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※ [本文轉錄自 s90523 信箱] 作者: thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶) 看板: MLB 標題: [情報] 皇家隊以小聯盟約簽下 Clay Buchholz 時間: Tue Mar 20 15:23:04 2018 http://tinyurl.com/y9xqjzon Royals agree to Minors deal with Buchholz The Royals have signed veteran right-hander Clay Buchholz to a Minor League deal, according to USA Today. The club has not confirmed the report. The 33-year-old Buchholz will reportedly earn $1.5 million if he makes the big league roster, and has $250,000 in incentives in the contract. He made two April starts for the Phillies last season before undergoing season-ending surgery to repair a torn flexor tendon in his right forearm. 根據報導指出,皇家隊已經用小聯盟合約簽下 Clay Buchholz 如果能夠擠進25人名單則可以拿到150萬美金,另外還有附帶25萬的激勵獎金 去年球季也因為右手前臂受傷開刀,導致提前報銷 Buchholz 僅為費城人隊先發過兩場,主投7.1局被擊出16支安打,一共丟掉10分 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1521530588.A.7E0.html
triff: 祝福他 03/20 15:27
※ 刪除原因: (已被s90523刪除) <thnlkj0665> A-1 ※ Deleted by: s90523 ( 03/20/2018 15:34:06 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: s90523 (, 03/20/2018 15:35:31
s90523: 抱歉按太快誤刪文章 已將文章復原orz 03/20 15:35
wahaha5678: 八扣子的油箱裡還有油嗎? 03/20 15:36
benrun: 希望巴叩子找回身手 03/20 16:00
rex9999: Clay Buchholz明明可以成為紅襪傳奇 苟延殘喘真心難堪 03/20 16:16
nuggets0916: 這隻還在喔 03/20 16:21
Aaronko: 筆電神偷!!!!!! 03/20 16:22
MazdaRx7: 想當年 03/21 10:27
super009: 他真的很可惜 勉強稱得上健康完整球季也只有三季 03/21 21:58
madaux: 這隻的感覺跟王建民一樣命運 03/21 22:26
ymcheung: 看到新聞才知道原來是受傷了...曾經是王牌 03/21 22:39