看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/8qgq7h5 "I don't think Bobby should be fired," Pedroia said Tuesday night after Boston's 7-1 loss to Baltimore. "We haven't played well. That's the bottom line. I'm not going to blame anything on Bobby. It's on the players." 小派:Bobby V不該走,錯在球員 "I had one problem with Bobby earlier in the year and I went into his office and talked to him like a man. He talked to me like a man. We've been great, had a great relationship. I'll go out there and play for him any day of the week. I'm playing for all my teammates." 「我在季初時和8BV有點問題,後來我們坦誠相對,我跟他處得很好。」 Lester & Lackey:說好的兩手海尼根呢 -- 我愛跳針,我是猴子王。 ˍˍ 猴跳▏ 王針▏ ▇▇
timidwei:ARODisGod的戰鬥力有三千 你起碼一萬以上
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pikachu123:Pedoria很想當和事佬的樣子 去年好像也沒出來砲 08/15 20:43
QWE55874:本來就是這樣 打不好怪總教練.搞的球員都是空氣 這樣對嗎 08/15 20:44
notmuchmoney:戰教練的不就是Pedroia? 08/15 20:47
AloRaiVet:所以到底是.... 08/15 20:49
Thanatos:兩手策略 08/15 20:50
okeydokey:第二段不都有說"以前"確實不合了 08/15 20:53
miabcd199:去年最後一場後 有張他坐在休息室的照片 真心疼QQ 08/15 20:53
a58461351:要改練舉重嗎 08/15 20:55
matt11212:樓樓上說的那張照片有印象 哪邊還看的到阿 08/15 20:59
mygoing:小派:責任我來扛 那我就能像You被交易走了吧 YA~~~~ 08/15 21:02
tony160079:乾脆一次把原來的當家123壘手通通賣掉好了 08/15 21:03
tony160079:GM就會在歷史上留名 08/15 21:04
badblue:去年被拍到坐在那的是Ace,Pedroia應該不是坐著的?XD 08/15 21:08
ilove1530:美國洪一中 08/15 21:17
JubeChocobo:like a man 美式河蟹 08/15 21:59
Vierro:Be a man! do the right thing! 08/15 22:11
arutoria:呀! 呀! 盤! 08/15 22:12
jardon:啤酒我來喝 08/15 22:13
daki85421: 8BV我來譙 08/15 22:29
youshiuan: 高球我來打 08/15 22:38
skyg: 炸G我來吃 08/15 22:46
Asucks:紅襪的清流 08/15 23:03
Note1406:意思是他要扛"總教練被火掉"的責任 08/15 23:12
jshk:Pedroia真的很強又認真打球 今天那支三壘安打就是如此 08/15 23:56
ultratimes:場面話,講真話的Youk就... 08/16 01:18