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Brewers “suspend” extension talks with Zack Greinke http://goo.gl/blVgW Drew Silva | Apr 10, 2012, 7:19 PM EDT Zack Greinke appears headed for free agency. Zack Greinke(小葛)越來越有可能直接進入自由市場了。 According to beat reporter Tom Haudricourt of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Brewers have “suspended” long-term contract negotiations with the 28-year-old right-hander and have no plans at this time to re-start the talks at a later date. 根據密爾瓦基當地記者Tom Haudricourt的報導,釀酒人隊已經「暫停了」對這位 28歲右投的續約談判,而且也還沒有安排重新會談的時間。 Greinke had quite an Opening Week, hiring agent Casey Close, watching fellow right-handed starterMatt Cain sign a five-year, $112.5 million extension with the Giants, and shutting out the Cardinals over seven innings in a spectacular regular-season debut. 上週對小葛可說是相當精采的球季開幕週:他聘請了Casey Close擔任經紀人、目睹 另一右投Matt Cain與巨人續簽破億合約,並且在球季初登板賞了紅雀打線七局的 鴨蛋。 Greinke posted a 3.83 ERA and 1.20 WHIP in 28 outings last season, fanning 201 batters in 171 2/3 innings. If he pitches as well (or better) in 2012, he should really cash in this winter. The 2009 AL Cy Young Award winner is currently scheduled to become a free agent five days after the end of this year’s World Series. 小葛在去年28次先發中拿到3.83的自責分率、WHIP值1.2,並在171.2局中讓對手 吹風扇(也就是被三振)201次。假如他能在今年有相等甚至更好的表現,他應該 能在今年冬天賺近大筆現金-因為這位前美聯賽揚獎得主,將在世界大賽結束 五天後成為自由球員。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 另,印地安人在搞定Santana的合約後,也想要說服他的一個同年齡層隊友續留克城 Indians Could Extend Masterson's Contract http://goo.gl/UVWbw Via Jordan Bastian/MLB.com (via Twitter) The Indians have discussed the possibility of extending the contract of starting pitcher Justin Masterson. 笑臉人下一個打算討論續約可能性的,正是先發投手Justin Masterson。 However, nothing is imminent and the two sides appear to have put talks on hold for now. 然而,就目前的狀況來看,兩方都還沒有太大的突破。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greinke+Masterson:我們也要提前續約啦! 心得:你們覺得這兩位,誰先會獲得續約呢? -- #1C2pXhnA (NBA) [新聞] 朗多:綠衫軍可以擊敗湖人
tXXXXXX :他與隊友柏金斯一起在房間06/06 14:43
vXXXXX : 坐在一起06/06 14:43
jXXXXXXXXX : 打06/06 14:48
bXXXXXXXX : 2k1006/06 14:49
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
o0991758566:Greinke釀酒人主場沒輸過,好主場,不留嗎~? 04/11 19:08
may120:剛進版熊熊一看看成約談~冏.. 04/11 19:09
tn00037166:1.2次WHIP 不用加次 04/11 19:12
※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 來自: (04/11 19:13)
EEERRIICC:好宅 04/11 19:15
waderu:大師之子先吧 04/11 19:25
jacky77437:大師之子應該比較好談 04/11 19:28
EEERRIICC:上一場大師之子 8局 10K 2H 1ER 超威XD 04/11 19:30
krjr24:釀酒人威個一兩季就... 04/11 20:20
EviL1988: 跑去洋基了 04/11 20:22
stoping:翻作小葛會想接瑞菲耶.. 04/11 21:09
EndlessYearn:不要翻小葛啦 整篇都一直覺得是會飛的那個... 04/11 22:28
sampsonlu919:會飛的那個其實退休且40歲了 所以不大適合叫小葛了吧 04/11 22:29
nickofbsb:Year of the Extension 04/12 00:57
caesst85149:樓樓上 他叫小葛和年紀完全沒關係好嗎 04/12 01:19
skcwebb:是因為Jr.才叫小葛... 04/12 01:24