看板 MiamiHeat 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/6xqtu6h 1:05 p.m. CDT, April 11, 2011 Yahoo! Sports reports: Former Bulls center Eddy Curry did not receive a contract offer after working out for the Miami Heat and has returned home to Chicago, league sources said. Heat president Pat Riley and coach Erik Spoelstra weren’t convinced that Curry, who was overweight at more than 350 pounds and hasn’t played this season after being cut loose by the New York Knicks, was worth dropping a young player off their roster, sources said. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: eertllams 來自: (04/12 03:06)
dwyanes:很好 原陣容衝吧 04/12 03:13
dwyanes:下季請早 04/12 03:15
hssz:看來體檢沒過 04/12 03:28
NicoRobin26:完全懂了 04/12 03:28
hssz:不過今年暑假練一練,明年拼底薪加入吧 04/12 03:29
frankmaki:好好練吧...下一季還是有機會的.. 04/12 03:50
RamonJames:350 lbs = = 04/12 05:03
oplz:不意外啊.. 肥子在 Miami 是沒有機會的 04/12 05:57
diplazium:對啊...就像O'Neal一樣...XD 04/12 06:55
firewill:明年在簽吧....明年禁區的老將不知道還會剩下幾個... 04/12 08:53
firewill:應該說是下個球季 04/12 08:53
w61036:咦 當年大歐在熱火體脂很低喔? 04/12 09:54
firewill:當年季前賽體脂肪沒過的分別是冏面人和Posey 04/12 10:34
firewill:歐肥被湖人交易後奮發減肥,還把薪資降到20M.... 04/12 10:36
sneak: 應該說是下個球季 https://noxiv.com 08/08 10:42
sneak: 歐肥被湖人交易後奮發減 https://daxiv.com 09/11 01:08
muxiv: //noxiv.com https://moxox.com 04/19 18:17