看板 Mansun 關於我們 聯絡資訊
為什麼沒人翻啊..... 想出這個活動的人應該身先士卒才對(指)XD 我就從我喜歡的幾首歌中挑一首簡單的來翻好了:p Keep telling myself Keep telling myself 我持續地告訴自己 Day after day I go on and on 我日一復一日地努力前進 So I appeal to the god above 所以我訴求於上帝 A million men go marching on 無數同樣在前進的人 They look at the moon but I look at the sun 他們看著月亮但我注視著太陽 Because I believe in something else 因為我相信某些力量 Helping me through when my soul is spent 能在我的靈魂精疲力盡時幫助我 It's something that's in me 在我的體內正存有這種力量 Something that drives me on 它驅動著我 When I wanna give up 當我想要放棄的時候 I just keep repeating 我只是不斷地重覆著 The world is so wonderful 這世界是如此美好 I tell myself 我這樣告訴自己 And everything's alright 而且一切都安好 Everything's alright 一切都安好 I keep telling myself 我持續告訴自己 There must be a reason 一定有個理由 There's got to be something else 一定有某種力量 'Cos of what's gone on 我才得以堅持下去 翻譯心得:Paul撐住啊 ( ̄  ̄||) 歡迎大家一起來玩 翻一首給300p幣(因為沒什麼錢...) -- Political,opinionated,energetic and determined. You've triumphed over tragedy and proved that nothing can stop you. Stay beautiful,darling! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Gronkjaer 來自: (08/11 03:28)
Mansun:推,我也想說要「身先士卒」 08/11
Mansun:不過還是先觀望一番,對自己的英文有點沒信心.... 08/11