看板 ManUtd 關於我們 聯絡資訊
08/01/2012 12:00, Report by Communications Department Scholes rejoins United Paul Scholes has rejoined the playing staff at Manchester United for the remainder of the season with immediate effect, after approaching Sir Alex Ferguson to reverse his decision, made at the end of last season, to retire. He has gone straight onto the bench for this afternoon’s FA Cup third round tie against Manchester City. Sir Alex Ferguson said: "It’s fantastic that Paul has made this decision. It ’s always sad to see great players end their careers, but especially so when they do it early. "But he has kept himself in great shape and I always felt that he had another season in him. It’s terrific to have him back." Paul Scholes added: "I’ve been pretty clear since I stopped playing that I miss it. I’m delighted the manager feels I can still make a contribution to the team and I’m looking forward to playing my part in trying to bring more success to this great club.” http://tinyurl.com/6shmmqb -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
simonohmygod:阿姑!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:07
Fergie:超讚的!!!!!!!!!!!!! 而且等一下比賽是替補!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:07
rockmanalpha:回來了回來了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:08
mouz:太誇張了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:08
gigi0227:阿姑!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:08
MemoriesUK:推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:08
purpleboy01:也太快速!!! 01/08 20:09
sisko196:回來了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:09
RedDevils:阿姑!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:09
Fergie:剛看到還不敢相信說! Paul "He Scores Goals" Scholes!\O/ 01/08 20:09
gfive3355: 01/08 20:09
Nodick:一帖急救藥.........但對曼聯的未來不是一個好方法 01/08 20:09
BobbyLashley:不管怎樣看到斯柯爾斯就是推 01/08 20:11
a3300689:不是好辦法加一... 夏天真的要做些改變了! 01/08 20:11
peach811215:阿姑!!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:11
lanieon:Paul Scholes , he scores goals!!! 01/08 20:12
BobbyLashley:現在的問題是他要穿幾號XD 18號已經給阿楊了 01/08 20:12
Fergie:應該定位是替補,總比老頭說的亂買一位不夠好的球員應急好 01/08 20:13
wintersoft:我覺得他會穿22號喔.... 01/08 20:13
stipetasi:要哭了!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:15
Fergie:我一定要買件這意義重大的非18號 Scholes 曼聯球衣! 01/08 20:15
lphd:YA!!!!! 01/08 20:15
kevinee:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:16
lphd:揪團燙球衣XD 01/08 20:16
kevinee:阿姑糾甘心!!!! 01/08 20:17
ChiumaO:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:17
grantlight:光他在場邊人的安定感就夠了!!!! 01/08 20:19
BobbyLashley:雖然他很久沒踢球了 不過我猜還是可以打趴吉不神 01/08 20:20
Nihplod:lol 屌 01/08 20:21
purpleboy01:對照18008 這實在是非常快速 \⊙▽⊙/ 01/08 20:22
tryit0902:真的還假的@@ 01/08 20:23
Fergie:是曼聯官網消息,而且已經坐上等一下德比戰的替補席了!! 01/08 20:25
mikewind:天啊~我快哭了QQ 超爽的!!! 01/08 20:28
swigo:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/08 20:31
donglink:淚推阿姑T___T 至少在精神戰力上已經加強許多了! 01/08 20:32
resoluteboy:Scholesy!!!!!!!! 01/08 21:17
rik:淚推阿姑!!!!!!! 01/08 21:21
selfrish:下半場才開始看,還在想:這22號是誰 01/08 23:08
purpleboy01:看金髮就好(誤 01/08 23:11
GoodSIS:Scholes 曼聯需要你, 你就義不容辭的回歸, 太感動了. 01/09 01:20
catenaccio:非MU迷, 但也淚推 01/09 12:42
hellgate:PES2012快點釋出球員更新吧!!我要用有阿姑的曼聯阿!! 01/09 12:48