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※ 引述《iamsheep (??)》之銘言: : 1.Suppose f'(1) = 1. Find the limit lim [f(x^2)-f(1)]/(x+1) : x->-1 : ans:-2 : 2.Suppose f(1) = -1 and f'(1) = 2. : Find the limit lim [x^2f(1)-f(x^2)]/(x-1) : x->1 : ans:-6 : 3.given that f(2) = 1 and f'(2) = 0,Find the limit : lim [xf(2)-2f(x)]/(x-2) : x->2 : ans:1 : 請問怎麼解? 2. lim (x^2f(1)-f(x^2))/(x-1) = lim f(1)(x^2-1)/(x-1) + lim(f(1)-f(x^2))/(x-1) = ... 3. lim (xf(2)-2f(x))/(x-2) = lim f(2)(x-2)/(x-2) + 2(f(2)-f(x))/(x-2) = ... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dogy007 :想起國中分解因式的加一項減一項了嗎 :-) 11/06 19:41
iamsheep :這個解法好難懂 11/06 22:00
ntust661 :DOG大大已經把寫法解很白了阿@@ 11/06 22:26
jacky7987 :sheep 其實可能只是不熟悉作法吧 慢慢習慣就好:D 11/06 22:36