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Hamels Seeking Deal Like Santana's With Mets http://goo.gl/4KkUD Via Jayson Stark/ESPN.com The Phillies continue to discuss a potential contract extension with Cole Hamels. 費城人目前仍持續與Cole Hamels討論續約。 The two sides are hung up a bit on the length of the deal, not necessarily money. 然而,雙方對於合約長度的期盼,卻讓討論仍處於懸盪狀態中。 Agent John Boggs is believed to be seeking a contract similar to the six-year, $137.5 million contract that Johan Santana signed with the Mets a year before he could have become a free agent. 不少人相信:Hamels的經紀人John Boggs將會在他成為自由球員之前,尋求類似大都會 當年簽下Johan Santana,提供的6年/1.375億美金合約。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dodgers Could Be Suitor For Phillips http://goo.gl/Bu26p Via Ken Rosenthal/FOX Sports The Reds continue to discuss a new contract with Brandon Phillips, but they have been talking for a year now. 紅人也持續與Brandon Phillips討論新合約,然而他們針對此議題其實已經僵持至少 一年了。 Phillips, 30, will earn $12.5 million this season in the final year of his contract. 今年就要30歲的Phillips,本球季的年新是1250萬鎂,而這也是他合約的最後一年。 The two sides remain apart on both dollars and length of contract, sources say. 消息源表示,雙方對於合約的長度與金額仍有不小歧異。 The Dodgers, under new ownership, would be one potential suitor for Phillips, though Mark Ellis is under contract for $5.25 million in 2013. 剛更換新老闆的道奇,有可能是Phillips的潛力追逐者之一;然而,他的防守位置 目前已經被Mark Ellis佔據,而且其合約要到2013才會到期。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Casey Close Will Represent Greinke http://goo.gl/xPU3e Via Jim Bowden/ESPN.com (via Twitter) Zack Greinke, who had been working with the Brewers on a possible contract extension without an agent, is now being represented by Casey Close. 而釀酒人明星投手Zack Greinke也在今天找到了未來談約的經紀人:Casey Close 以下是Close的客戶名單:http://goo.gl/MkJFw Close曾經在經紀業巨擘CAA任職,不過已經於去年2月離開這家大型企業 他目前是Excel Sports Management的棒球部門主管 台灣知名度較高的其他客戶,還包括洋基隊Jeter與費城人隊Howard -- / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   Who is The "Orz"est 法   法   喀  英  英   象   德  Player in WorldCup? 亨囧 囧貝力 囧托 囧尼   LP囧  囧羅巴 囧洛澤 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: