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應推文稍微簡介一下characteristic (順便複習XD) let R(=\={0}) be a ring with unit e let a屬於R => f:Z->R is a ring-homo f(1)=e f(n)=na ker(f) is an ideal of Z and in fact, ker(f) = kZ for some k屬於 N聯集{0} suppose that k =\= 0 => kx=0, for all x 屬於 R we say that R has characteristic k <ex> f:Z->Z f(1)=1 f(n)=n =>ker(f)=0 we say that Z has characteristic 0 Q: what is the characteristic of Q ? A: f:Z->Q f(1)=1 f(n)=n =>ker(f) = 0 Q: what is the characteristic of Z/5Z ? A: f:Z->Z/5Z f(1)=1(mod 5) f(n)=n(mod 5) =>ker(f) = 5Z Z/5Z has characteristic 5 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hanabiz :有打錯或哪邊太簡略看不懂請推文 01/04 23:50
jacky7987 :喔喔感謝學長﹨(╯▽╰)∕ 01/04 23:51
jacky7987 :所以(a+b)^p≡a^p+b^p只有在char(R)是p的時候才會對 01/04 23:52
jacky7987 :是嗎? 01/04 23:52