看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://espn.go.com/mlb/story/_/id/8919375/ryan-braun-name-miami-based-ped-list -according-report http://tinyurl.com/b9d78p2 ESPN報導 持續更新 Yahoo sports的報導 http://tinyurl.com/aemspx8 快速翻譯: Ryan Braun的名字在一家提供PED的診所的名單上出現 Yahoo Sports說他們已經拿到三個醫療紀錄上面有Braun的名字 不過也說名單上Braun的名字旁並沒有寫任何的PED 在名單上的還有A-Rod, Francisco Cervelli, Danny Valencia和Cesar Carillo MLB正在調查此事 Braun陣營預計稍晚會發表聲明 Braun在聲明中表示去年他藥檢呈現陽性後雇用Bosch(就是謠傳為A-Rod打藥的)為顧問 Bosch為他解釋T/E比例以及有沒有可能樣本被加料 而筆記上寫的RB 20-30K 是指Braun欠他的顧問費 Braun並說"除此之外我和Bosch並無任何關係 我會全力配合調查" Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun's name is listed in the records of the Miami-based anti-aging clinic that allegedly provided performance-enhancing drugs to multiple baseball players, Yahoo! Sports reported Tuesday. Braun's name, however, is not listed next to any specific PEDs, according to Yahoo! Sports. The Miami New Times reported last week the Biogenesis clinic distributed banned substances to several high-profile players, including New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez. Yahoo! Sports claimed that it has obtained three Biogenesis records that show Braun's name. Braun is on a list that includes Rodriguez, Melky Cabrera, Francisco Cervelli, Danny Valencia and Cesar Carrillo, the website reported. Braun tested positive for elevated testosterone levels in 2011, the year he was named National League MVP. But the five-time All-Star appealed the result of the test and avoided a suspension when an arbitration panel upheld the appeal, ruling there were questions with how Braun's sample had been handled. Major League Baseball officials have asked the Miami News Times for the records the newspaper obtained for last week's report. Miami New Times editor Chuck Strouse said Tuesday the paper had not yet decided how to respond, describing MLB's move as a request and noting the league does not have legal subpoena power. Notebooks belonging to Biogenesis founder Anthony Bosch and other logs describe PED regimens for Rodriguez, Cabrera, Gio Gonzalez, Nelson Cruz and others from 2009 to 2012. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
SULICon:Kemp:_________ 02/06 10:19
vcvc43:KEMP: 02/06 10:19
MattCain:此地無銀 02/06 10:19
AZB:這次又有啥新藉口XD 02/06 10:20
synchron:Braun: 他們只是仰慕我而以阿! *** 02/06 10:22
ohmyya:Braun還我牛 02/06 10:26
k33536:Braun: 護駕 護駕 02/06 10:29
bbo9527:藥局沒有註明使用 程序錯誤!! 02/06 10:30
ps20012001:凡走過必留下痕跡嗎...看結果吧 02/06 10:30
msn12345679:反正大家早就知道有了 現在只是更確定而已 02/06 10:35
kuyung:Ryan Braun: 'Nothing to hide' in dealings with clinic 02/06 10:52
kuyung:最新聲明 02/06 10:52
※ 編輯: kuyung 來自: (02/06 11:02)
Kemp5050:MVP還來!!! > < 02/06 11:14
porten812:又有A-Rod 02/06 11:15
daki85421:R.Braun*:那個Braun不是我 是另外一個Ryan Braun 02/06 11:18
qtgeorge:反正最後一定會沒事(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ 02/06 11:22
TheVerve:哼哼 02/06 11:30
kuyung:曾經為Braun護航的朋友們 我想聽聽您的說法 來吧來吧 理性 02/06 11:33
smatt612ro:******MVP 02/06 11:36
Sparksfly:再辯啊 02/06 11:42
Sugiros:藥檢員:逃的了一時,逃不了一世! 02/06 11:54
baroque7:M*P 02/06 11:55
WLR:斬草不除根,春風吹又生。只不過曾經雜草叢生也是放任的結果 02/06 11:58
qozxcv:又黑了 02/06 12:04
externaload:M*P 還欠藥檢員一個清白 02/06 12:11
chordate:躲的了一次躲不了第二次..... 02/06 12:13
Eddward:新球季會不會ㄧ堆明星球員被禁賽呢 看下去 02/06 12:17
Y1999:MVP.............. 02/06 12:19
whalefirst:MVP要加********** 02/06 12:37
Gwendaline:何必護航 堅持程序正義也改變不了藥檢陽性的事實 02/06 12:44
gorky:沒有這麼巧合的事吧? 跑去Miami 02/06 12:51
ipod7788:快被禁賽吧 *MVP 02/06 12:58
Sparksfly:借轉 02/06 13:09
RyanBraun8:+1 02/06 13:12
hirdaramani:會不會有新的程序問題呢 02/06 13:20
taker627:理性勿戰 02/06 13:20
abc12812:打藥還欠錢 02/06 13:30
kittywilliy:你看看~薪水大偷又出來了..哈哈哈~ 02/06 13:34
Sparksfly:樓上掰掰 O_O\~/ MVP* 02/06 13:37
miabcd199:MVP還來啊幹 02/06 13:39
jacky1990b:來看看這次程序會出什麼問題lol 02/06 13:39
taker627:我家Braun很乖的只是交到壞朋友 02/06 13:39
kuyung:三天前新聞"Braun enjoying a drama-free offseason" XDDD 02/06 13:57
frank47147:手法比較高明的毒奶 02/06 14:01
super009:官方說不定會怕重挫聯盟形象太多 把這件搓湯圓搓掉 02/06 14:05
Pennyjr:教主這次不知道會怎麼回應,這件事要搓不好搓吧 02/06 14:24
abc12812:一定會切割 02/06 14:25
maikxz:攏系they的錯 02/06 14:30
blacklittle:之前護航的咧 MVP吐出來 02/06 14:35
Ginola:不自愛 02/06 14:36
maxspeed150:Braun是U. Miami的 02/06 14:38
zgoi:沒差 呵呵 觀眾人數一樣多 02/06 14:41
vg175:多爆幾次大家也就習慣了其實 02/06 14:49
ccl007:MLB史上最強的猶太人! 科科 02/06 14:50
rex9999:我越趨相信:Ryan Braun就是釀_人的未來。 02/06 15:15
msn12345679:他應該是請到好律師的毒奶 02/06 15:59
jackys313:MLB史上最強的猶太人不是Koufox嗎? 02/06 16:00
Sparksfly:應該是說打者 02/06 16:03
ps20012001:看看棒子爺...有愛果然差很多啊... 02/06 16:05
externaload:當初護航的臉好腫 02/06 16:06
hirdaramani:反正迷迷現在還有今年去年數據差不多的大招 吃藥沒用 02/06 17:27
meteorhades:真 *M*V*P* 02/06 18:18
keepbusy:吃*******也要拿mvp喔 02/06 19:07
waiani:之前支持程序正義的人並無錯誤 錯的是認為程序過失=清白 02/06 19:32
waiani:現在最慘的是證明去年也是清白的證據出來之前 去年成績..? 02/06 19:35
waiani:這話題很有意思 當中說謊的會是那些人呢 02/06 19:35
white75724:史上最黑MVP 02/06 19:40
sdfsonic:有毒小心! 02/06 19:46
maikxz:很多迷迷不是本來就覺得程序有誤等於清白沒使用 02/06 19:46
maikxz:可是程序不符也只是大聯盟這邊 其他賽事是符合的 根本呵呵 02/06 19:47
MattCain:http://ppt.cc/6ogW 只是相關諮詢而已噢... ^^" 02/06 19:47
vg175:目前Bosch筆記本上RB的名字好像沒像Gio那樣直接與PED做連結 02/06 20:37
vg175:還沒有更進一步的消息出現前保守一點比較好 02/06 20:37
krizarlid:笑了 等確定的詳細結果出來再看要不要補刀 02/06 20:51
CGary:Braun這狀況只能說祝他好運,要我相信他沒用PED是不可能了 02/06 21:14
brucelee768:邁阿密風雲? 02/06 22:09
ClutchShot:這種理由誰信 02/06 23:07
Zamned:有幾位都是邁阿密大學的 02/07 09:50
DerekJeter02:聯盟根本跟個烏龜一樣 爛透了 02/07 11:43
newest:***************************** 02/07 13:18
archerdino:再出來澄清啊 02/07 14:23
lovecmgirls:他本來就有吃阿~~當初都驗出來了 02/07 18:04
goodawp1: 02/07 18:23
ihsan:這次還能脫身嗎? 02/08 16:34
lover19: 回顧這一串 我還以為會看到no__nd出來護航這一篇 呵呵 10/06 13:23