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以下的新聞牽涉到兩位明星投手,而其中一位正是Cain本人 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cain Never Thought About Pitching For Dodgers http://goo.gl/2svzk Via John Shea/San Francisco Chronicle (via Twitter) Matt Cain became the richest right-hander in baseball history on Monday when he agreed to a $112.5 million deal with the Giants. Matt Cain在今天與巨人簽下破億合約後,成為棒球史上最有錢的右投手。 He admitted that he never expected to leave San Francisco when asked if he ever thought about pitching for the rival Dodgers. 當被記者問到是否想過要離開舊金山,投奔同區世仇道奇時,他坦承從未有這種想法。 "I did not seriously think so. The truth is, I don't have to. I'm excited about it," Cain said. 他說︰「我從未認真想過此問題。事實上,我也不需要。因為我很高興能留在這裡。」 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greinke Mum On Possible Extension http://goo.gl/lDn8C Via Adam McCalvy / MLB.com Zack Greinke didn't have a lot to say on Monday when asked about a potential contract extension with the Brewers. 當被問到與釀酒人續約的情形時,Zack Greinke並不想說太多話。 San Francisco has made Matt Cain the richest right-hander in baseball history with a deal reportedly worth $112.5 million. 與此同時,巨人隊與Matt Cain的延長合約變成了史上最貴的右投合約。 "We'll see," Greinke said with a smile when asked if Cain's contract would have a bearing on his next deal. 「我們未來再看看吧!」Greinke談到Cain的合約是否配得上他下一份合約時,他面帶 微笑講出這句話。 The Major League Baseball Players Association confirmed Monday morning that Greinke still has not registered an agent MLB球員工會也在今天證實─Greinke目前並沒有註冊的經紀人。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 心得︰結果Greinke的下個經紀人變成Scott Boras? -- ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙   Who will be  O   O   O   O   O   O   O    the World Cup  巴   葡   英   西   巴      MVP? 西瓜  卡卡 C羅 魯尼 比利亞 范佩西 法比安諾 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
noahlin:現在20M的SP好像變得不太稀奇了... 04/03 22:26
borriss:美金看貶無誤 (往左右看 04/03 22:33
davidex:奇怪 NYY沒出過天價簽長約給右投手? 04/03 23:08
PlayStation3:Cashman時代是沒有過。 04/03 23:21
jet113102:貴的都是左投 04/03 23:22
dw1012:Greinke好像對自己談合約有興趣 04/03 23:25
davidex:真好奇當初挖Mussina和Clemens花多少@@ 04/03 23:39
borriss: 2000年 88.5M/6y<>藍鳥連兩年CYA後交易到NYY 04/03 23:48
star01:不用抽成給經紀人@@ 04/04 00:19
www90173:明年K肉的約就沒了 拜託一定要留Z魔神>< 04/04 02:05
ckevint:Kinsler也在談延長約了.... 04/04 09:31