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※ 引述《jing7 (jing)》之銘言: : 證明 : A={(x,y):x^2+y^2>1} : is open in R2 : 完全不會 : 實在麻煩各位幫我解答 謝謝 2 2 Given p=(x,y) in A. We can choose ε=√(x + y ) - 1 to form an open ball 2 2 2 B(p,ε) = {(x',y') | (x'-x) + (y'-y) < ε }. 2 2 Then we must show that x' + y' > 1 (ie. (x',y') in A). Note that we can reparameterize (x',y') in B(p,ε): x' = x + ε'cosθ, y' = y + ε'sinθ, 0≦θ≦2π, 0 ≦ε'<ε 2 2 2 2 2 Then, x' + y' = (x + y ) + ε' + ε'(xsinθ+ycosθ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 > (x + y ) + 0 - (√(x + y ) - 1)√(x + y ) = 1. So, (x', y') in A and B(p,ε) is contained in A. Then, p is an interior point. Futhermore, p is arbitrary. Therefore, A is open. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: yueayase (, 03/20/2015 21:22:27