:現在都很少會看到130球的吧 差不多都是100球左右? 02/07 20:50
Roshiel: ↑↑涌井表示________ 02/07 20:52
cj86: 拎北在打NPB啦 02/07 21:11
magicagar: 拎北那是熱身不算啦 02/07 21:40
MazdaRx7:小熊這兩隻當初沒被操壞的話.. 02/07 22:09
Alexander13: 現在也不會被叫百年 02/07 22:12
lwei781:better stuff than darvish 02/07 22:21
Grammy:好猛的人 身為球迷能流傳千古也不容易 哈哈! 02/07 23:30
Ryushuier:Steve Bartman就是幹球哥呀 02/07 23:57
signorange:感慨... 02/08 00:12
XDXDXDD:每看一次真的會很激憤 爛教練 02/08 00:31
klarc:03年紀是他和Kerry Wood在第一輪整死勇士頗強的打線 02/08 00:35
Arsenalhenry: 推樓上, 那年勇士打線只有猛 02/08 02:14
yeng1217:那也是NPB啊 XD 02/08 02:44
newest:Baker Sucks 02/08 07:49
onime0704:投一休六跟投一休四拿來比... 02/08 09:45
heacoun:Baker... 02/08 11:13
hikaruton:貝克街的亡靈 02/08 12:22