看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文:http://tinyurl.com/mrq28lm Six Teams Interested In Chien-Ming Wang By Steve Adams [May 31, 2013 at 10:55am CST] Six teams have shown in right-hander Chien-Ming Wang, according to Nick Cafardo of the Boston Globe (on Twitter). However, at this point the right-hander is unlikely to opt out of his minor league deal with the Yankees because none of the six suitors are willing to offer him a Major League contract. The Taiwanese right-hander has a clause in his contract that allows him to opt out today if he wishes, but it was reported earlier in the week that the only way he would do that would be for a Major League roster spot on another team. In 51 innings for the Yankees' Triple-A affiliate, Wang has posted a 2.65 ERA with 4.1 K/9 and 1.6 BB/9. The consensus from scouts, however, has been that his stuff doesn't look nearly as good as it did during his peak years with the Yankees. Wang's contract has three more opt-out dates: June 30, Aug. 10 and Aug. 31. The Orioles are one team who has reportedly shown interest in the 33-year-old, but that was said to be more due diligence than genuine intrigue. 有6隊對小王有興趣,但沒有1隊願意提供大聯盟合約 仍有三個脫逃合約時間點:6/30, 8/10, 8/31 (8/31小聯盟球季就結束了吧...) 傳出金鳥對小王有興趣,但僅止於派出球探觀察狀況。 繼續當 3A 王... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Nacia:完全被RAISE CHICKEN吃定了............. 06/01 00:47
a129517496:9/1就要擴編 也可以拉王建民上去布局季後賽投手吧 06/01 00:48
amyer:九月擴編是 40 人名單內的才能拉吧... 06/01 00:49
SpartanB:3A王.. 06/01 00:51
orion1991830:想當初陳金鋒也是3A王 06/01 01:02
jimmy20642:王真的要認真考慮換家經紀公司... 06/01 01:03
lion198:看來九月才上的機率比較大 06/01 01:14
CalYang:年紀越來越大,機會越來越少 06/01 01:25
DerekJeter02:經紀公司還能怎樣...就是沒大聯盟約啊 06/01 01:39
Sizemore24:有沒有這個人一舉一動都能讓鄉民__的八卦? 06/01 01:44
nickyang:他經紀公司表現超好了-_- 06/01 02:04
Kael:有的人東怪西怪 怪NYY不會調整 怪種族歧視 怪經紀公司 06/01 02:38
Kael:就是不會想到上不去是實力問題 06/01 02:38
birdy590:開季到現在成績不能說是穩定 不然哪會沒人肯賭 06/01 03:07
destroyfire:哪隊看到前幾年國民當了冤大頭都會小心翼翼吧 06/01 03:09
mdfh:也有人看到王建民的新聞就特別煩躁 06/01 03:15
MazdaRx7:我現在非常煩躁 06/01 03:29
externaload:就stuff只到那邊了啊 沒有多大進步空間 06/01 03:52
a7v333:沒有人強迫你們看,況且標題就有「簽名王」應該不會看不懂 06/01 05:35
www5566:就算是英文 講台灣球員也是low 大概是這樣的心態吧? 06/01 07:27
DiDiaw:認同上二樓...反的人居心可議,可以關心連MLB長什麼樣都不 06/01 07:41
DiDiaw:知道的新秀,卻不爽別人關心曾上過MLB的台灣人 06/01 07:42
GN2000:實力不足 06/01 09:00
bestteam:一樓發言違反板歸了吧 06/01 09:01
holybebe:有人就是會不反就全身不舒服 06/01 09:12
dp44:沒什麼反不反的 反正就是MLB的一員 06/01 10:00
Kaizz:這篇又沒人在反王,不知道是在跳針什麼 06/01 10:11
TaiwanNeko:這篇沒人在反王+1 06/01 10:50
mepass:再加油吧 06/01 10:53
marcoyao:球速上不去真的很難站上大聯盟 06/01 11:20
jl3000x:沒人反王吧 大家反的是不經思考就亂怪其他因素的言論 06/01 11:22
pathfinder:反正NYY又要兼這個坦職一個月了 06/01 11:40
ihsan:又要被說佔著茅坑不拉屎了嗎XD 06/01 12:09
ocean11:又沒大聯盟約,哪裡佔著茅坑了 06/01 12:21
balance621:標題就有寫王,不爽不要看不就好了... 06/01 12:50
settier:並沒反誰吧!陳述事實罷了 06/01 13:29
maxspeed150:現在缺輪值的隊伍這麼多 卻沒人想要給大聯盟約 06/01 13:43
maxspeed150:甚至寧願拉roster filler上來頂先發 06/01 13:43
meteorhades:就沒有大聯盟約要怎麼跳脫... 06/01 15:37
silence0616:其實很好懂阿...就是各隊對他能否站穩大聯盟打? 06/01 19:37
silence0616:雖然新秀也是? 但是相對省錢 不如拉新秀 06/01 19:38
maxspeed150:我的意思是 這就代表在大家的評估下 與其用王葛格不如 06/01 20:21
maxspeed150:拉人上來頂啊 而且這種想法的不只洋基 06/01 20:21
maxspeed150:小聯盟球賽也是有很多球探在看的 他們自己心裡有數 06/01 20:21
JAZ:現在都上不了了,9月就別傻了,寧可練新秀吧 06/02 06:41
Malkovich:沒人反王 +1 請勿腦補 06/04 08:14
GDBS:只要說王建民不夠好就是反王阿~ 沒得討論的,王建民一定最棒! 06/04 22:30