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Reds release Mark Prior Mark Prior’s latest comeback attempt involved working as a reliever at Triple-A for the Reds, but he’s been on the disabled list with a shoulder injury since late April and today they released him. Since moving to the bullpen full time last season Prior has 47 strikeouts in 35 innings at Triple-A, but that also comes with 7.0 walks per nine innings and a 4.15 ERA. Prior is still just 32 years old, but he hasn’t pitched in the majors since 2006. To put that in some context, Prior’s teammates that season included Greg Maddux, Tony Womack, John Mabry, and Phil Nevin. Oh, and Carlos Marmol was a 23-year-old rookie starting pitcher. The good news is that everyone who wrote a “Mark Prior is making a comeback” story this spring can just copy and paste it for next year, assuming he doesn ’t call it a career. http://ppt.cc/Lw7Z 唉...旅台吧.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
LADKUO56:保送爆表 06/29 16:36
if2:台灣有太平洋好球帶 保送率會瞬間砍半 06/29 16:46
Seiran:論推文會有... 06/29 16:59
louiswomen: 貝克街的亡靈 06/29 17:00
TrueTears:麵包師傅吸 06/29 17:04
Grammy:保送那麼多 整個壞了 義大50收 06/29 17:17
rabbit190:要不要跟WOOD一起結伴來台灣渡假打球? 06/29 17:28
godswd:Wood:不要 我想去釣魚 還可以撈到屍體之類的(!? 06/29 18:07
lampardoRio:比威廉還弱 來台灣吧 06/29 18:20
secpeda:你是要回去復仇的對吧 06/29 18:27
borriss:不是k就是bb 都自己玩 06/29 18:32
heacoun:Baker _________ 06/29 19:16
aton602:那麼想不開,又回到Baker的懷抱 06/29 19:47
p09171989:搞不好Prior覺得Baker是個好教練XD 06/29 20:28
roger4768:義大: 克 辣米糕: 本 06/29 21:46
neverclear:可惜了 06/29 22:41
ccl007:比斯德哥爾摩症候群還慘 = = 06/29 22:50
blooddance:貝克街的亡靈啊... 06/30 00:08
isotropic:旅台就是神 07/02 23:20