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期待這篇的中文版XD Times Online: Roberto Mancini lays down law and tells Carlos Tévez he can leave if he is unhappy http://tinyurl.com/39xn63k Roberto Mancini, the Manchester City manager, has told Carlos Tévez that he should leave the club in the summer if he is not happy. Rumours have surfaced in recent weeks that the Argentina striker has become increasingly disillusioned with life at City under Mancini and could fight for a move if the club fail to qualify for the Champions League this season. Real Madrid are among several teams linked with the player. Tévez, whose 22 league goals this season have kept City in the hunt for fourth place, criticised Mancini before the defeat by Manchester United, his former team, this month and said that the club’s owners had made the wrong decision in sacking Mark Hughes as manager in December. But while Mancini will not welcome the distractions before a vital ten-day period that will not only determine the club’s fate but also his future as manager, the Italian said yesterday that he would not stand in Tévez’s way if the forward requested to leave. “If a top player is not happy to stay, it’s better to go to another team,” Mancini said. “This is not just the case for Tévez but for all players. This is the same for Tévez, for Manu [Emmanuel Adebayor], for me, for all.” City play at home to Aston Villa tomorrow and Tottenham Hotspur, another rival for Champions League football, four days later before a trip to West Ham United on the final day of the season, and Mancini is urging Tévez to put aside any differences until after those matches. “Afterwards we can decide if he has a problem,” he said. Asked if Tévez needed Champions League football, Mancini said: “Probably. All the players want to play in the Champions League, but the important thing is to win with a club that has not won anything for a long time. “This is more important than winning with Real Madrid and Barcelona, who win every year. Changing the history of this club is another thing.” City are planning to bid for Fernando Torres, the Liverpool striker, during the summer, but even if they spend heavily, as expected, during the close season, it seems unlikely that they would just stand back and allow their best player, for whom they paid £47 million, to leave 12 months into a five-year contract. The situation with Tévez is further clouded by the uncertainty surrounding Mancini’s own future as there are no guarantees that the former Inter Milan coach will stay at the club even if City finish fourth. Mancini said that he had spoken to Tévez to discuss the player’s complaints about the manager’s apparent insistence on double training sessions. “What we said is private,” Mancini said. “I reminded him that he only had to train twice in a day once. I don’t know if he has a problem, but he works very well now.” Shay Given, the goalkeeper, may miss the start of next season after undergoing a complex three-hour operation in London on Wednesday to reconstruct his left shoulder after an injury suffered during the goalless draw away to Arsenal last Saturday. City also have doubts over Gareth Barry (hamstring) for the Villa game. 其他媒體也有相關報導 《每日郵報》收錄的 quotes 比較多 http://tinyurl.com/274ycpd 'For Tevez, for all players, if he is not happy to stay here it's better he goes to another team. 'It's better for Tevez, for Manu Adebayor, for me, for all. It's important that when a manager and players work in a team that they must be happy. It's not good for the club, for the squad, for the player, if he is not happy.' 'Tevez has four years left on his contract. But I don't know. If he's not happy, it's better to change squads.' 關於之前 Tevez 抱怨一天訓練兩次 'We have trained twice in the same day only four times in five months. Two of those times Carlos was in Argentina, one time he didn't train. I don't know why he was unhappy. 'When we don't have a midweek game I always train two t imes on Tuesday because it's the only way I know. By working we can improve, but we won' t improve if we work two days and have one day off. 'I've spoken to Carlos but what we said is private. I reminded him that he has only once had to train twice in a day. 'When I speak to a player I don't need an apology. I've played football, I know players very well and I know this situation. I think he's happy because he's worked very well the last two weeks. 'I hope Carlos can score three or four goals in the next three games, and afterwards we can decide if he has a problem.' 關於如果下一季沒有歐冠,Tevez 是否可能離開去皇馬或巴薩 'Probably - all the players want to play in the Champions League 'But when you work with the manager or the club to build something, the important thing is that you win with a club that has not won anything for a long time. 'This is more important than winning with Real Madrid and Barcelona, who win every year. I prefer to win with Manchester City than Real Madrid, because there the manager and players are always winning. Changing the history of this club is another thing.' -- 專心搶下第四名啦! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tevez0501:你~~~~~不要走!!! 04/30 11:30
bbann11:Tevez really a troublemaker = = 04/30 12:33
bib:怎麼不說是曼奇尼只想搞自己小圈圈 04/30 12:35