看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://t.co/yBNQj2WObN (影片) 大聯盟正式核准新的護具,不過... Brandon McCarthy told ESPN.com that even though he was seriously injured when he was hit in the head by a line drive 16 months ago, he won't wear the new gear himself. McCarthy, who tested the protective cap while throwing off a mound, playing catch and running, said Tuesday: "I won't wear it in its current form." 「雖然我16個月前被球打倒在地,我也不會戴這個護具。」發起人Brandon McCarthy 表示:「我不會使用目前的款式。」 -- McCarthy認為雖然目前有這方面的技術但是並非「major league-ready」產品;主要問題 有: - Too Big (據IsoBlox的資料,前面加厚半吋、兩側大約太陽穴的位置加厚一吋) 「投手會很在意這頂帽子。」 - Too Hot (多出七盎司;目前的帽子3~4盎司) 「就算我在很涼快、很棒的環境下進行測試,頭還是會很癢。」 「絕對沒辦法在聖路易或巴爾的摩的日場比賽中戴上一整天。」 - 不伏貼─「一動就會注意到。」 McCarthy表示這些問題不修正的話沒有人會戴,不過他同時表示他感謝投入心力的研究者 並稱這個帽子是往正確方向邁進的一步。 「希望幾年內會有戴起來沒有感覺的帽子。」 ※ 引述《tanaka0826 (田中鬪莉王)》之銘言: : Brandon McCarthy: MLB pitchers could wear protective headgear as early as : next season : http://t.co/VuV0HINbJU : Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Brandon McCarthy joined "The Buzz" podcast : Wednesday and said there's a chance that MLB pitchers could have the option : of wearing special protective headgear as early as the 2014 season. : He said the headgear would look like a hat but would be able to protect a : pitcher from serious injury. : "They're coming," McCarthy said of the headgear. "From everything I know : they'll be available this year. I don't believe they're going to be : mandatory. Actually, I'm almost certain they won't be mandatory. : "I did get a chance to sit down with the head MLB doctor last year during : spring training, who's overseeing the whole thing, and it has been a high : priority for them. It's just that there has been very few answers. We both : agreed on it not being mandatory at the time, there's just no need to do : that. But whatever gets proposed has to be correct or we're not really doing : too much." : When reached for comment on this possibility, an MLB spokesperson said, "One : product that has passed the testing standards should be available to players : for next season. We are still evaluating a number of other potential : products. Our conversations with the MLBPA are ongoing. We expect this : issue to continue to evolve, but we believe this is an important first step." : McCarthy, as you might remember, suffered a serious injury when took a line : drive off the side of his head during a game in 2012 when he was with the : A's. He said the new headgear that he's working on with a company would have : prevented that injury. : "It should be strong enough and capable enough that literally if I got hit by : the same exact ball, I would have been able to keep pitching in that game," : McCarthy said. : The only problem with the headgear? How it looks. : "It looks ridiculous and we get so used to the way things look," said : McCarthy, who recently took a picture of himself with the headgear on and : sent it to other pitchers in the league. "You mentioned the new football : helmets and batting helmets, everything looks silly until it doesn't look : silly anymore. -- "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT FAILS TO WORK HARD." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Guerrieri:這大概會影響投球機制 從一上小聯盟就開始戴比較有機會 02/07 17:10
fqfqfqqq:安全比較重要啦 02/07 17:11
synchron:這個教大聯盟投手帶得話可能很多人都不會投球了... 02/07 17:18
synchron:第三點會是很大的問題..不伏貼 02/07 17:20
Guerrieri:安全很重要但是戴上去可能要重練XDD 02/07 17:53
ocean11:從小聯盟開始戴起的會比較習慣,不受影響,大聯盟就... 02/07 17:53
Asucks:應該要用緊貼頭部的材質,並能吸收衝擊,如海綿之類的 02/07 17:55
tedwood6465:有投過球的就知道,一點點不一樣感覺就不對.... 02/07 17:57
tedwood6465:手套、帽子及鞋子皆然,上MLB的層級,當然是成績為重 02/07 17:58
SEIKO:D3o...... 02/07 19:59
ClutchShot:至少是個開始 02/07 20:57
jhoc:要緊貼沒感覺又不悶熱的材質...有這種東西? 感覺很難.... 02/07 21:05
otaku5566:衛生棉的廣告都是這樣說的 02/07 21:52
best2008:要緊貼沒感覺又不悶熱的材質 保險套(? 02/07 21:54
Guerrieri:衛生棉沒辦法防撞擊吧XDDDDDD 02/07 21:57
redsoxnation:伏貼又如何...Rodney還不是戴歪~ 02/07 23:13
Carreras: 噗 害我看成三伏貼 XD~ 02/08 00:15