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Brewers Will Keep Discussing Greinke Extension http://goo.gl/62XaK Via Tom Haudricourt and Todd Rosiak/The Journal Sentinel The Brewers will continue discussing a potential contract extension with Zack Greinke throughout the season. A number of clubs prefer to table talks once Opening Day arrives. 雖然在傳統上,球隊傾向在球季開始前就談好合約,但釀酒人仍會在球季開打後, 持續與ZacK Greinke的經紀人討論可能的續約。 "I talked to his agent yesterday; we'll talk again on Monday," general manager Doug Melvin said. "There's no timeline on it. I think we have to get away from the idea that there's a deadline on opening day. 「我昨天才跟他經紀人談過,我們禮拜一還會再討論。」釀酒人總管Doug Melvin 表示:「我們沒有時間表,而且我認為我們應該拋開『球季開幕日就是談約期限』 的想法。」 "Sometimes players say they want to focus on the season and that's fine. I respect that. But that doesn't mean the GM and the agent won't talk behind the scenes. We want him to go out and have a big year." 「有許多時候,球員們會說想要在球季進行時保持專注,那很好,我也尊重他們。 但這不表示球隊高層與他們的經紀人就不能在幕後洽談。我們會讓他走出球場 並在這一年有好表現。」 Milwaukee worked out a five-year, $105 million extension last April with left-fielder Ryan Braun. 釀酒人去年四月才曾經用五年超過一億美金的價碼延長左外野手Ryan Braun的合約。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 另外,根據這兩人同樣網頁的報導:http://goo.gl/TcH4z 釀酒人與Melvin及總教練Roenicke的談約動作快要完成,沒有意外應該都會續簽 -- / \ U  ny  G   鷹 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   英囧 大囧寧 小囧寧 囧莫 囧利斯 囧傑斯 囧克 囧萊迪 囧-Roe -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 來自: (04/08 22:42)
andy880036s:記得之前看過Z魔神不是沒有經紀人嗎...還是我記錯了? 04/08 23:17
may120:17890~這篇文章有提到他找到新經紀人 04/08 23:19
brighton16:釀酒人沒續簽成功的話當初的交易就虧大了,農場被清光 04/08 23:24
ca1123:沒簽下有選秀補償呀 04/09 01:11
dripe04:打錯字了,不是Zach啦!! 04/09 09:43
※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 來自: (04/09 12:34)