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http://tinyurl.com/7nyqjec Oft-injured pitcher Mark Prior has been given another shot to get himself back to the majors. CBSSports.com's Jon Heyman has learned that the Red Sox have signed Prior. He'll work to build up arm strength in extended spring training before the next course of action is decided. --- Bobby V: 球數多多益善 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
EEERRIICC:怕痛,就不會贏 05/03 09:27
uilnivla:BAKER _____ 05/03 09:30
Liandh:能回來就好... 05/03 09:30
jet113102:貝克街的亡靈 05/03 09:48
Iori5566:五樓都知道貝克薩科司的由來 05/03 10:05
tvv: SUCKS 05/03 10:08
tedwood6465:永不放棄,是我____!! 05/03 19:39
tmomotoo:前兩天看到他去紅襪測試的新聞,沒想到真的簽了。有看過 05/04 11:36
tmomotoo:2003在小熊的Prior,投球大概只能用「優雅」兩字形容 05/04 11:38