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24/09/2010 09:12, Report by Adam Bostock Hargreaves surprises Sir Alex Owen Hargreaves is back in training and close to giving Sir Alex Ferguson a selection problem. 小歐文已經回來參加訓練並且準備競爭一線隊陣容 The boss said in an MUTV exclusive interview: "Owen has come back training, he trained yesterday with the first team. He looked very good. I was surprised actually how good he was looking. It's an extra string to our bow. Fergie說:小歐文昨天已經回來跟一線隊一起訓練,而且他狀態看上去挺不錯的, 我很驚訝他可以有這樣的狀態。這使得我們的陣容更有競爭力。 "After being out for so long, we'll have to monitor him and see how he progresses in the next few weeks. But it's good to see him back. Because he's been out for so long you have to see whether there's going to be a relapse. That's the first thing on our mind. But having watched him in training, if he continues that way he's going to give me a selection problem." 在缺席了這麼久之後,我們將會注意他的情況然後看看接下來的幾個禮拜他進步的程度。 但是我們非常高興看到他回來,因為他畢竟缺席了這麼久,在訓練可能還是會有些生疏, 這將是我們最關心的事情。不過在看過他訓練之後,如果他能夠持續這樣下去,他將可以 回來衝擊一線隊陣容。 Michael Carrick is also back on the training field. "Michael started training last week," says Sir Alex. "He had an injection on his Achilles to settle it down. It was nothing serious, just one of those niggling little problems you can get, particularly at the start of the season when grounds are firm. He's fine, he's started training." 卡里克也已經回來參加訓練。Fergie說:他上禮拜就開始訓練了,他在阿基里 斯腱上打了注射去消除疼痛,這並不嚴重,這只是一個小問題,他很好。 from官網 http://0rz.tw/va0En -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: simonohmygod 來自: (09/24 21:46)
rik:今天不是四月一號吧!!!喔喔喔~~~ 09/24 22:21
Tatsuhiko:老話一句,先發上場了再叫我 09/25 03:10