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Cubs interested in Nationals lefty John Lannan http://goo.gl/xWCJ7 BY GORDON WITTENMYER The Cubs aren’t done putting together their early-season roster. 小熊還沒有把開季球員陣容調整完成。 Still on the lookout for pitching help in particular, the Cubs, according to a major-league source, inquired again about Washington Nationals left-hander John Lannan, who asked for a trade after being sent to the minors this week when he lost the Nats’ fifth-starter job to Ross Detwiler. 根據消息指出:仍在尋求投手支援的小熊,又一次向國民詢問了John Lannan。 這位左投在五號先發投手的角逐上輸給Ross Detwiler,並因此下放小聯盟後, 便要求被交易。 The Cubs already had talked to the Nationals about lefty pitching, including Lannan and former Cub Tom Gorzelanny, the source said, with Cubs center fielder Marlon Byrd included in those discussions. 小熊先前曾跟國民詢問過左投,當中就包括Lannan與前小熊成員Tom Gorzelanny, 而中外野手Marlon Byrd則有可能是小熊的交易籌碼。 The Nats sent mixed signals Thursday about Lannan’s availability, with manager Davey Johnson telling reporters, ‘‘We’re not trading him.’’ 國民隊在禮拜四隊Lannan的議題上釋放了讓人眼花撩亂的訊息。總教練Davey Johnson 就告訴記者「我們不會交易他。」 Said Nationals general manager Mike Rizzo: ‘‘The last thing I told [Lannan] was, ‘You’re going to help us in the big leagues this year or someone else in the big leagues this year.’ ’’ 但總管Mike Rizzo表示:「我不久前才跟Lannan說過『你在今年就能幫助我們的大聯盟 隊,但你也有可能去幫助其他的大聯盟球隊』。」 The Cubs won’t talk about specific personnel plans, but team president Theo Epstein acknowledged the fluid nature of the roster this first week of the season. 小熊隊並不願意套出太具體的計畫,但球隊總裁Theo Epstein坦承:一旦球季初就有 漏網之魚,他也不打算隨意放過。 ‘‘There’s opportunity out there the first week of the season for teams that are willing to tinker a little bit because a lot of players go through waivers, and you can get some players through waivers,’’ he said. ‘‘Once we get a few days into the season, we’ll be set and have some stability.’’ 「球隊在第一週如果想補齊球員,的確仍有機會,因為有不少球員會經過讓度的手續, 我們就可以從讓度名單中得到這些球員。」,Epstein並說:「過了幾天後,我們說 不定就能讓球隊更加穩定。」 -- 給一個願意為我付出一切且不求回報,並幫助我健康成長的朋友,願你安息(1932-2011) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
moduli:謝謝分享翻譯,但標題如作「小熊對Lannan有興趣?」較順。 04/07 22:17
cena0605:蠻想看索爺回國民的.... 04/07 22:41
asdfzx:帥呀 席歐出手了 04/08 02:46
nunzio:小熊要左投,國民要CF,有機會 04/08 11:22
Esion:Byrd太老了吧... 04/08 23:51