看板 Math 關於我們 聯絡資訊
請教大大 "The image of a Cantor set for a homeomorphism between topological spaces is a Cantor set." 這句話該怎麼證明? 或者說有references可提供小弟參閱研讀? 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jacky7987 :證明他是沒有內點的完美集? 05/28 20:30
cholauda :哦...只有給這麼一句話...應該是這個意思吧?! 05/29 13:53
jacky7987 :Let C be a cantor set, and f be a homeo. 05/29 16:17
jacky7987 :If int(f(C)) is nonempty, 05/29 16:19
jacky7987 :suppose x is in int(f(C)) and a nhd U of x 05/29 16:19
jacky7987 :then f^{-1}(U) is a open set in C 05/29 16:20
jacky7987 :(應該是這樣吧 05/29 16:21
jacky7987 :接著就只要證明f(C)'=f(C) 應該也算簡單吧XD 05/29 16:21
jacky7987 :只是我不確定這樣是不就是Cantor set就試了 05/29 16:22
cholauda :謝謝大大~ 我來研讀一下~ 05/29 18:53
sneak : 接著就只要證明f(C) https://noxiv.com 08/13 16:53
sneak : 謝謝大大~ 我來研讀一 https://daxiv.com 09/17 14:49