看板 MiamiHeat 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Ira Winderman 南佛羅里達太陽哨兵報記者(待了22年) 也是熱火的隨隊記者 Arriving Wright on schedule 就在交易日截止時,油頭忍受了奢侈稅, 但是本來可以用來省錢的小DW表現卻越來越不好了。 除了小DW在熱火主場輸給灰狼的比賽中砍下26分, 這個小DW和前五個賽季渾渾噩噩的那小子沒什麼兩樣。 隨後小DW酒後駕駛,接著又在網上爆出不雅照片。 但是,最近,小DW表現非常好,沒錯,就是最近。 在過去的四場比賽中,這位邁阿密替補小前鋒得分三次上雙, 兩次至少拿下7個籃板並且有兩場至少投進4個三分球。(終於養出來了 今天打得也不錯) 小DW和Haslem、Chalmers保證了熱火替補陣容的進攻火力。(今日高樹表現......) 熱火在週三晚上擊敗76人,將連勝紀錄提升到9場, 這也是目前聯盟的最長連勝紀錄。 小DW說: “作為替補陣容中的一員, 我們必須努力打出第一陣容所沒有的火力, 我們的任務就是當某些隊友手感不好的時候, 我們要對球隊有所推動。” 最近DW的手感非常好,對陣76人時, 小DW是球隊在第四節得分最多的人, 三分球三投三中,拿下九分。 “最重要的是做好準備,”小DW說: “Wade是個了不起的比賽掌控者,只要他願意, 他就能進入油漆區,要做的就是準備好自己的手和投籃的信心。” 最近,小DW在場上的效率比洨畢高, 但是小DW還需要發掘自身的潛力,將自己的作用發揮到最大。 小DW現在爆發再好不過了,這證明熱火在他身上的投資比避免奢侈稅來得值得。 原文: No sooner did Pat Riley leave the Heat in the luxury tax at the trading deadline, then Dorell Wright, the player who could have been cast aside to save that dollar-for-dollar penalty, went decidedly south with his play. Save for a 26-point performance in a loss to Minnesota, Wright was as nondescript as he had been during most of his first five seasons with the Heat. Then came the DUI. Then came some indecent Internet exposure. But lately? Lately, Wright has been, well, Wright on cue. Over the last four games, the reserve forward has scored in double digits three times, gabbed at least seven rebounds twice, and recorded at least four 3-pointers twice. He has helped anchor the second unit along with Udonis Haslem and Mario Chalmers. “With the second unit, we have to bring the energy the first unit isn’t bringing,” he said after Wednesday’s victory over the 76ers extended the Heat’s league-best winning streak to nine. “It’s our job to give those guys an extra boost when some guys are not shooting it well.” Lately, Wright has shot very well. In fact, overlooked Wednesday was that Wright led the Heat with nine fourth-quarter points against Philadelphia, shooting 3 of 3 from beyond the arc in the period. “The number-one thing is preparation,” Wright said of thriving off kick-out passes to the corner from Dwyane Wade. “Dwyane is a great play-maker. He gets into the paint whenever he wants to. I just have to have my hands ready and shoot with a lot of confidence.” Lately, Wright has been more productive than Michael Beasley. But he also stands as a lesson in the reality of how raw, youthful potential can eventually come around. The timing for Wright could not have been better. The investment by the Heat has proven to be less taxing than initially thought. 原文:http://0rz.tw/bNsrp 翻譯:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/1004/1229834.html 這篇原文沒看過 不知道對岸鄉民翻譯有無翻錯 大家有空可以看一下 應該沒錯吧 DW今年表現真的不錯!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
blur13:花了好久時間養阿 希望MB不要也這樣Orz 04/11 00:11