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※ 引述《baogua (爆掛)》之銘言: : It began to snow on a certain morning, and the snow continued to fall steadily : throughout the day. At noon a snowplow started to clear a road at a constant : rate in terms of the volume of snow removed per hour. The snowplow cleared : 2 miles by 2 pm and 1 more mile by 4 pm. When did it start snowing? 抱歉我用我的方式重做 (單位用來檢查因次) 假設下雪開始的時刻為 T (單位:hr。24時制) 單位長度馬路的積雪速率為 s (單位:m^3/(mi.hr)) 鏟雪速率為 C (單位:m^3/hr) 假設鏟雪機不會繞回原處清理新的積雪, 其推進距離對時間的函數為 x(t) 距離 x(12)=0 x x+dx ─┼────────────┼─┼───→ | 華山一條路.鏟過不回頭 | | ─┼────────────┼─┼───→ 時刻 t=12 t t+dt 假設在時刻 t~t+dt 時,鏟雪機從 x 推進到 x+dx dt時間內鏟雪量 Cdt (m^3) 推進長度 dx(mi) = ──────── = ────────── 單位長度積雪量 (t-T)s (m^3/mi) dx C → ─ = ─── dt (t-T)s s dt → ─ dx = ── , 從 t=12 ~ t=t 做定積分, x(12)=0 C t-T s t-T → ─ x = ㏑(──) C 12-T 2s 14-T ╭ x(14) = 2 → ─ = ㏑(──) 代入 | C 12-T 邊界 ┤ 條件 | 3s 16-T ╰ x(16) = 3 → ─ = ㏑(──) C 12-T 16-T 14-T 兩式相除 → 2 ㏑(──) = 3 ㏑(──) 12-T 12-T 16-T 2 14-T 3 取 exp → (──) = (──) 12-T 12-T 2 3 令 w = 12-T > 0 → w(w+4) = (w+2) → w = -1+√5 → T = 13-√5 # -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: oNeChanPhile 來自: (10/21 17:07)