看板 ManUtd 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/gceh2 Prognosis negative Sir Alex fears Antonio Valencia could miss the rest of the season after suffering a horrific ankle injury against Rangers on Tuesday night. 在禮拜二對Rangers的比賽中遭遇了嚴重的腳踝受傷,Fergie認為Valencia可能錯過 本賽季所有的比賽。 Play was stopped for five minutes and the Ecuador winger required oxygen as he left the pitch on a stretcher after defender Kirk Broadfoot appeared to fall on the winger's leg. He will now have an operation on Wednesday morning. 客隊的Kirk Broadfoot在防守時鏟到Valenica的腳,比賽暫停了五分鐘而且厄瓜多爾邊 鋒被工作人員用擔架抬出場還用了氧氣罩。他將在禮拜三早上接受手術。 "He's gone to hospital and it looks like it’s a dislocation or a fracture," he told Sky Sports. "It’s a bad one and it will keep him out for a long time." Fergie說:「他被送去醫院時看起來像是脫臼或是骨折,這是一件非常糟糕的事情而且 我們將會失去他很長一段時間。」 The manager later confessed during his post-match press conference that he feared Valencia could be out for the rest of the season and compared the injury to the one suffered by Alan Smith against Liverpool in 2006. 曼聯教練在賽後記者會承認他擔心Valencia會錯過本賽季剩下的比賽而且認為這傷勢跟 Alan Smith在2006年對上利物浦時受的傷差不多。 "As soon as I saw the Rangers player waving to the bench we knew it was a bad one." 「當我看到Rangers的球員對球員席招手的時候我們就知道這可能是一件壞事。」 ---- Q_Q -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mulkcs:......... 09/15 08:45
MingingT:......orz 09/15 08:52
AH977:no........ 09/15 09:11
rik:賠了夫人又折兵......... 09/15 09:29
Aqery:............. 09/15 09:32
Aqery:難怪當時都沒重播.... 09/15 09:33
mistofsnow:E04.... 09/15 09:35
Skite:苦八……今年糗了 09/15 09:44
Fergie:.........>"< (不知Obertan, Bebe能不能扛住邊翼的重擔) 09/15 09:45
djcowboy:該高興的是Nani可以順理成章打右邊了嗎。( ̄﹁ ̄||) 09/15 10:38
rik:好像每次說什麼教練有甜蜜的負擔就開始傷兵..去年也是.... 09/15 10:39
silinduo:偏偏在這種時候~~衰 09/15 10:54
BlueMt:果然是腳踝.....那時候就看到腳鬆鬆的.... 09/15 10:55
AH977:突然間覺得邊路吃緊了 09/15 11:02
roctor:= = 囧~~~~~ 09/15 11:15
HorusHorus:“甜蜜的負擔”講完沒多久就出事... 09/15 11:19
MARVELHERO:Nani大爆發!!!!! 09/15 12:15
starway:要讓那尼爆發就要放拉法葉阿 09/15 12:32
wsyu:祝早日康復~ 09/15 12:32
blackeagle:老頭:你們才知道我買那麼多邊鋒的苦心了吧,啾咪>_^ 09/15 13:17
smilingearth:瓦倫早日康復T_T Fergie放的圖看得很明顯 好痛QQ 09/15 14:57
BobbyLashley:傷了瓦倫 這個影響真的很大...... 09/15 16:03
blackrx:克萊維利太早出租了.....可以把他要回來嗎 09/15 16:25
blackeagle:樓上不用擔心啦,Nani右路正名後,左路還有阿星,黑白蛋 09/15 18:45
blackeagle:貝貝...基本上邊路我們完全不缺人^^" 09/15 18:46
t7yang:朴 4分 等他恢復昔日的狀態再說吧 很多人受傷後都很難回到 09/15 19:46
t7yang:原本的水準 況且朴的年紀也不輕了 又不是技術型的選手 09/15 19:47
t7yang:之後的趨勢應該只會往下走 這場突破不行 助攻不行 拿球只能 09/15 19:49
t7yang:回傳... 中路吃緊 老頭不如拿他來打中路吧 上賽季很出色說 09/15 19:50
mills8679:支持安德森踢左路!!! 09/16 21:44
sneak: ........... https://daxiv.com 12/09 07:39