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除了球隊一哥Votto提前續約的消息外,今天與紅人隊有關的外電其實還不少 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sean Marshall To Close For Cincinnati http://goo.gl/8YfWi Via Associated Press With Ryan Madson out for the season, the Reds will use left-hander Sean Marshall as their closer. 因應Ryan Madson整季報銷,紅人將會用從小熊交易來的Sean Marshall擔任終結者。 "Sean Marshall's our closer for now," Dusty Baker said. 紅人教頭Dusty Baker向媒體宣佈「Marshall就是我們球隊現在的終結者。」 The lefty went 1-0 with a 3.27 ERA in 11 innings over 10 Cactus League outings. 這位左投在今年的10場春訓比賽的11局投球中,其自責分率為3.27,並拿過1場勝利。 "He's closed a few games, not a lot," Baker said. "He can throw that breaking ball for strikes anytime he gets ready and that's hard to do in Arizona with this light air and all. He's not fazed by situations. He's been around awhile. He's a veteran guy and has had success." Baker另外補充︰「他擔任此角色的次數的確不算多,但他還是可以隨時在關鍵時刻 投出三振;而且在亞利桑那這樣充滿軟風與其他不利的環境下,他仍可以表現出不被 煩擾的樣子。畢竟,他是一位曾有過好成績的老將。」 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phillips Unlikely To Get Extension From Reds http://goo.gl/DZ021 Via Ken Rosenthal/FOX Sports (via Twitter) While reports have indicated that Joey Votto is on the verge of receiving a contract extension with the Reds, one of his teammates won't be as lucky. 在許多報導都指向Joey Votto即將從紅人那裡獲得延長合約之際,他的其中一名隊友 卻沒有這麼好運。 Ken Rosenthal tweets that longtime infielder Brandon Phillips is unlikely to receive a new deal from Cincinnati. Fox Sports的記者Ken Rosenthal就透過推特指出︰長期擔任內野手的Brandon Phillips 就不大可能從紅人那裡獲得新的合約。 Rosenthal在推特的Po文並點出 https://twitter.com/#!/Ken_Rosenthal/status/186860819231936513 Money could go to Votto(因為錢都給Votto了) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 有一個網友對Phillips不被續約消息的回應頗有趣 So Phillips will leave and throw a ball at Votto next year while playing for the Cardinals due to Votto getting $? (Phillips可能會因為Votto賺到錢,離開紅人加入紅雀,並在隔年的比賽中朝Votto 丟球囉?) -- 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 1020 Cs NETS  ★ OKC 匾哥 匾玫瑰 匾保羅 匾豆 匾威廉斯 匾許 匾牆 匾爾森 匾河 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
leoturkey:最後一段 呵呵 04/03 21:15
KISSFORMISS:Votto打內滾 Phillips接到直接往他身上砸嗎QQ 04/03 21:17
kikielle:U-ball表示: 04/03 21:18
sampsonlu919:很明顯是酸U-Ball事件啊 XD 04/03 21:19
Dimitre:酸得不錯 04/03 21:21
ps20012001:XD 時事梗.. 04/03 21:31
andy880036s:最後一頓XDDD 04/03 21:35
EEERRIICC:二游滾地傳一壘刺殺Votto 結果傳到Votto臉上這樣? 04/03 21:38
jshuang:應該是 Votto 由一往二壘滑 被要傳出來的球 K 到才會很痛 04/03 21:41
flyinwinds:時事梗XD 04/03 21:48
antonio019:外國酸民nice play 04/03 21:58
ff760725:Baker s 04/04 00:11
adagiox:我想Phillips死都不可能家加入紅雀 這是時事加往事梗了 04/04 09:48
maxspeed150:Phillips是反紅雀大將軍 04/04 10:05
ultratimes: Phillips應該加入Phillies(誤) 04/04 11:43