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1.find a finite ring with characteristic 4. 2.find a infinite ring with characteristic 4. 3. f:R→S is a homo of rings with identity and u is a unit in R such that f(u) is a unit in S, then f(1_R)=1_S and f(u^-1)=f(u)^-1 4. |G|=(p^n)q, with p>q(p, q are primes), then G contians a unique normal subgroup of index q. 5.找一個環(包含identity u) 其子環的identiy不為u. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lockheart :3.f(1_R)=f((1_R)^2)=f(1_R)^2. Since 1_R is a unit 06/23 18:32
lockheart :in R, f(1_R) is a unit in S. By cancellation law 06/23 18:33
lockheart :we can find that f(1_R)=1_S. Moreover 1_S=f(1_R) 06/23 18:35
lockheart :=f(u*u^-1)=f(u)*f(u^-1) for some unit u in R, 06/23 18:36
lockheart :f(u^-1)=f(u)^-1. 06/23 18:37
lockheart :4. R_1*R_2 and {0}*R_2 06/23 18:44
感謝!!! ※ 編輯: hotplushot 來自: (06/23 19:53)
Vulpix :4. Sylow's Thm. 06/23 21:07
Vulpix :1. Z/(4) 2. 無限多個Z/(4)直積 06/23 21:10
RoamingGhost:or any polynomial ring over Z/4Z, like Z/4Z [t] 06/24 00:35