看板 Mavericks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Nelson calls Rosas' departure an "unfortunate situation'' -- Dwain Price October 29, 2013 來源:http://ppt.cc/vx6u DALLAS -- Donnie Nelson, the president of basketball operations for the Dallas Mavericks, just cleared the air a bit on the departure of general manager Gersson Rosas. Well, Nelson sort of cleared the air. On an appearance on WFAA-TV, Channel 8 during the 6 p.m. newscast, sports anchor Dale Hansen asked Nelson if it's true Rosas wanted to call all the basketball shots instead of working with Nelson. "I'm really not at liberty to comment, unfortunately,'' Nelson told Hansen. "But I will say that it's an unfortunate situation and we wish him nothing but the best.'' The Mavs hired Rosas away from the Houston Rockets on July 22. The two parties parted ways earlier Tuesday. 簡單翻譯:我們暑假從Houston Rockets找來的GM:Gersson Rosas被炒魷魚了 然後基本上對於原因無可奉告 WFAA-TV, Channel有問說是不是因為Rosas想要掌握球隊的決定權而不是和小尼一起合作 不過小尼說:無可奉告,只希望在這個不幸的時刻能給他最好的祝福 補充: Marc Stein: Sources tell ESPN trigger for Gersson Rosas' departure was Rosas' desire to head basketball operations in Dallas. Mavs brought him in from Houston to inject new voice/ideas in supplementary role to longtime president of basketball ops Donnie Nelson 來源:http://ppt.cc/fL2Q 基本上小牛找Rosas來只是希望他提供一些新穎的意見和想法,但是他想要領導整個球隊 的操作,所以因為理念不和,就掰掰了~ ESPN關於此事之報導: http://ppt.cc/FFeq (內容大同小異 就不翻了) 心得:不知道是小尼繼續回來當GM還是會再找一個新的 2014選秀算是近年來最大的一個選秀了 以今年來看戰績預估 應該是6.7.8名進季後賽 保住第一輪簽(前20保護) 加上2013從Celtics換來的一個二輪簽加上自己的二輪 操作空間還蠻大的 期待明天新球季開打囉!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: