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※ 引述《dondonmike (我很單純)》之銘言: : Let V be the real vector space of all function f from R to R : prove or disprove following sets of functions are subspace of V : 1. all f such that f(x^2)=f(x)^2 Let A={f in V: f(x^2)=[f(x)]^2 for all x} 設 f, g in A, a, b in R. (af+bg)(x^2) = af(x^2)+bg(x^2) = a[f(x)]^2 + b[g(x)]^2 ≠{af(x)+bg(x)}^2 in general. 故 A 非 V 之 subspace. : 2. all f such that f(0)=1 Let B={f in V, f(0)=1} 設 f, g in A, a, b in R. 則 (af+bg)(0) = af(0)+bg(0) = a+b in general ≠ 1 故 B 非 V 之 subspace. 以下自己做吧! : 3. all f such that f(0)=1+f(1) : 4. all f which are continues -- 嗨! 你好! 祝事事如意, 天天 happy! 有統計問題? 歡迎光臨統計專業版! :) 交大資訊次世代 telnet://bs2.twbbs.org Statistics (統計與機率) 成大計中站 telnet://bbs.ncku.edu.tw Statistics (統計方法及學理討論區) 盈月與繁星 telnet://ms.twbbs.org Statistics (統計:讓數字說話) 我們強調專業的統計方法、實務及學習討論, 只想要題解的就抱歉了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: