看板 MiamiHeat 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Ira Winderman 南佛羅里達太陽哨兵報記者(待了22年) 也是熱火的隨隊記者 熱火輸球報告:一場糟糕的方式結束連勝。 這個結果相當一部分的功勞要感謝曾經的季後賽殺手洨王子-Prince和板凳暴徒-Gordon, 是他們不屈服的意志摧毀了我們... 當然,不排除他們是想起當年Wade的暴行而發狂。(06年季後賽鬼神表現) 東區第五的位置依然還是公鹿,他們今天獲得了勝利。 洨萊特和牙套男在比賽中很好的完成了替補的任務, 只不過主力的表現差了點。 熱火最終輸了7分,這是在Stuckey和Rip不能上場的情況下取得的成果。 高樹在第一節最後時刻嘗試3分時遭C. Atkins 犯規, 3罰全中,帶領熱隊23-27落後進入第二節。 心裡上的起伏成為了熱火的問題,濕婆說: "我們的隊伍開始不太重視對手, 隨著比賽的進行,我們經常想, Wade上場之後就會好起來的, 這種狀態對我們來說是個越挖越大的陷阱” 這種危險在比賽來到51比42的來臨, 超過57.5%的命中率,半場卻以53比48落後。 缺席多場比賽的洨王子,今天對上熱火很快就找到了感覺, 半場13中9狂砍20分,這也是熱火隊本賽季讓第六個球員在半場就過了20分。 另外一個暴徒Gordon,今天找到了公牛時的感覺, 在第三節引領球隊曾經以10分領先熱火。 雙方以81比76進入第四節,熱火的投籃命中率高達為55.2%(全場16次失誤) 在落後的局面下,板凳上的牙套男和洨萊特站了出來,讓比賽膠著起來。 牙套男已經是連續5場籃板至少十個,他正不斷刷新著自己的記錄。 高樹在季後賽日益臨近的時候也恢復了信心。(但今天失誤過多) Wade461場先發記錄追平了Glen Rice的隊史紀錄, 而他早早的切換了助攻狀態,半場就拿6次助攻。 Tim Grover,Wade的訓練師,又來到了這裡。 濕婆總是喜歡讓熱火的球員們進入充滿活力的狀態。(>///<) 下一次打主場,也是本季例行賽最後一次, 熱火將要對上籃網......同樣是美國時間晚上8點,遺憾的是美國沒什麼大電視臺轉播................ 油頭花了些時間去參加了當地電視臺的一個節目, 提及包括Wade的夏季自由球員的情況,(今天現場主播也有專訪他幾分鐘) “不僅是Wade想要獲得屬於他的合約, 我也覺得他會得到。 我們也在尋找能和他搭檔的好球員, 他會在熱火待很久的......”(賣房子是哪一招@@a) 至於牙套男的夏季續約問題,油頭說: “我會讓他永遠成為熱火的一份子的,我們正在努力”(Good~~~~熱火魂的代表!!!!!!) 油頭還提到他的大學球探和NCAA錦標賽, “我想我花了三天看了大概17場的比賽, 看到了很多很多有天賦,有技術的好球員。 事實上,我們現在有2個選秀權,夏天看著吧!!!!”(油頭大展身手!!!!!!) 原文: Observations from Friday’s 106-99 loss to the Pistons at AmericanAirlines Arena: ‧An ugly way to end a winning streak. ‧It almost was as if former playoff pests Tayshaun Prince and Ben Gordon wanted to get in one more bit of torment before heading home for the postseason. ‧No. 5 in the East now appears unlikely, what with Milwaukee winning Friday. ‧Dorell Wright and Udonis Haslem did their parts off the bench, but there wasn’t enough from the starters. ‧Mario Chalmers was fouled by Chucky Atkins while attempting a 3-pointer with two-tenths of a second to play in the opening period, converting all three free throws to draw the Heat within 27-23. ‧The Heat fell behind by seven in the opening period despite Detroit playing without injured backcourt starters Rodney Stuckey and Richard Hamilton. ‧Such uneven starts have become an issue for the Heat. “The team feels like no matter what happens or who we play against, however the game is developing, like we have a chance to win every single time out,” coach Erik Spoelstra said. “And again, that’s good. But that state of mind can also be dangerous and it can be a trap.” ‧The danger turned into a 51-42 deficit late in the first half, with the Pistons at 57.5 percent from the field at halftime, in possession of a 53-48 lead. ‧Prince was back after missing the Pistons’ previous game and made his presence felt early, shooting 9 of 13 for 20 first-half points, becoming the sixth player with a 20-point half against the Heat this season. ‧Then there was Gordon, who was tormenting the Heat as if he was back with the Bulls, pushng the Pistons’ lead to 10 midway through the third quarter. ‧The Pistons led 81-76 heading into the fourth, at 55.2 percent from the field at that point. ‧But the Heat bench helped close the gap. Chalmers, Wright, Haslem and Joel Anthony again proved energizing. ‧Haslem reached double-digits in rebounds for a fifth consecutive game, matching the longest such streak of his career. ‧Chalmers, in fact, has restored faith as the Heat approaches the postseason. ‧Dwyane Wade made his 461st start, tying Glen Rice for the franchise’s all-time lead. Wade was in passing mode early, with six first-half assists. ‧Tim Grover, Wade’s Chicago-based trainer, again was in the building. ‧Spoelstra’s theme of the game was “Energy Player.” ‧The Heat’s home finale, next Wednesday against the Nets, remains an 8 p.m. start, despite not being picked up for national television. ‧Heat President Pat Riley spent extended time on the Heat television broadcast in the third quarter. He again spoke optimistically of re-signing Wade as a free agent this summer. “Not only is he going to end up getting the contract that I think he deserves,” Riley said, “we’re going to try to find the pieces to be able to play with him, alongside him not for just a season but a long time.” ‧As for potentially losing Haslem to free agency, Riley said, “We want to keep him in Miami forever and we’re going to try do that.” ‧Riley also addressed his college scouting and the NCAA Tournament. “I watched I think 17 games in about three days and I’ve seen a lot of players. There are a lot of very, very good players out there and if, in fact, we have two first round picks this year I think we’ll get two very good players.” 原文:http://0rz.tw/4gMwU 翻譯:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/1004/1231013.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
iecdalu:如果有翻錯請告知 我也只是複製修改貼上~~ 04/11 00:46
NicoRobin26:希望選秀能先從大黑柱下手 04/11 09:47
tpboy39:希望暴龍能進季後賽 04/11 10:11
ggosiang:希望牙套再長高4吋 04/11 11:26
GOLxDxROGER:濕懶可以吃真享高 真的再長高就好 04/11 12:50
offinicalart:牙套男最近真另人驚艷,不但籃板績效嚇人,進攻也 04/11 13:07
offinicalart:時有佳作,他的武器已經不只跳投跟籃下打板,切入進 04/11 13:08
offinicalart:步很多,以前切進去都抖抖的,現在命中率很高,每場 04/11 13:08
offinicalart:比賽也都會出現一兩次,熱火有他真好 04/11 13:09
BlueSatan:合約年,總是要爆發一嚇得,不然可能連中產都拿不到~~ 04/11 14:14
BlueSatan:附帶一題,公鹿又輸了,下場對老鷹也凶多吉少,Wade休息吧 04/11 14:14
BlueSatan:希望接下來的賽程Wade都不上練小畢,跟公鹿比誰會輸~~ 04/11 14:15
krajicek:可是熱火還有掉到第七的可能,三場至少要贏一場才會穩 04/11 18:21
krajicek:熱火目前是44-35,山貓是43-37,要是戰績平手算山貓贏 04/11 18:22
krajicek:所以可不要練兵練到最後反而掉到第七,那就不妙了 04/11 18:23
thoraxe:對上普賽跟老鷹還有可能晉級 騎士跟魔術就不要妄想了... 04/11 19:10
ignativs:我是覺得季後賽因該要讓小哈打先發 特別是打塞隊 04/11 19:39
ignativs:遇到KG小畢會很吃虧 他打替補的話可以發揮他的得分 04/11 19:42
ignativs:問題是小畢最近低潮 如果放到替補更會讓她沒自信 04/11 19:42
NicoRobin26:不用都不上 上個20分鐘多就夠了 04/11 20:09
offinicalart:話說公鹿跟普賽季末要打這麼多場,季後不PK太可惜了 04/11 20:25
GOLxDxROGER:普賽到底會不會進化呢 04/11 21:18
iecdalu:還是對老鷹吧 報去年的仇 兩邊今年都有進步 再來經典七戰 04/11 23:18