看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
前文恕刪 稍早Sori收回他的話了 http://ppt.cc/VjBl 簡單來說,他本來以為這只是跟往常一樣跟記者間「非正式」的閒聊 (附帶一提,Sori是在電話中講出這些話的) 結果沒想到記者居然把他所說的都給寫出來了 Σ( ° △ °|||)︴ 詳細的內容連結中有,這邊擷取當中最重要的幾段: I tried to do my job and I didn’t do it. It wasn’t an error. He was in the position and I threw the pitch I shouldn’t have. And that’s what happened. And after we finished talking, I made the mistake of saying that to [the reporter]. And he put it in there with what I said. 我試著要做好我的工作,但我失敗了。那並非是個(站位上的)失誤,Harper站在他該站 的位子,而我投差了,這就是事情的全貌。 當我們溝通結束後,我犯錯了,我不該把那些話跟記者講,而Harper也因此做了些回應。 I understand that he’s been hurt and it’s hard and he’s young. He’s just been playing. I’ll try next time to be better and have a better game. … I don’t want him to think that I’m blaming him. I’m not like that. … With that kid, I have no problem with him. Things happen in baseball that escape you . I can’t blame him. He was there to do his job, just like me. We’re a team and a team together. 我了解他不久前才受傷、傷的挺重、而且他還年輕。他努力在打球了,下次我會想辦法做 得更好......我不希望他認為我在責備他、或把錯都歸咎於他,那非我本意。 我跟他之間沒啥問題,事情過了就算了,我不能責備他,他努力做好他的工作,而我也是 如此。我們同在一支隊伍中哪。 -- 我的臉書個人粉絲專頁-The Dream Field,歡迎來逛逛! https://www.facebook.com/TheDreamField 個人Blog: http://sparksfly.pixnet.net/blog 華盛頓國民粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/groups/519300008092019/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
q224222:這記者腦袋有問題 05/23 10:02
q224222:既然已經得到Sori的信任 那為何不保持下去 05/23 10:03
alex710707:所以是記者的問題還是某人被施壓? 05/23 10:03
cd12631:也不能怪記者吧 自己愛講還認為別人不會寫 05/23 10:07
JakeMcGee:私底下閒扯跟官方說法是截然不同的阿... 05/23 10:08
erotica:非正式閒聊XDDDDD 這種內心話機率比較高 無誤 05/23 10:08
jcsean:前篇講的才是內心話XDDD 05/23 10:09
Of course, what he really means is “I’m not like that” when I know something I’m saying could be seen by other people, because Soriano isn’t denying all the stuff he said or even suggesting he was misquoted. HBT的Aaron Gleeman補充: 那非我本意 = 如果我知道這會被登出來我就不會講了 (Sori並沒有否認他昨天說過的話) ※ 編輯: Sparksfly 來自: (05/23 10:13)
ps20012001:算是小牢騷吧..總是會希望守備者可以 站在"剛好"的位置 05/23 10:14
ps20012001:國民這個時候的狀況 真的不能承受內部再出問題了.. 05/23 10:14
damntruck:現在才想凹已經沒意義了啦 05/23 10:15
vg175:前面真心話加一票 不過看來兩人都沒因此影響到今天表現 05/23 10:19
ps20012001:嗯嗯..終於扳回一城了 昨天該贏卻... 05/23 10:21
OnlyTD:記者腦袋真的有問題 Sorry也是 05/23 11:13
eon4:河蟹魂xd 05/23 11:20
pathfinder:哈波:你會老,我會大! 05/23 11:35
Raskolnikov:跟記者閒聊講這些....難怪人家會寫出來 05/23 12:06
K77251:講道Harper當然會被爆出來XD 05/23 12:31
zack7301428:國外的記者比較好 還會有人幫他講話 這在國內早被酸爆 05/23 12:56
ja88281:以後跟記者聊天要小心啊哈哈 05/23 13:02
bolue:記者:這不是要我刊出來意思嗎 我誤會了??? 05/23 15:24
c5l41o:哈波上去投會不會比他好 05/23 17:28
welovee:臭臉Sori愛嘴砲也不是第一次了,他連MO都在酸了... 05/23 21:28