看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源:http://ppt.cc/cLm0 圖文網誌好讀版:http://www.sportsv.net/articles/10002 Pablo Sandoval felt disrespected by the San Francisco Giants and knew as early as spring training last season that he would leave the team as a free agent. 功夫熊貓早在去年春訓就已經決定離開巨人 Sandoval told Bleacher Report that it wasn't hard at all to leave the Giants after winning a third World Series title in five years and that the only people in the organization he misses are Bruce Bochy and Hunter Pence. Sandoval近日告訴媒體,就算在5年內贏得3座世界大賽冠軍,但離開巨人的決定對他來說 一點都不難,而他在巨人隊內唯一想念的只有Pence和Bochy "If you want me around, you make the effort to push and get me back," said Sandoval, who signed with the Boston Red Sox this offseason. He told the website that the offer from the Giants that he turned down in the offseason was more lucrative than the a five-year, $95 million contract that he signed with the Red Sox. "The Giants made a good offer, but I didn't want to take it," he told Bleacher Report. "I got five years from Boston. I left money on the table in San Francisco. 即使巨人開出的條件比波士頓的還要豐厚,但他最終還是選擇紅襪,因為他覺得巨人高層留 人的誠意不足, "It is not about money. It is about how you treat the player." 熊貓最後更說:這和錢無關,而是球團如何對待球員 (初次翻譯,請多指教! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1425982345.A.5E0.html
Bstrong: 推翻譯 03/10 18:32
Spartan5566: 喔 是怎樣誠意不足?? 說清楚點... 03/10 18:32
taishia: 棒球界講這種話跟女人說男人沒前途是一樣意思 03/10 18:35
yulun718: Lincecum: 03/10 18:37
rex9999: 幫你成為明星球員 讓你進入世界大賽 提供給你豐厚合約 03/10 18:39
rex9999: 想走就走 何需多言 毫無誠信 03/10 18:39
rex9999: 一個球員放棄偉大 那麼歷史會作出公正的評價 03/10 18:39
BusterPosey: ... 03/10 18:41
kao14: 熊貓真的是得了便宜又賣乖 當初巨人捧你又拿三次世界冠軍 03/10 18:43
kao14: 都跟紅襪簽肥約 回頭講老東家誠意不足 連場面話都不講... 03/10 18:45
a2156700: 沒有上進心 03/10 18:49
ca1123: 誠意不足應該是球團每年春訓前都放話要他減肥?XDD 03/10 18:51
EEERRIICC: 美國魯蛋 03/10 18:55
JustinIdiot: 討論一下:第一段的意思似乎偏向他不會接受巨人提的 03/10 19:05
JustinIdiot: 延長合約而成為自由球員 並不表示他一定會離開巨人? 03/10 19:05
JustinIdiot: 而第三段的敘述沒有明確說明他為何放棄巨人的offer 03/10 19:05
JustinIdiot: 僅暗示如果巨人想要他回來 必須做出相對的努力 03/10 19:05
JustinIdiot: 真正的答案是最後一段 說到底就是奇摩子的問題 03/10 19:05
JustinIdiot: 球隊的處理方式讓他感到不被尊重這樣 03/10 19:05
epw: 我還蠻懷疑巨人人真的會開比紅襪肥的約簽熊貓這點 03/10 19:08
epw: 不過以風險來講,巨人沒留熊貓不見得是壞事喇 03/10 19:09
KKyosuke: 以文章內容來說 巨人開的約比較貴但是年限比較短? 03/10 19:38
KKyosuke: "I got five years from Boston. I left money on the 03/10 19:38
KKyosuke: table in San Francisco." 03/10 19:39