看板 ManCity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://manc.it/XrIuXn Manchester City is delighted to announce that Yaya Toure has signed a new four-year contact. 曼城很高興的宣布和Yaya簽了一份新的四年合約 The deal to keep the reigning African Player of the Year at the Etihad Stadium until 2017 was signed this afternoon. Toure, who celebrates his 30th birthday in May, has been an integral and inspirational part of the Blues journey to FA Cup winners and Premier League champions. He is excited by the prospect of extending his career at the club he calls home and for which he has already started more games than any other since making his senior debut for Beveren in 2001. “This is where I want to be,” declared Yaya. “When I first arrived at City every time I went to sleep I would dream about us winning something; now it is about us being the best team in whatever competition we take part in. “I will never forget how I have been treated here by the fans, the club and the owners and nothing would give me greater pleasure than to finish my career as a Manchester City player. “I want to continue winning titles and trophies and continue to make history. I have enjoyed all of my time here and can’t wait for the next chapter. This is an incredible club to be part of with fans that support a team to the end whatever the circumstances.” Having finalised the details of his new agreement, Yaya, whose glittering and lengthy CV includes a Champions League, two La Liga titles, a Barclays Premier League, an FA Cup and a Copa Del Rey (Spanish Cup), is determined to end the season with more silverware and then fire the Blues to new glories next season. “Of course now it looks likely that we will not successfully defend the Premier League title and that is sad for all of us but we can still finish second and win the FA Cup for a second time in three years and that is still an achievement for a club that won nothing for a long time,” he declared. “We must try to finish on a high note and then start preparing to win more next season! Football is always a challenge and always a puzzle to solve and that is why we all love the game. “You have to use your skill, intelligence and strength to constantly improve and that is what we at City intend to do.” 大意: Yaya今天下午和曼城簽了一份到2017的新合約,並表示很興奮可以繼續為球隊效力,也很 高興球迷、高層對他的支持,讓他將來想要在曼城退休。 他希望能夠繼續跟著球隊獲得冠軍,成為歷史的一部分。儘管目前形勢看起來要衛冕冠軍 是不可能的,但我們仍然可以將奪取第二名以及FA CUP冠軍視為目標。 太棒啦!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ceew 來自: (04/05 00:44)
singzion333:剛剛也看到!超棒的! 04/05 01:01
qe50569:推推推~~ 04/05 01:39
bigDwinsch:翻譯:曼城至少再強四年 04/05 01:43
bigDwinsch:四年更合理,但年薪應該更貴? 04/05 01:44
BSH99:薪水沒漲喔yaya是原價續簽四年 04/05 08:57
vion321:爽阿~!!! 04/05 16:51
bigDwinsch:所以是11m/per year? 04/05 17:04
BSH99:4年4500萬 周薪從22萬變成21萬多 04/05 17:13
BSH99:X不過聽説英國的稅好像變少了,所以yaya算是有加到薪 04/05 17:14
qe50569:話說我們下一場比賽打曼聯是那時候啊?置底的賽程表寫六號 04/05 20:04
qe50569:可是英超板寫8號,是我們板上的賽程太久沒改了嘛.. 04/05 20:05
BSH99:9號凌晨阿 04/05 20:15
qe50569:那應該是至底的賽程表沒更新吧... 04/05 20:53
vion321:置底沒更新+1 之前有誤認過@@" 04/05 21:52
qe50569:不知道版主還在不在= =好像很久沒出現了... 04/05 22:20
qe50569:我記得上次看到好像是去年暑假的事了... 04/05 22:24
vion321:我看左上沒有板主阿@@" BSH99出來好了!!! 04/05 22:27
qe50569:真的耶~之前還有看到說!B大不知道有沒有意願XD 04/05 22:51
Fernandez05:之前還有 現在看就沒版主了 支持BSH99!!! 04/06 12:34
singzion333:支持B大!! 04/06 14:59
BSH99:! 我是沒啥差啦,只是我可能也不常管板吧XD 04/06 15:41
qe50569:推B大囉~至少比現在好多了吧XD 04/06 20:35
ceew:0.0/ 我想當版主>< 我想幫忙處理板務~~ 04/06 23:10
BSH99:好耶~~~!!那就交給C大了 04/07 00:09
BSH99:大家快來參拜新版主XDD 04/07 00:10
qe50569:推C大喔 04/07 00:56
singzion333:推C大!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/07 01:31
finn138159:咻大!!!!! 04/07 16:05
welovewc:推啦 選板主啦!!!!!!! 04/08 14:08
qe50569:C大凍蒜啦~~ 04/08 21:18