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Ira Winderman 南佛羅里達太陽哨兵報記者(待了22年) 也是熱火的隨隊記者 ASK IRA: How vital is adding the Raptors’ pick? Q: 看穿你內心的我的眼: 我認為除了自由市場釣大魚, 沒有什麼比暴龍搭上季後賽末班車 讓熱火拿到第二個首輪選秀權更重要了。 理由如下: 11年的NBA可能面臨罷工停賽, 更多的大學生會選擇參加選秀, 哪怕這對剛讀完一年的學生來說有點冒險, 新秀的品質因此會有所提高。 另外,大家都在關注超賽跟老鷹的割喉排名, 我覺得畫圈圈詛咒公牛&祈求讓暴龍晉級 才是現階段唯二重要的事情啊。 A: 我同意。 至於用這個選秀權來選個價廉物美的藍領還是增加交易籌碼, 這是熱火制服組這個夏天要考慮的。 這是個樂透保護的選秀權,操作難度有所增加, 但我們會堅定使快速提升實力這個目標不受動搖。 Q: 雖然說臭皮匠都會事後諸葛亮, 但你難道不認為濕婆應該用上前半個賽季的時間來開發洨畢呢? A: 你覺得他什麼都沒做? 那你認為濕婆以迅雷不及掩耳盜鈴之勢把洨畢提到先發陣容裡面是在幹什麼? 可憐的牙套男可能都沒來得及表個態。 Q: Arroyo最近不是一般的風騷, 你覺得這位在熱火成功發展第二春的傢伙明年能在NBA中繼續生存下去嗎? A: 確定一定以及肯定! 而且我想有情有義的西斯人-Arroyo會選擇再次以底薪與熱火續約的。(I hope so) 作為厚道的制服組,油頭也會非常非常非常慷慨的給你一個有保障的底薪合同。 Q: 為了洨畢,我曾經很傻很天真的批判你, 但他週三晚上的表現讓我徹底失望了。 他傷了我們這些西斯人的心, 傷得我們心力憔悴無力抗拒, 傷得我們疲憊不堪無力愛下去。 你看看他,近期表現一落千丈, 他現在打得太糟了。濕婆、Zo跟油頭必須做點什麼吧。-Wade A: 做人要厚道,這麼尖銳地說一個球員夠槍斃五分鐘的。 話說回來,洨畢也該擺正心態在餘下的比賽中努力。 Q: 我聽說暴龍正在預謀先簽後換龍王的同時打包拋掉火槍兵。 你覺得熱火會感興趣嗎?(頭殼壞去才這麼幹 除非有別隊肯收) A: 有火槍,沒空間。 吸收了這麼大的合約我們哪有錢來續約洨歐。(可洨歐不是說為了奪冠不計較薪水了嗎^.<) 原文: Q: Just an observation and wondering your thoughts: To me, having Toronto make the playoffs, and thereby granting the Heat a second first-rounder, is as important as anything that happens before the free-agent chase this summer. With a looming lockout in 2011, more college kids will be coming out than ever before, making it as deep, albeit risky with one-and-dones, a draft as there has been in awhile. While most are checking Boston and Atlanta scores, I think rooting for Toronto wins and Chicago losses is most important. Thoughts? A: I agree. Whether it is adding cheap, affordable labor, or whether it is adding another potential trade chip, it is something the Heat needs in this summer of decision. Yes, the lottery protection lessens down the road, but a quick upgrade is the goal. Q: I know hindsight is always 20-20, but don’t you think Spo should’ve used the first half of the season to see what we have in Beasley? — Gerald. A: Should have? What do you think he did when he granted Michael the starting position even though Michael didn’t necessarily earn the nod over Udonis Haslem? Q: Arroyo has really made a difference. Do you think he will be back in the NBA next year? — Freddy. A: Absolutely. And I think he will be back with the Heat for another year at the minimum, albeit this time with a guaranteed contract. Q: I want to apologize for saying that you hate Michael. I said that because I really got disappointed after Wednesday night because of his play. The thing about Beasley is that the kid is disappointing his believers like me. He has been playing awfully and it’s just terrible watch his downfall. The coach, Alonzo or Riley had better do something about it. — Wade. A: I think you can only take a player so far. He has to want to push himself the rest of the way. Q: I read a report the Raptors might want to unload Turkoglu with Bosh in a sign-and-trade this summer. Would the Heat be interested? — Ralph. A: While this team had liked Turkoglu during previous free-agency periods, that would be a lot of salary to absorb from a team that would have no interest in re-acquiring Jermaine O'Neal. 原文:http://0rz.tw/ffx2T 翻譯:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/1004/1229968.html 希望拿到選秀權 又不希望暴龍當老八給騎士輕鬆過關 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iecdalu 來自: (04/11 00:28) ※ 編輯: iecdalu 來自: (04/11 00:29)