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※ 引述《binbin1 (￾ ￾ )》之銘言: : (3)0的0次方為什麼無意義 (SORRY because I can't type Chinese now!) First, a^0=1 because mathmatician simply define a^0 = lim a^x = 0 x->0 Second, usually we say 0^0=1 you can try many software for example Matlab, Maple consider 0^a=0 and a^0=1 for any a>0 we have a problem: lim x^a = 0 lim a^x = 1 x->0 x->0 I believe the true reason is the below lim x^x = 1 x->0+ Proof. Say the value of the above is k. Now ln is continuous so lim xln(x) = ln(k) x->0+ But ln(x) lim xln(x) = lim ------- = lim (-x) = 0 by L'Hospital's Rule x->0+ x->0+ 1/x x->0+ so ln(k) = 0 -- 朋友,您戴綠帽嗎?ꐊ穨Q偵探事務所專職以下服務: -- 外遇調查 -- 婚前徵信、婚外情、二奶、監聽、蒐證、捉姦 -- 離婚法律諮詢 -- 小孩監護權、感情挽回、贍養費 誠懇負責,經驗老道,初次諮詢完全免費。 (我和新警察小五一點關係也沒有!!) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: littlefive 來自: (12/02 11:52) ※ 編輯: littlefive 來自: (12/02 12:06)
totowo:L'Hospital's Rule 要求分子分母的極限 12/02
totowo:分子分母的極限都為0 12/02
※ 編輯: littlefive 來自: (02/28 11:04)