看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The Red Sox have released right-hander Mark Prior, according to Brendan McGair of the Pawtucket Times (via Twitter). The move was made in order to create space for the newly-acquired Pedro Beato. Prior, 31, hooked on with the Red Sox in early May as he looked to attempt yet another comeback. During his time in Triple-A Pawtucket, Prior posted a 3.96 ERA with 13.7 K/9 and 8.3 BB/9 in a small sample size of 25 innings of work. The second-overall pick in 2001 was brilliant in the early portion of his career but has not pitched in the majors since 2006 thanks to a series of shoulder problems. 當年的一代巨投 真的難過 --
rabbit190:大Z:他不守我守阿,看看老納的棒子XDDDDDDDDDDD 01/05 11:51
blackcellar:Gaby:嚐嚐我的金臂勾 01/05 12:04
Jkol:馬大魚賺到!!! 01/05 12:12
chawer: 金勾臂喔 01/05 12:12
capssan:樓上還在過聖誕節喔 01/05 12:23
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
blackcellar:Baker _____ 08/18 09:52
saidon: sucks 08/18 09:55
Aldousphyx: Baker 08/18 09:58
po5980: sucks 08/18 10:02
Benvera: Baker 08/18 10:04
BLACKLIONS: sucks 08/18 10:05
ff760725: sucks 08/18 10:05
SlamKai: sucks 08/18 10:09
Benvera:貝克 ______ 08/18 10:12
whitemist: 殺克兒 08/18 10:13
lovecmgirls: 備課 08/18 10:19
EviL1988: 法克斯 08/18 10:19
spy9527: 貝克漢_____ 08/18 10:29
WimpyKid: 殺克斯 08/18 10:31
daki85421: 可爾必思 08/18 10:33
realgenius:上面七個念起來好繞口 誰能快速念三遍 08/18 10:44
YU0987:貝克薩科司 08/18 11:20
rookiebear:烘焙人__ 08/18 11:49
wahaha5678:剛剛看到K/9值還想說這是什麼變態數據... 08/18 12:13
wahaha5678:結果一看到BB/9值... 08/18 12:13
david28941:Baker _____ 08/18 12:45
wade850617: sucks 08/18 12:47
KEN77929: sucks 08/18 12:54
albomxx: saxophone 08/18 12:57
joke610291:唉... 08/18 13:14
jacky1990b:BAKER 08/18 13:31
KS23: 薩喀爾 08/18 16:42
tony160079: 嘎 08/18 19:15
newest: sucks 08/18 22:21
popoliii:為了一次季後賽毀了全部 算嗎??@@ 08/18 22:51