看板 ManUtd 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 FAPL 看板 #1Dp3lzpr ] 作者: yangyx (愛吃hunny的pooh) 看板: FAPL 標題: [討論] 歐洲十支豪門的財務狀況 時間: Fri May 13 03:58:47 2011 原文出處:http://ppt.cc/dlrZ 由於六月就要實行財務公平原則Financial Fair Play(FFP) Goal.com把歐洲十支豪門球隊2010年的報表拿來體檢分析 為了閱讀方便 我版面有做一些調整 總收入 門票 轉播 廣告 薪資 盈虧 槍手 222.9 93.9 84.6 44 110.7 56 皇馬 359.1 105.7 129.9 123.5 183.9 19.7 尤文 167.8 13.8 108.5 45.5 121.8 7 拜仁 264.5 54.6 68.3 141.6 146 2.6 米蘭 193.1 25.7 115.5 51.9 157.7 -8.8 利記 184.5 42.9 79.6 62.1 121.1 -19.9 車車 205.8 67.2 82.3 56.3 172.6 -70.9 巴薩 325.9 80.1 145.8 100 219 -79.6 曼聯 286.4 100.2 104.8 81.4 131.7 -83.6 曼城 125.1 18.2 54 52.8 133.3 -121 註:排序為盈虧程度 紅底為該項目最高 綠底為該項目最低 (單位:百萬英鎊) 以下為各球隊分析 我小翻一下 翻的不好請指教 並附上騰訊的分析 槍手 Verdict: “Out of all the elite Champions League clubs Arsenal are the best placed. When we can finally renegotiate our flagging commercial deals (2013) we'll put another £25m onto our annual revenue. Arsenal are looking at this FFP and thinking, ‘once we get here it will be a level playing field’. It would be nice to think Arsenal will come out on top but I can’t see it. The richest clubs will always find ways around the rules.” (Pedro, author of Arsenal fans’ website Le Grove) 所有豪門裡最佳 到2013年重新交涉廣告合約還可增加每年25m英鎊的收入 但是最富有的 球隊不表示表現最佳 騰訊:在所有歐洲豪門中,阿森納的財政狀況是最好的。雖然這幾年阿森納還無法實現盈 利與成績兼得,但是在歐足聯推行財政公平競爭原則後,槍手無疑會占據巨大的優勢。 皇馬 Verdict: “In the coming years, particularly as financial fair play takes effect, Real Madrid’s revenue prowess should, in theory, translate into a competitive advantage on the pitch. In the short term, Los Merengues will need their star player signings of 2009 to justify their transfer value on the pitch both domestically and in the Champions League in order to maximise its revenues and keep ahead of Barcelona in the money league.” (Deloitte Sports Business Group) 未來幾年 皇馬理論上可以將收入上的優勢轉化在球場上的表現 短期內 就看皇馬的明星 球員可否將09年的轉會代價在聯賽和歐冠中發揮最大價值 並與巴薩爭奪西超冠軍(誤) 騰訊:儘管皇馬在轉會市場上砸錢無數,但是馬德裏豪門超強的吸金能力讓他們有恃無恐 。看到皇馬的財政狀況為盈余,相信這是許多球迷不敢相信的。 文 Verdict: “They are in pole position among Italian clubs to meet the new challenge of Financial Fair Play regulations. Juventus have done remarkably well to recover from the Calciopoli scandal although the new stadium will be crucial to the club’s future success. While the club’s ‘business project with a long-term vision’ has undeniably left them in the strongest position of the major Italian clubs, they now need to match those heights on the pitch. ” (Swiss Ramble, football finance blogger) 尤文應該是FFP制度下表現最佳的義大利球隊 在電話門後恢復良好 新球場的啟用將成成 功關鍵 目前球隊需要在球場有更好的表現鞏固其在義甲的豪門地位 騰訊:由于電話門影響,尤文圖斯近幾年的成績已經跌倒了谷底,不過老婦人的財政狀況 現在卻是比較健康的,在新球場投入使用後,尤文圖斯將迎來復興的最好時機。 Verdict: “Bayern Munich have produced a profit for 18 consecutive seasons, which is not only a notable achievement but puts them in an outstanding position to meet financial fair play. Although the German pay TV market is relatively immature, Bayern benefit from having the largest fanbase in Europe ’s largest commercial market and their revenue from this source is the biggest in Europe.” (Emmanuel Hembert, football business expert for management consultants AT Kearney) 連續18季的盈餘 讓拜仁可以以出色的姿態面對FFP 儘管德國的付費頻道市場相對的不成 熟 但拜仁靠著廣大球迷基礎占有歐洲最大的廣告市場 這也是拜仁收入最多的來源 騰訊:拜仁已經連續盈利18個賽季了,在足球領域這絕對是一個巨大的成就。雖然德國國 內的付費電視轉播市場還不太成熟,不過德甲班霸的商業開發能力卻異常出色,這確保了 他們的盈利。 Verdict: “It would be preferable to reach break-even by growing revenue, but that is future music, very reliant on commercial expansion plus a new (or redeveloped) stadium. Although Milan’s last results were within Uefa’s acceptable deviation, this was only achieved with the highly profitable sale of Kaka, which cannot be repeated every year, hence the push to cut the wage bill.” (Swiss Ramble, football finance blogger) 如果能靠著收入成長而達到收支平衡是最好的 不過那是將來靠著廣告擴展加上新球場才 可能發生的事 儘管前一年是勉強達到歐足聯的標準 但是是靠著高價賣掉卡卡 而且不是 每年都能重複 該減少薪水支出了 騰訊:前幾年出售卡卡,米蘭賺得了巨額轉會費,那筆錢也為米蘭填補了一些財政赤字。 但是紅黑軍團不可能每年都有卡卡這樣的巨星來出售,唯有開源節支才是正途。 利記 Verdict: “It is fair to say that Liverpool would not find it as hard as Chelsea and Manchester City and possibly even Manchester United. Looking at the top six clubs Liverpool are at the better end rather than the worse end but the Champions League is a big issue. Traditionally, they have budgeted to be in the Champions League for three seasons out of four. They will not be in the Champions League next season and there are question marks about the season after that.” (Professor Tom Cannon, University of Liverpool Management School) 在英超前六強球隊中 在財務部分利鳥該感到慶幸 但歐冠是個大問題 就過往來看 利鳥有 預算讓球隊在四個球季裡三度進入歐冠 但下一季無歐冠 再下一季更是個問號 騰訊:利物浦出現虧損的原因不同于切爾西和曼城,紅軍因為無緣歐冠損失了大量收入。 如果在未來可以重返歐冠聯賽,那麼利物浦的財政狀況必然恢復健康。 車車 Verdict: “If Chelsea do go on a summer spending spree without recouping some of their expenditure, then all bets could be off in terms of financial fair play. However, up until now, it looks to me as if they have been boxing rather more clever than many people have assumed. They are indeed well on course to break even, despite the astonishing expenditure in January, through things like improved commercial deals, profit on player sales, reduction in bonuses, and there is evidently some method in their apparent madness.” (Swiss Ramble, football finance blogger) 如果車車在夏轉再亂灑錢而不做資源回收的話 他們在FFP就玩完了 不過目前看起來他們 比大家想的聰明(?) 儘管在一月買了五千萬 但天子托雷的價值會在廣告收益上展現 還有 球員買賣利潤,減少獎金等等 顯然在極度癲狂之下還是有些方法的 科 騰訊:雖然近幾年切爾西在轉會市場上的燒錢勢頭已經減弱了許多,不過在年初藍軍還是 重金購入了托雷斯和路易斯,這讓切爾西的財政赤字更加嚴重。 Verdict: “Despite their vast broadcasting income, Barcelona would have breached financial fair play last year, which is why the new regime are trying to cut back. The problem is the wage bill. They also got really carried away with the Zlatan Ibrahimovic deal and the fees paid to agents. They will be fine but they need to calm down a bit and they might have to let some players go if they want to bring in expensive players.” (Andy Green, author of financial football blog AndersRed) 儘管巴薩有廣大的轉播權利金收入 但明年還是可能違反FFP 問題出在薪水單 在伊布的交易和經紀人費用還真的都給他失控了 會好轉的 但需要冷靜下來一點 並且若 想再鉅額引援就得讓某些球員離開 騰訊:巴塞羅那近幾年的成績冠絕歐洲,這意味著他們擁有的球員都是異常優秀的,高額 的工資和奪冠奬金讓巴薩俱樂部實在難以消化。 曼聯 Verdict: “They will be fine. The problem with United's debt is not that it will bust the club, but that there is such a huge amount of money wasted on interest payments every year. At the moment it is an affordable waste and will only become a problem if the club fails to qualify for the Champions League for a couple of seasons, which I can't see happening. The expensive PIK loans have now been ‘repaid’ and whatever has replaced them falls outside the FFP calculations.” (Andy Green, United fan and author of financial football blog AndersRed) 鬼鬼OK的 他們的問題在於每年都有有趣的大筆付款 對此刻的鬼鬼來說是可承受之重 只 有那種幾年沒能力進歐冠的球隊才要煩惱 而鬼鬼不會發生這種事 曼聯母公司的鉅額債務 現將要支付 無論如何這都跟FFP計算方式無關 (按:這句的意思難道是不管你母公司再怎 樣虧都不關我FFP的事嗎) 騰訊:雖然曼聯的各項收入都是冠絕歐洲,但是由于俱樂部欠下巨額債務,紅魔不得不每 年支出天價利息,這使得曼聯的財政狀況形勢相噹惡化。 曼城 Verdict: “They clearly have an issue to catch up and meet financial fair play. Even their participation in the Champions League next season will not completely cover their costs. They will have to get rid of some players and lower their wage bill to reduce their debts and be where they need to be.” (Emmanuel Hembert, football business expert for management consultants AT Kearney) 油王的問題就是該抓來給FFP整頓整頓 就算下一季可以參加歐冠也沒救啦 一目瞭然該處 理的方法就是砍球員降薪水這樣 騰訊:由于近幾年大肆購買球員,且要支付高額的工資,曼城的財政赤字已經達到驚人的 1.21億英鎊。如果想在歐足聯的財政公平競爭原則下生存,曼城得趕緊想辦法填補赤字了 。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Nodick:FFP應該是"俱樂部"花的不能大於賺的,跟母公司沒關係 05/13 04:39
Nodick:總的來說西甲雖然花的多,但他們賺的也多,所以還好 05/13 04:40
Nodick:比較會出現問題的應該是有"富爸爸"型的球會,如車子曼城 05/13 04:42
Nodick:轉會費、薪資支出都要算在俱樂部頭上,但是這些錢的來源卻 05/13 04:43
Nodick:可能很大一部份是來自老闆口袋,並非俱樂部自己賺的 05/13 04:44
Nodick:最可憐的是曼聯,怎麼看俱樂部都是賺很大,但是錢被窮爸爸 05/13 04:45
Nodick:拿去還老闆自身的債務...跟個提款機沒兩樣..以上有錯請指正 05/13 04:46
tsungpu:對FFP還不甚瞭解,想請問如果違反FFP會有什麼樣的處罰呢? 05/13 10:09
wing2000:有辦法走法律空檔吧,例如政府換地之類,讓球會的資產增加 05/13 10:15
wing2000:這樣就不算老闆口袋裡拿出來的啦 05/13 10:18
nigelnac:反正巴賽虧再多有乾爹照 是不可能讓他們不打歐冠的 05/13 11:40
mouz: 原來巴薩~是正牌的銀河艦隊啊 ㄎㄎ 05/13 12:25
想了解FFP我覺得看這篇不錯 http://ppt.cc/0fo8 滿易懂的 簡單說就是要減少天價交易跟減少球隊虧損的條例 宗旨是讓小球隊跟豪門的差距縮小 他們的想法是 規範球隊虧損限度 迫使球隊開發財源減少薪資 明星球員可能還是會維持高薪 但會有更多自由球員在市場流通 同時也鼓勵各球隊投資青訓營 小球隊更有機會找到好球員 但問題是 高薪球員跟普通球員的薪資差距勢必拉大 事實上 為了這項新政 歐足總過去五年已經開罰27支球隊 取消歐戰資格 但是我看不出豪門球隊被開罰的可能性 另外也有講到油王挖東牆補西牆的做法 上有政策下有對策 這項新政能否徹底成功 我是滿懷疑的 ※ 編輯: yangyx 來自: (05/13 12:53)
tsungpu:的確,只要用廣告贊助的名義把錢灌給球隊,應該就可以了. 05/13 12:58
JamesCaesar:沒那麼容易 05/13 13:03
lowlydog:阿布KGB都不怕 怕你什麼FFP XD 05/13 13:03
neoarfie:沒有國米 05/13 13:42
maikxz:德甲真的好厲害= =... 05/13 14:03
jayelvalove:油王應該再買一支球隊 高價收購曼城棄將 05/13 15:06
thegodofcold:借轉曼聯版 謝謝 05/13 15:27
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thegodofcold:Glazer說實在的對他沒什麼意見 05/13 15:27
thegodofcold:我只希望曼聯不要因為他的債務問題搞得很慘就好... 05/13 15:28
V8:曼城也算是豪門? 吐血... 05/13 17:32
GordonBrown:蠔門吧.. 05/13 17:54
Protice:豪門不一定是好門。 05/13 18:44
donglink:毫門 05/13 19:06
lanieon:「他們的問題在於每年都有有趣的大筆付款」的interest 05/13 20:14
lanieon:在這裡應該是譯成利息而不是有趣的比較好吧@@ 05/13 20:15
KSDenilson:我倒覺得是個不錯的意譯 05/13 22:16
KSDenilson:為什麼我們的錢會花到莫名奇妙的地方 這不有趣嗎? 05/13 22:19