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Aramis Ramirez expects big boos for Ryan Braun this year http://goo.gl/ZC6en Drew Silva | Apr 8, 2012, 8:15 PM EDT The Brewers opened their regular-season schedule with a home series against the Cardinals, so we haven’t been given a taste of what kind of vitriol Ryan Braun is in for this summer at road parks. 釀酒人隊的例行賽是在他們主場展開的,所以我們到現在還沒看到其他球迷會對Ryan Braun發表哪些麻辣言論。 But that will change Monday when Braun and the Brewers head to Chicago for a four-game set against the Cubs. And new teammate Aramis Ramirez, who knows a thing or two about the crowd at Wrigley Field, is expecting the reaction to be rough. 但明天Braun與他的酒鬼夥伴們前進芝加哥與小熊進行四連戰時,情況就會改變了。 Braun的新隊友Aramis Ramirez對對於小熊主場瑞格力球場的球迷們算是略懂,所以 他也預期芝城鄉民們的言語會變得更加粗野。 A-Ram spoke about the subject Sunday with Tom Haudricourt of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “I think it’s going to be ugly for Braun everywhere we go,” Ramirez said. “On the road, it’s going to be tough for him. He knows it. That’s no secret. Plus, he got a taste of it in spring training. Everywhere we go, he was getting booed.” A-Ram針對此議題告訴了密爾瓦基的記者:「我可以想見我們在客場比賽時,Braun 將會面臨醜陋的情況,並對他造成壓力;但他也知道,畢竟這不是什麼秘密。其實, 他在春訓的客場比賽時,早就聽過不少噓聲了。」 “But he’s a good player and he’s tough,” the Brewers third baseman concluded. “He’s tough mentally and I think he’s going to be OK. He’s a good enough player to separate that from his game.” 「但他可是強悍的好球員呢!」陣守釀酒人三壘的A-Ram總結道:「他的內心很堅強, 所以我想他會順利度過的,他優秀到能把那些環從他的比賽分隔開來。」 Braun, of course, had a 50-game PED suspension tossed out this offseason on a successful appeal of the sample-collecting process. He’s 4-for-12 with a homer and a walk through three games this year. 經歷戲劇化「禁藥風波」的Braun,今年前三場比賽的12打數中有4支安打,其中還 包括一支全壘打。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 心得:Braun在客場的第一場比賽,果然是不少媒體注目的焦點 連美國區的ESPN都因此把這場比賽排在明天的黃金時段播出 我相信明天這場比賽應該在板上也會有熱烈的討論吧! -- / \ U  ny  G   鷹 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   英囧 大囧寧 小囧寧 囧莫 囧利斯 囧傑斯 囧克 囧萊迪 囧-Roe -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Valter:七點看布朗爺 八點看達比修 04/09 19:11
Ryushuier:今年不能吃藥了 04/09 19:11
hirdaramani:***** 04/09 19:13
Ryushuier:今年成績會不會下滑Q___Q 04/09 19:32
maikxz:不管是真的有打還是沒打 都會下滑吧 很難不受影響 =_= 04/09 19:34
porten812:看看自己的成績...還是去多揮揮棒比較實在吧 04/09 20:10
seeyou1002:等他到Arizona的時候會被噓更大吧 04/09 20:14
badom:到KEMP的道奇隊會噓更大吧 04/09 20:29
Ryushuier:Kemp要是吃藥的話就可以40-40了 可惜 04/09 20:54
sky419012:囧o/*\ 04/09 21:29
ps20012001:光是背負不能退步的壓力就夠嗆了吧 04/09 22:29
CGary:如果下滑就慘烈了... 有得被戰了 04/09 23:21
redzero:cheater!! 04/09 23:33
asd25:過來人 經驗談 04/10 00:48